Racism and excuses

RGS is a lot of things, and far be it from me to defend him, but he's not a racist that I've ever seen. You want to say he's a cranky old coot and he's wrong most of the time, I'd agree with you. But not racist.

Yes, white men are 43-0, but I think what some are responding to is that ideally, in a perfect world, people would be color blind. However, this isn't an ideal world, and I guess if it were me, I'd be really excited that someone who looked like me has a shot at the presidency for the first time in over 200 years.

Put Colin Powell on the ticket.
I'd have voted for Colin Powell, too. In fact, I think whichever part affiliation he'd have picked, he'd have gotten something like 80% of the vote.

But that isn't a function of republican party policies, which are notoriously anti-minority.

That is so misguided. You have a lot of reading to do. Why don't you start with a book titled "Bamboozled"?
WHo the hell calls someone by their middle name? When the HELL have you ever heard McCain called by "Sidney." What a complete BS response you just made. Your trying to play on the fears of the masses of the name Hussein and you know it. Your so full of it

Let's see

John Wayne Gacy

Lee Harvey Oswald

Mark David Chapman

See lots of people are called by their middle names. I routinely call my son by his first and middle names. you Robert James so and so get your ass over here!

And I routinely call McCain JSM in my posts just as I call Barack BHO.

Anyone with an independent thought knows that using Hussein is a red herring. But you can't seem to think that anyone should be able to vote for someone other than BHO so you point the finger and cry racist.

That is so misguided. You have a lot of reading to do. Why don't you start with a book titled "Bamboozled"?

The book the Spike Lee movie was based on?

I have a better idea, why don't *you* do some reading and learn about the southern strategy? Because I'm pretty sure I've read a heck of a lot more than you. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.
The book the Spike Lee movie was based on?

I have a better idea, why don't *you* do some reading and learn about the southern strategy? Because I'm pretty sure I've read a heck of a lot more than you. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

Okay, tell me what the African American Republicans think about rascism in America?
Okay, tell me what the African American Republicans think about rascism in America?

I have a better idea... tell ME what percentage of black people are republicans. Because that IS what we're talking about, right?

Again, go look up Southern Strategy... cause THAT is where you lose the minority vote. That and repubs making themselves the party of the radical religious right as I was just reminded on another thread.
I have a better idea... tell ME what percentage of black people are republicans. Because that IS what we're talking about, right?

Again, go look up Southern Strategy... cause THAT is where you lose the minority vote. That and repubs making themselves the party of the radical religious right as I was just reminded on another thread.

Bamboozled is not a spike lee movie.

Hard-hitting and chock-full of original interviews with some of America's biggest political players and insiders, Angela McGlowan exposes liberals' 50 year SCHEME to bamboozle the poor and minorities into supporting a party that sells them out. McGlowan, a Democrat-turned-Republican, reveals how the GOP better represents the values and interests of women, Latinos, and blacks.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Bamboozled-Americans-Exploited-Liberal-Agenda/dp/1595550909/ref=s9sdps_c2_14_popt1-rfc_p-frt_p-3215_p-3102_g2?ie=UTF8&pf%5Frd%5Ft=101&pf%5Frd%5Fm=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf%5Frd%5Fp=436516601&pf%5Frd%5Fs=center-2&pf%5Frd%5Fr=0C97MCHMTDJRAZCYC4T6&pf%5Frd%5Fi=507846]Amazon.com: Bamboozled: How Americans are being Exploited by the Lies of the Liberal Agenda: Angela McGlowan: Books[/ame]

tell ME what percentage of black people are republicans. Because that IS what we're talking about, right
I think you just told me in no uncertain terms that black Republicans don't matter cause they are in the minority. Right? :rofl::happy-1:
Morning All,

If black people will ONLY vote for Obama because he's black then where was the support for Michael Steele? I'm surprised that many black people's heads didn't outright explode during the Obama/Keyes senate race. Having two black people run against each other should have resulted in a syntax error. Let's face it that race will be a factor for some people who don't vote for Obama. Some people will downright refuse to vote a black man into the White House.
Morning All,

If black people will ONLY vote for Obama because he's black then where was the support for Michael Steele? I'm surprised that many black people's heads didn't outright explode during the Obama/Keyes senate race. Having two black people run against each other should have resulted in a syntax error. Let's face it that race will be a factor for some people who don't vote for Obama. Some people will downright refuse to vote a black man into the White House.

