Question for the liberals.......

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Please answer this....can the left go too far and how far is too far before it becomes extremism? You all have it defined for the right wingers, but you all haven't defined it for the left.
Please answer this....can the left go too far and how far is too far before it becomes extremism? You all have it defined for the right wingers, but you all haven't defined it for the left.
You answered your own question, liberals defined extremism for right wingers, so...
Please answer this....can the left go too far and how far is too far before it becomes extremism? You all have it defined for the right wingers, but you all haven't defined it for the left.
Depends on how far is too far and whether you are talking slightly far, pretty damned far or ludicrous far.
Please answer this....can the left go too far and how far is too far before it becomes extremism? You all have it defined for the right wingers, but you all haven't defined it for the left.

Well, I doubt it's been defined by anyone.
There's a spectrum and everything is debatable as to where someone is on that spectrum or even what the spectrum is.
Though, I'd say there are Liberals who try and make things better for everyone, who want tolerance, and there are those who have taken an -ism and everything is defined by their -ism.
The reality is what works is what works, and to figure it out takes intelligent thought. To simply say "this fits my theory, therefore it's what we're doing" is ridiculous, whatever side.
Too far would be consistently pushing points that the majority of Americans aren’t in favor of.

So far not the case.

America and liberals are generally on the same page
Please answer this....can the left go too far and how far is too far before it becomes extremism? You all have it defined for the right wingers, but you all haven't defined it for the left.
The left has little power in the US. It’s a right wing country. Both major parties are right wing. The major media protects the status quo.
Please answer this....can the left go too far and how far is too far before it becomes extremism? You all have it defined for the right wingers, but you all haven't defined it for the left.

Well we know they're comfortable with burning down police stations, federal courthouses, rioting, looting, brainwashing children into racism and Marxist gender dogma....

Yeah, I'd say they're perfectly comfortable with a cornucopia of degeneracy and literal destruction - as long as MSDNC and the NY Times explain to them why it's either a) oh so necessary or b) a Right Wing conspiracy theory.

Anyone still voting Democrat at this point is either clueless or evil.

Sorry, I see no way around that in January 2023.
Please answer this....can the left go too far and how far is too far before it becomes extremism? You all have it defined for the right wingers, but you all haven't defined it for the left.
Going too far is what that trump asshole did on January 6th. Ask your teacher when you go back to school tomorrow if you don't believe me.
Please answer this....can the left go too far and how far is too far before it becomes extremism? You all have it defined for the right wingers, but you all haven't defined it for the left.
It's like this, using a feather is kinky using the whole chicken is a fetish. Not many on the left use the whole chicken.
Going too far is what that trump asshole did on January 6th. Ask your teacher when you go back to school tomorrow if you don't believe me.
Going too far is appointing a Supreme Court that is out of step with the nation in overturning Roe
There's very few far left people in this far right country.

Again, the USA is thee most rightwing modern Western country. It's rightwing by default.

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