Questions surround lesbian Ann heche car crash

Cocaine does not affect you that way. That's bullshit. She was either drunk or hallucinating to be driving that fast through a neighborhood. Did you see the video? Jeezuz she must have been doing 80.
Whatever her sexuality is, it wasn't responsible for her crash. Her alcohol consumption is.
Thats the crazy thing about. Apparently she wasnt on drugs or alcohol. They are saying that she may have had a "mental episode". What does that mean? Suicide attempt? She thinks houses are highways? :dunno:

Of course being a lesbian may not have caused heche to take drugs and crash her car

But it could have
Heche sexuality isn’t the cause and the woman has suffered all her life with mental illness.

When someone that is Heterosexual commits suicide or does something dangerous is it because they like the opposite sex?
Actually, Ms. Heche denounced Lesbianism several years ago from my understanding.

But if someone is loaded on cocaine and doesn't know what they are doing, that certainly makes the likelihood of them cracking up their car a lot greater. Heche may have been on a bad trip and had a psychotic episode.
She's in a coma with burns over 90% of her body. It took almost half an hour to get her out of the burning car. Of course the car had demolished a house. Sad case.
Damn, youre pretty much done at 70%. I spent 9 days in a medical burn unit myself. I saw really bad burns there, much worse than mine. The worst part was the kids unit next door to mine. Listening to them moan in pain is not for the faint of heart.
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Cocaine does not affect you that way. That's bullshit. She was either drunk or hallucinating to be driving that fast through a neighborhood. Did you see the video? Jeezuz she must have been doing 80.
Same as the woman in LA who murdered 6 people
Heche sexuality isn’t the cause and the woman has suffered all her life with mental illness.

When someone that is Heterosexual commits suicide or does something dangerous is it because they like the opposite sex?
In marriage it could be a way out.
In a way, it would be a mercy for her to just go. Her life is pretty much over.
Yep. I mean, i dont even know what you do for her. There isnt enough good skin left on her to make skin grafts. She must be sedated because, she is just laying on open wounds, which would be agonizing. Her bed sheets are constantly wet with blood and fluid, no matter how often they change them. Terrible fucking existence.

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