Well, then if white people only vote for white people then explain to me why Colin Powell would be a landslide. Cause he would.
Morning All,

If black people will ONLY vote for Obama because he's black then where was the support for Michael Steele? I'm surprised that many black people's heads didn't outright explode during the Obama/Keyes senate race. Having two black people run against each other should have resulted in a syntax error. Let's face it that race will be a factor for some people who don't vote for Obama. Some people will downright refuse to vote a black man into the White House.

Some people even downright refuse to vote the other party into to White House
Bamboozled is not a spike lee movie.

Hard-hitting and chock-full of original interviews with some of America's biggest political players and insiders, Angela McGlowan exposes liberals' 50 year SCHEME to bamboozle the poor and minorities into supporting a party that sells them out. McGlowan, a Democrat-turned-Republican, reveals how the GOP better represents the values and interests of women, Latinos, and blacks.

Amazon.com: Bamboozled: How Americans are being Exploited by the Lies of the Liberal Agenda: Angela McGlowan: Books

tell ME what percentage of black people are republicans. Because that IS what we're talking about, right
I think you just told me in no uncertain terms that black Republicans don't matter cause they are in the minority. Right? :rofl::happy-1:

No thanks... I don't read garbage that talks about the "Liberal Agenda" (as if "liberals agree on anything) but perhaps you should read Deer Hunting With Jesus which explains why lower and middle class rural people vote against their self-interest since that's a sociological study and not a rant.

I think you need to work on your comprehension. I didn't say black republicans don't matter... they simply aren't a REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE of black people.

Again, go learn about the southern strategy.... seriously.
No thanks... I don't read garbage that talks about the "Liberal Agenda" (as if "liberals agree on anything) but perhaps you should read Deer Hunting With Jesus which explains why lower and middle class rural people vote against their self-interest since that's a sociological study and not a rant.

I think you need to work on your comprehension. I didn't say black republicans don't matter... they simply aren't a REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE of black people.

Again, go learn about the southern strategy.... seriously.

very telling statment. End of discussion. Closed mind Alert!
very telling statment. End of discussion. Closed mind Alert!

Can't respond to the whole southern strategy thing, eh?

closed mind alert??? lol... I don't read Annie Coulter's garbage either.... or DailyKos or any other extremist diatribe.

And being told I have a closed mind by someone who thinks her religion should be taught in school is pretty funny.

Have you read about the southern strategy yet?

Here, let me help... from the mouth of Richard Nixon's strategist, Kevin Phillips, in 1970:

From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."[3]

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And THAT is why the repubs have very few black people. Kind of a stupid move, btw, because there are a LOT of conservative black baptists who would fit right in.
Can't respond to the whole southern strategy thing, eh?

closed mind alert??? lol... I don't read Annie Coulter's garbage either.... or DailyKos or any other extremist diatribe.

And being told I have a closed mind by someone who thinks her religion should be taught in school is pretty funny.

Have you read about the southern strategy yet?

Here, let me help... from the mouth of Richard Nixon's strategist, Kevin Phillips, in 1970:

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And THAT is why the repubs have very few black people. Kind of a stupid move, btw, because there are a LOT of conservative black baptists who would fit right in.

Well, honey the book Bamboozled will address any questions about your Southern Stratagey, but you quite clearly don't want to know. So.

Kerry on!
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No thanks... I don't read garbage that talks about the "Liberal Agenda" (as if "liberals agree on anything) but perhaps you should read Deer Hunting With Jesus which explains why lower and middle class rural people vote against their self-interest since that's a sociological study and not a rant.

I think you need to work on your comprehension. I didn't say black republicans don't matter... they simply aren't a REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE of black people.
Again, go learn about the southern strategy.... seriously.

who do they represent? White people? Oh yes I guess they do. It is your party that calls them "Uncle Tom's" and House N" and Aunt Jemimah. And you want to spout "southern stratagey"

my god!
Well, honey the book Bamboozled will address any questions about your Southern Stratagey, but you quitel clearly don't want to know. So.

Kerry on!

You'll have a lot better luck fishing than getting anyway here to honestly evaluate an issue from both sides.

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