Why do lefties accuse people of misogyny and racism with no evidence?

For the most part, just another of your lies.

No sports fan ever said he should lose his job, you are, once again, spreading fake news.
Don’t get personal.

I’ve seen posters right on the US message board effectively say that “the guy is a kicker.. he is going to have to be careful about what he says”. Look at what IM2 said..maybe you did not see it … C_Clayton_Jones called Butker a racist and misogynistic. That’s just scratching the surface wrt far lefties on the board. I’m sure that there are others who piled on the lies about Butker

Of course it is blatantly obvious that cancel culture is a left-wing phenomenon. maybe I should say radical left-wing. Point is People have been fired from their jobs. They have lost positions. They have lost friends because of a perceived racist or misogynistic post on social media that is not even racist or misogynistic. Everybody knows this…

its the worst part of the USA it is left wingers acting like babies demanding people get fired or actually forcing them to be fired from their jobs or removed from social media.
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This occurred with Harrison Butker … he made a speech praising women who grow up to have children get married. He criticized abortion and degeneracy in American culture. Nowhere did he say women must stay at home. Nowhere did he make a racist comment. There are strict definitions of racism and misogyny. And people have to prove it if they accuse others of it. It is a form of evil to call somebody misogynistic or racist because they might disagree with a political organization like BLM or because they might be against abortion. That’s not how real life works.

The great majority of Americans support Butker. Look what happened with the boycott of Budweiser, the boycott of target for their tuck outfits for children. I don’t understand why a tiny portion of Americans continue to believe that left-wing politics is popular. It’s clearly not. Right now traditional values are winning in America.

It looks like the future might be bright America.

Because Russia is a shithole?

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