Racism in Blue


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

Upon first reading, this article exposes an appalling culture of anti-Black police racism in a couple of specific communities, purporting to be representative of the general reality. I don't doubt it.

But when is racism justified? It is doubtful that "white" police officers initially have racist attitudes. There is screening that is supposed to weed out that sort of recruit. And it is generally reported that the same "racist" attitudes are present in experienced Black officers, once they have been on the street for a while. Clearly, the experience of being a police officer in a community with significant Black population is a major contributor to developing racist attitudes. And how could it not be? The kinds of crimes that draw the attention of police - violent crimes against persons, street drugs, burglary, robbery - are committed disproportionately by Black perpetrators.

If most of the bad actors that you encounter are wearing green hoodies, don't you think you are going to start focusing on people wearing green hoodies? It is only natural.

All you can ask of police is that they ENFORCE THE LAW in a color-blind manner. Focus on specific suspects based on the evidence that is known and not the race of the suspects. Treat everyone according to their own behavior, and not according to your expectations about their behavior.

Telling police not to enforce the law with respect to crimes that are uniformly committed by Blacks is no solution; it is a recipe for disaster.

At least that's what I think.

Upon first reading, this article exposes an appalling culture of anti-Black police racism in a couple of specific communities, purporting to be representative of the general reality. I don't doubt it.

But when is racism justified? It is doubtful that "white" police officers initially have racist attitudes. There is screening that is supposed to weed out that sort of recruit. And it is generally reported that the same "racist" attitudes are present in experienced Black officers, once they have been on the street for a while. Clearly, the experience of being a police officer in a community with significant Black population is a major contributor to developing racist attitudes. And how could it not be? The kinds of crimes that draw the attention of police - violent crimes against persons, street drugs, burglary, robbery - are committed disproportionately by Black perpetrators.

If most of the bad actors that you encounter are wearing green hoodies, don't you think you are going to start focusing on people wearing green hoodies? It is only natural.

All you can ask of police is that they ENFORCE THE LAW in a color-blind manner. Focus on specific suspects based on the evidence that is known and not the race of the suspects. Treat everyone according to their own behavior, and not according to your expectations about their behavior.

Telling police not to enforce the law with respect to crimes that are uniformly committed by Blacks is no solution; it is a recipe for disaster.

At least that's what I think.
The police respond to what their dispatchers tell them to. They can't help it if 9 out of 10 are black perps.

Upon first reading, this article exposes an appalling culture of anti-Black police racism in a couple of specific communities, purporting to be representative of the general reality. I don't doubt it.

But when is racism justified? It is doubtful that "white" police officers initially have racist attitudes.

B.S. You are doing the very thing the article is condemning.
If the community is complaining to the politicians that there is too much crack dealing and pimping going on in the ghetto, are the politicians racist if they tell the cops to crack down on it and start hassling those folks if most of them are black guys?

Cops just listen to the politicians. If the politicians tell them to let this kind of thing slide, they are cool with that. In fact many would prefer to spend their evenings flirting with the waitresses at the local donut restaurants rather than hassling the pimps, hoes and drug pushers in the Ghetto.
Clearly, the experience of being a police officer in a community with significant Black population is a major contributor to developing racist attitudes.
That one thoughtful and calm sentence sums up the matter in a nutshell.

No cop that is regularly assigned to patrol "rough" neighborhoods can avoid becoming "racist."

But -- of course -- NO cop should say or write offensive words in public about that particular ethnicity.

Upon first reading, this article exposes an appalling culture of anti-Black police racism in a couple of specific communities, purporting to be representative of the general reality. I don't doubt it.

But when is racism justified? It is doubtful that "white" police officers initially have racist attitudes. There is screening that is supposed to weed out that sort of recruit. And it is generally reported that the same "racist" attitudes are present in experienced Black officers, once they have been on the street for a while. Clearly, the experience of being a police officer in a community with significant Black population is a major contributor to developing racist attitudes. And how could it not be? The kinds of crimes that draw the attention of police - violent crimes against persons, street drugs, burglary, robbery - are committed disproportionately by Black perpetrators.

If most of the bad actors that you encounter are wearing green hoodies, don't you think you are going to start focusing on people wearing green hoodies? It is only natural.

All you can ask of police is that they ENFORCE THE LAW in a color-blind manner. Focus on specific suspects based on the evidence that is known and not the race of the suspects. Treat everyone according to their own behavior, and not according to your expectations about their behavior.

Telling police not to enforce the law with respect to crimes that are uniformly committed by Blacks is no solution; it is a recipe for disaster.

At least that's what I think.
Democrats support a massive increase in crime to get what they want. They want more of it so they can get their bills passed. Causing a crisis is the primary motivation for them, because when Congress has to deal with a self-made crisis...everyone falls meekly in line. They stop standing up for their principles and they just vote redfaced.

This tactic worked to perfection when they let a bunch of Trump Supporters into the Capital on Jan 6th and then started pushing them and causing a panic.....while they conveniently had cameras present to record their false-flag operation. The post-production editing made it worthy of a possible Academy Award.
BLM is effective.

When was the last time you heard of a cop killing an unarmed black man?
I dunno, but what I do know is you have Nany Pelosi crying into the cameras saying she does not know why crime is up so high with so many Americans being murdered at the hands of criminals

So do you want more criminals being shot or more innocent Americans being shot?

Democrats want more innocent Americans being shot, and preferably white ones

Yes, BLM is truly effective.

Upon first reading, this article exposes an appalling culture of anti-Black police racism in a couple of specific communities, purporting to be representative of the general reality. I don't doubt it.

But when is racism justified? It is doubtful that "white" police officers initially have racist attitudes. There is screening that is supposed to weed out that sort of recruit. And it is generally reported that the same "racist" attitudes are present in experienced Black officers, once they have been on the street for a while. Clearly, the experience of being a police officer in a community with significant Black population is a major contributor to developing racist attitudes. And how could it not be? The kinds of crimes that draw the attention of police - violent crimes against persons, street drugs, burglary, robbery - are committed disproportionately by Black perpetrators.

If most of the bad actors that you encounter are wearing green hoodies, don't you think you are going to start focusing on people wearing green hoodies? It is only natural.

All you can ask of police is that they ENFORCE THE LAW in a color-blind manner. Focus on specific suspects based on the evidence that is known and not the race of the suspects. Treat everyone according to their own behavior, and not according to your expectations about their behavior.

Telling police not to enforce the law with respect to crimes that are uniformly committed by Blacks is no solution; it is a recipe for disaster.

At least that's what I think.
It works like this

1. Create at least 70% single parent homes in the Black community.

2. Watch the poverty rise

3. Watch black children find their father in the streets of crime

4. Then sit back and watch there be a higher black crime rate

5. Laugh as police arrest and shoot more black people, even black police officers

6. Declare law enforcement racist as they are then forced to stand down

7. Watch society go up in flames

8. Declare the need for a "revolution' of Marxism to "fix" the problem

9. Kiss your arse goodbye.

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