Astrophysicists are drowning in rampant racism, the white version, of course.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

A professor at Colorado College described the field of astrophysics as one "steeped in systemic racism and white supremacy" in a recent interview with the school's website.

Natalie Gosnell, a professor of physics at Colorado College, told her interviewer that the idea of black-and-white thinking, without grey areas, which she says is prevalent in her field, is a tenet of white supremacy.

So how many here don't think everything is grey instead of black and white? People who are not racist should not be saying yes or no, instead they should be saying definitely maybe.

Hmm? Come on, admit you are all racists.

If you think with grey matter why don't you see everything as grey?

Makes no sense.
Yeah because in physics it’s surely bad to have standards or be clear about what is or isn’t true.
Neither does your post.
It makes perfect sense, just like the Left leaning professor makes sense

This type of assumption that you can clearly see I'm not making any sense indicates you are a racist

This is a grey area that is hard to understand.
It makes perfect sense, just like the Left leaning professor makes sense

This type of assumption that you can clearly see I'm not making any sense indicates you are a racist

This is a grey area that is hard to understand.
Did you read the entire article? The left leaning professor is a nut case.
From her personal web page:
"I also am a co-creator of The Gift – an installation theater piece that activates my research on blue straggler stars created together with Janani Balasubramanian and Andrew Kircher. We aim to cross typical disciplinary boundaries to create art-science pieces that re-inscribe outer space as feminist space."
It makes perfect sense, just like the Left leaning professor makes sense

This type of assumption that you can clearly see I'm not making any sense indicates you are a racist

This is a grey area that is hard to understand.
It does not make sense except to other nut cases. Calling someone you disagree with a racist only proves the fallibility of your assertion. In the field of science 1 + 1 equals 2 whether you are black, white, brown or polka dot. Racism doesn't enter in.
I believe the Nazis called relativity 'Jewish physics'. And the Soviets did not like it either.

[ Deutsche Physik - Wikipedia ]

[ Stalin, the big bang and quantum physics ]

It's the totalitarian mindset, now growing in the culture medium of the 'woke' movement.

It's especially virulent where the wielders of power are not intelligent enough to understand the theories they're denouncing, which I suspect is the case with woman ... it's what you get with Affirmative Action hires in academia.

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