Question re: Teachers


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Ya gotta wonder.


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Hmm...don't believe I have ever heard anyone say teachers should take a 20% cut.
I have heard it said that bad teachers should be fired.
I have heard that teachers pay should be based on performance.
Boopsters, there are good teachers and there are bad teachers. I mean, really bad teachers.

There is no mechanism in place to identify good from bad. And if there was, there is no effective mechanism in place to expeditiously terminate the bad teachers. It's a thing called tenure.

The education system in America is fraught with nepotism, favoritism, cronyism, and downright fraud.

Fuck the education administrators, faculty, and school boards. Self-serving bastards.
Hmm...don't believe I have ever heard anyone say teachers should take a 20% cut.
I have heard it said that bad teachers should be fired.
I have heard that teachers pay should be based on performance.

she has no idea whats shes talking about...that usually helps...

1. California $70,394
2. Massachusetts $65,897
3. New York $64,583
4. Virginia $59,585
5. Illinois $58,756
6. Texas $58,325
7. Pennsylvania $56,629
8. Georgia $56,227
9. Florida $53,789
10. Ohio $53,309

those figures are minus benefits btw.

whats the median income US wide? 50,300 and they work all summer.
Boopsters, there are good teachers and there are bad teachers. I mean, really bad teachers.

There is no mechanism in place to identify good from bad. And if there was, there is no effective mechanism in place to expeditiously terminate the bad teachers. It's a thing called tenure.

The education system in America is fraught with nepotism, favoritism, cronyism, and downright fraud.

Fuck the education administrators, faculty, and school boards. Self-serving bastards.

Amen...from a former first grade teacher.
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Boopsters, there are good teachers and there are bad teachers. I mean, really bad teachers.

There is no mechanism in place to identify good from bad. And if there was, there is no effective mechanism in place to expeditiously terminate the bad teachers. It's a thing called tenure.

The education system in America is fraught with nepotism, favoritism, cronyism, and downright fraud.

Fuck the education administrators, faculty, and school boards. Self-serving bastards.

Mr H and Sherry, while that is true, it actually has nothing to do with the point of the thread.
Boopsters, there are good teachers and there are bad teachers. I mean, really bad teachers.

There is no mechanism in place to identify good from bad. And if there was, there is no effective mechanism in place to expeditiously terminate the bad teachers. It's a thing called tenure.

The education system in America is fraught with nepotism, favoritism, cronyism, and downright fraud.

Fuck the education administrators, faculty, and school boards. Self-serving bastards.

In some states, things are changing. Colleges are teaching Praxis which is a tool to evaluate new and experienced teachers on their performance. They are observed twice and a detailed report is made on the actions, the students reactions to the teacher and the atmosphere in the classroom. Even dialogue is written down.

This is scored and the teacher's performance is graded to determine if they are an effective teacher and a continuing contract is appropriate. It is may be used for due process in a dismissal of the teacher.

I was a consultant and mentor for first year teachers and used a tool very similar to this for evaluations.

HOwever, your statements about nepotism, cronysim and downright fraud is also true. I was also a Union Rep and saw this first hand.
Hmm...don't believe I have ever heard anyone say teachers should take a 20% cut.
I have heard it said that bad teachers should be fired.
I have heard that teachers pay should be based on performance.

It appears to be a growing mental defect on the left... making hysterical shit up and then getting hysterical about it. Weird.
Boopsters, there are good teachers and there are bad teachers. I mean, really bad teachers.

There is no mechanism in place to identify good from bad. And if there was, there is no effective mechanism in place to expeditiously terminate the bad teachers. It's a thing called tenure.

The education system in America is fraught with nepotism, favoritism, cronyism, and downright fraud.

Fuck the education administrators, faculty, and school boards. Self-serving bastards.

Mr H and Sherry, while that is true, it actually has nothing to do with the point of the thread.

The point of your thread is to be outraged about a non existent issue. Unless you can provide the actual evidence for your 20% pay cut bullshit.

Boopsters, there are good teachers and there are bad teachers. I mean, really bad teachers.

There is no mechanism in place to identify good from bad. And if there was, there is no effective mechanism in place to expeditiously terminate the bad teachers. It's a thing called tenure.

The education system in America is fraught with nepotism, favoritism, cronyism, and downright fraud.

Fuck the education administrators, faculty, and school boards. Self-serving bastards.

Mr H and Sherry, while that is true, it actually has nothing to do with the point of the thread.
If your point is based on a false premise, you have no point.
Hmm...don't believe I have ever heard anyone say teachers should take a 20% cut.
I have heard it said that bad teachers should be fired.
I have heard that teachers pay should be based on performance.

she has no idea whats shes talking about...that usually helps...

1. California $70,394
2. Massachusetts $65,897
3. New York $64,583
4. Virginia $59,585
5. Illinois $58,756
6. Texas $58,325
7. Pennsylvania $56,629
8. Georgia $56,227
9. Florida $53,789
10. Ohio $53,309

those figures are minus benefits btw.

whats the median income US wide? 50,300 and they work all summer.

How dishonest. Teachers living in an area where this average income is $100,000.00 will naturally have higher salary.

But $53,000.00 is a "lot"? Really? 53 grand?

just walk thru the local schools

seems i see old dogs, and pups teaching

not a whole lot inbettween

so the Q one might ask, "Who T F would enter a profession so utterly under attack" should be relevant right under our noses

just walk thru the local schools

seems i see old dogs, and pups teaching

not a whole lot inbettween

so the Q one might ask, "Who T F would enter a profession so utterly under attack" should be relevant right under our noses


Teaching is a profession that is different from most. Not everyone would want to do it or can do it. It's not for the money, or anything tangible. The good ones go into it because they had great experiences in school themselves. They are basically emulating what they have experienced. Crazy as it sounds. Usually they could be paid much more in business, the usually DON'T have summers off (they have to return to school to update their certification) and they are open to attacks as you said, but more than you meant.
Try doing some research, knowing some teachers, before you start throwing out wage tables and saying "there, that'll shut her up."

:lol:I did you hag.a) thats what the post was, b) don't assume things, and c) meaningless dribble doesn't shut people up either hackasaurus.
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Hmm...don't believe I have ever heard anyone say teachers should take a 20% cut.
I have heard it said that bad teachers should be fired.
I have heard that teachers pay should be based on performance.

she has no idea whats shes talking about...that usually helps...

1. California $70,394
2. Massachusetts $65,897
3. New York $64,583
4. Virginia $59,585
5. Illinois $58,756
6. Texas $58,325
7. Pennsylvania $56,629
8. Georgia $56,227
9. Florida $53,789
10. Ohio $53,309

those figures are minus benefits btw.

whats the median income US wide? 50,300 and they work all summer.

How dishonest. Teachers living in an area where this average income is $100,000.00 will naturally have higher salary.

But $53,000.00 is a "lot"? Really? 53 grand?


among your other handicaps is an ability to read and parse a simple post and numbers're such a simpleton, really.

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