Race relations better under Trump than Obama

Race relations and ‘position’ of minorities better under Trump than Obama

Well now, this is awkward....

Wonder how many blacks will leave the Democrat Plantation and actually vote in their best interest for once?

Obama was the one who fueled the flames of racism.

Wrong. You racist republicans couldn’t accept a black president.

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I've had this conversation with libs many times.

Eventually, I can get them to admit that partisan and ideological Republicans have not, and would not accept any Democratic Liberal President(s).

And thus, their citing of our opposition to Obama as proof of racism, is wrong.

BUT, even though some liberals had the...sanity to admit that,


Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Race relations and ‘position’ of minorities better under Trump than Obama

Well now, this is awkward....

Wonder how many blacks will leave the Democrat Plantation and actually vote in their best interest for once?

Obama was the one who fueled the flames of racism.

Wrong. You racist republicans couldn’t accept a black president.

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He would never have been president without white voter support so your statement is asinine, as well as false.
He would never have been President without that fake birth certificate

Thanks for proving my point.

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Race relations and ‘position’ of minorities better under Trump than Obama

Well now, this is awkward....

Wonder how many blacks will leave the Democrat Plantation and actually vote in their best interest for once?

Obama was the one who fueled the flames of racism.

Wrong. You racist republicans couldn’t accept a black president.

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He would never have been president without white voter support so your statement is asinine, as well as false.
He would never have been President without that fake birth certificate

Thanks for proving my point.

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There is nothing in that statement that proves your point. Your read it, and make assumptions about the person reading it.

Which by itself is bad enough.

But then you take the additional and insane step of imagining that the words you read, are an actual admission of the assumptions you made, and holding the person saying them,

accountable for the shit you just made up in your head.

That is you being a liberal. And by "liberal" I mean, "insane".
Obama was the one who fueled the flames of racism.

Wrong. You racist republicans couldn’t accept a black president.

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He would never have been president without white voter support so your statement is asinine, as well as false.
He would never have been President without that fake birth certificate

Thanks for proving my point.

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There is nothing in that statement that proves your point. Your read it, and make assumptions about the person reading it.

Which by itself is bad enough.

But then you take the additional and insane step of imagining that the words you read, are an actual admission of the assumptions you made, and holding the person saying them,

accountable for the shit you just made up in your head.

That is you being a liberal. And by "liberal" I mean, "insane".
The only reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama is black.
You know it and I know it.
There is nothing in that statement that proves your point. Your read it, and make assumptions about the person reading it.
Which by itself is bad enough.
But then you take the additional and insane step of imagining that the words you read, are an actual admission of the assumptions you made, and holding the person saying them,
accountable for the shit you just made up in your head.
That is you being a liberal. And by "liberal" I mean, "insane".

All Liberals have left are lies, plus their TDS.
The poll isn't broken down by race. White Trump supporters thinking race relations are better doesn't mean diddly.

Seriously, why not?

Try actually reading what the OP posted. "Wonder how many blacks will leave the Democrat (it's Democratic, douchebags) Party and actually vote in their best interest" and then he posts a poll about how white people feel better about race relations. African Americans don't...


Ah, so you mean in the context of how many blacks leave the democratic party, whites don't count?

And normally they DO COUNT?

They are the only ones that do count...in their own minds, hence the uptick in numbers under Trump. For blacks they've gone down, which completely destroys the OPs premise don't you agree?

No, I do not agree. There are many other possible explanations for the trends shown.

That you can only see one, that paints whites in a bad light, is simply racism on your part.

Oh, well then by all means please give us these possible explanations. Why do white people think race relations are better under Trump and black people don't?
Wrong. You racist republicans couldn’t accept a black president.

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He would never have been president without white voter support so your statement is asinine, as well as false.
He would never have been President without that fake birth certificate

Thanks for proving my point.

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There is nothing in that statement that proves your point. Your read it, and make assumptions about the person reading it.

Which by itself is bad enough.

But then you take the additional and insane step of imagining that the words you read, are an actual admission of the assumptions you made, and holding the person saying them,

accountable for the shit you just made up in your head.

That is you being a liberal. And by "liberal" I mean, "insane".
The only reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama is black.
You know it and I know it.

I do not know it. I think there were multiple reasons it was an issue. Reasons that should be obvious to you, expect your mind is stuck in a rut.
The only reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama is black.
You know it and I know it.

You don't know shit you faggot ass bitch.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama's family said he was born in Kenya you ignorant cock gobbler.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama's college said he was an exchange student from Kenya.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Kenya said Obama was born in Kenya

How fucking stupid are you!!

As far as I am concerned it STILL has not been proven that he was NOT born in Kenya. His family said he was, Kenya said he was... ....only some copy of a paper pulled out of some deep state bureaucrat's ass says he wasn't.
Seriously, why not?

Try actually reading what the OP posted. "Wonder how many blacks will leave the Democrat (it's Democratic, douchebags) Party and actually vote in their best interest" and then he posts a poll about how white people feel better about race relations. African Americans don't...


Ah, so you mean in the context of how many blacks leave the democratic party, whites don't count?

And normally they DO COUNT?

They are the only ones that do count...in their own minds, hence the uptick in numbers under Trump. For blacks they've gone down, which completely destroys the OPs premise don't you agree?

No, I do not agree. There are many other possible explanations for the trends shown.

That you can only see one, that paints whites in a bad light, is simply racism on your part.

Oh, well then by all means please give us these possible explanations. Why do white people think race relations are better under Trump and black people don't?

Some possible explanations off the top of my head.

1. Obama was racist and whites are happy to not see racism coming at them from the Oval Office.

2. Obama's supporters constantly and falsely smeared normal partisan and ideological opposition to the President as "Racism". This is now stopped.

3. Trump is putting the focus on the nation on trade and the economy, which are unifying themes.

4. Relations are better, but the main stream media, is a hissy fit, is lying to blacks, misleading them.

5. The media is spending more time attacking Trump rather than white America. This leads whites to think race relations are better.

Any and all of these are valid possible explanations, that you could not even conceive of, because it did not serve your partisan agenda.

That is my point there. YOu are unable to think of something, if it does not serve your partisan agenda.

Not, "you don't agree with it". You can't even imagine something, that does not serve your lib agenda.

That is not good. That is you being the one with closed mind. That is you being the one drinking the kool-aid.
Looking at the poll, the responses don't appear to be broken down by race. If that's the case, so much for that..
Why? It seems you are saying that only some races count?
Huh? What? Who? Where? Huh?

YOu made a very concise point. But you did not explain how or why you reached it.

Please do.
I have enough faith in your intelligence to believe that you know exactly what my post meant.

I simply believe that you're being obtuse. And I'm worn out on asymmetrical conversations here.
Obama was the one who fueled the flames of racism.

Wrong. You racist republicans couldn’t accept a black president.

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He would never have been president without white voter support so your statement is asinine, as well as false.
He would never have been President without that fake birth certificate

Thanks for proving my point.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

There is nothing in that statement that proves your point. Your read it, and make assumptions about the person reading it.

Which by itself is bad enough.

But then you take the additional and insane step of imagining that the words you read, are an actual admission of the assumptions you made, and holding the person saying them,

accountable for the shit you just made up in your head.

That is you being a liberal. And by "liberal" I mean, "insane".

Uh, we also have a previous statement from the racist dirtbag known as gulfman. Did you miss this?

Race relations better under Trump than Obama
Looking at the poll, the responses don't appear to be broken down by race. If that's the case, so much for that..
Why? It seems you are saying that only some races count?
Huh? What? Who? Where? Huh?

YOu made a very concise point. But you did not explain how or why you reached it.

Please do.
I have enough faith in your intelligence to believe that you know exactly what my post meant.

I simply believe that you're being obtuse. And I'm worn out on asymmetrical conversations here.

I think I know it. But I cannot say it, without it being an accusation based on what I think is going on in your head.

ANd liberals almost always have fits over that, especially when I get it right.

I do not think that you would react that way. I would expect more of a, smug dismissal.

Either way, you put that point out there, and asking you how you got to it, is completely reasonable.

BTW, I just had this converstaion with Seawytch in the same thread. Even if you just smugly dismiss me, as per SOP, you might want to review it, for educational purposes.

Race relations better under Trump than Obama

see post 31

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