Question for "objective" right-wingers.....

Because in the 911 investigation the Democrats weren't trying to protect the only potentially viable presidential candidate they have.

Interesting.....Yet ANOTHER (not-too-sharp) right winger OPENLY admitting that the Benghazi committee is nothing but, "lets-get-Hillary" witch hunt.......

(poor committee chair, Gowdy, is having a hard time spinning that the hearing is "objective")

The real issue is very simple, did she ignore the ambassadors request for more security? Yes would be the answer without question and what incriminates her in the history books is she failed to send help when they needed it most.

So if Gowdy and the rest of the committee members are guilty of a witch hunt, then she should already be in jail...

But I doubt you can see it that way...
The real issue is very simple, did she ignore the ambassadors request for more security? Yes would be the answer without question and what incriminates her in the history books is she failed to send help when they needed it most.

So if Gowdy and the rest of the committee members are guilty of a witch hunt, then she should already be in jail

Two responses.....the FACT that she is NOT in jail, belies your "conclusion" that she is guilty...which is based SOLELY on your right wing partisanship.....

Second, exactly what "skin was off Hillary's nose" to send additional security...all she would have to do is pick up the phone.......BUT, do you do know that even the right wing congress found NO basis for Hillary denying the extra security?? NO BASIS WAHTSOEVER, except what FOX told you to "think."
Then why are you the one running away, Sir Robin?

Answer the questions your limp dick can't handle

Go have another drink, Kaz....maybe then you'll make sense (although I doubt it....too few brain cells.)
The real issue is very simple, did she ignore the ambassadors request for more security? Yes would be the answer without question and what incriminates her in the history books is she failed to send help when they needed it most.

So if Gowdy and the rest of the committee members are guilty of a witch hunt, then she should already be in jail

Two responses.....the FACT that she is NOT in jail, belies your "conclusion" that she is guilty...which is based SOLELY on your right wing partisanship.....

Second, exactly what "skin was off Hillary's nose" to send additional security...all she would have to do is pick up the phone.......BUT, do you do know that even the right wing congress found NO basis for Hillary denying the extra security?? NO BASIS WAHTSOEVER, except what FOX told you to "think."

No it doesn't, are you so naïve that you believe her multiply incidents would not have placed you in jail?

When you accept the role you should be held accountable for your in-actions as in this case, but in the Left Wing Liberal world you attach to holding someone accountable is not very likely...

I have not watched Fox or CNN or MSNBC or any of the litany of propaganda networks for many years, but it's clear you have not taken that approach...

Oh and BTW I can form my own opinion without the networks help, all I have to do is read your stupid opinions to see both sides...
No it doesn't, are you so naïve that you believe her multiply incidents would not have placed you in jail?

I may need help in deciphering the above sentence from my moron-to-English dictionary.

But, even putting that aside.......Hillary is not in jail BECAUSE.......................

(you finish that sentence and you may also contemplate the possibility that she may be ONLY guilty of kicking right wingers asses all over the place.)
When you accept the role you should be held accountable for your in-actions as in this case, but in the Left Wing Liberal world you attach to holding someone accountable is not very likely...

Indeed........and please tell us why GWB (or the real CIC,, Cheney) was not crucified for letting 9-11 occur......AND

Why, the Bush administration has not had ANY hearing although more than 50 embassy and consulate personnel were killed during those disastrous 8 years of Bush.....???

Finally, I'd suggest for you to START watching FOX, their bullshit is at least more entertaining when you repost it here.
Any loss of American lives is a tragedy......

That stated, it should raise some skepticism in any objective mind as the WHY it has taken the Benghazi select committee, about 2 additional months (and they're still going strong in their so-called investigation) to find out more about the loss of 4 American live.......than it took the 9-11 commission to investigate the loss of almost 3,000 American lives......???

Jeb Bush has just struggled with this obvious hypocrisy.

Jeb Bush Falls Apart When Asked Why He Blames Obama For Benghazi But Not W for 9/11
That is a very good question! I just read about the mess and it's not what you think!

Go to "Congress" and read those links. It should take about half an hour, but it is a fascinating look at covert actions and espionage! Quite a read. Please try to read it. It's worth your time. I came away thinking that not much could have been done for Chris Stevens, the CIA agent.

Judicial Watch: New State Documents Show Quick White House Effort to Link Benghazi to Internet Video | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Then why are you the one running away, Sir Robin?

Answer the questions your limp dick can't handle

Go have another drink, Kaz....maybe then you'll make sense (although I doubt it....too few brain cells.)

Right, you're so stupid that you don't remember the questions I keep bringing up to you from one post to another.

You started a thread asking for "objective' Republicans. Here is your own standard:

1) If Obama impedes an investigation, give it up, we know he had good reason to do what he did.

2) If Democrats manufacture a scandal, like for "yellowcake," investigate it endlessly. We know Republicans did something wrong, even if they didn't.

I gave you five questions you can't possibly answer because they blow the yellowcake Democrat manufactured investigations you still support to hell.

BTW, your manhood just ran by, maybe you can still catch it and get it back. probably not...
The whole yellowcake story was bull crap from beginning to end. Yet as you show here, you're still pushing it while you whine about a current investigation that Obama is actually impeding

Let me get this straight, imbecile......YOU bring up "yellowcake".....and I (perhaps foolishly) respond to that issue...........and you "accuse" me of "still pushing" it?????

OK, fair enough. I retract the word "pushing."

And that was all you got out of my post? Your flaming hypocrisy didn't register at all?

So Nat, you think you're "objective," give an honest answer to these questions.

1) Bush said "British intelligence" said Hussein tried to buy yellowcake in Africa. We know he did, BTW, the only question was timing. But the British confirmed they said that, and to this day they stayed with it. So no matter what the British based it on, how could W have "lied" saying the British reported that? They did report that

2) The British said they had more than Wilson's sources of the forged document and they weren't telling him what it is to protect their sources. Furthermore Wilson's own report didn't say Hussein didn't try to buy yellowcake, it only said he couldn't verify he had. How do you prove a negative? He never proved anything about Hussein not buying yellowcake, all he couldn't do was prove he did. So again, how do you know anyone lied or was even wrong?

3) Why would the administration have the CIA send anyone to investigate a statement by it's own leader?

4) If they did, why would they send a partisan for the other party who wasn't even in the CIA? It's like the Democrats sending Rubio to investigate Benghazi, yeah, you'd do that

5) The media knew Plame was a CIA agent, she talked about it at coctail parties. Tim Russert, a declared Democrat said he and the rest of the DC reporters knew that. How does it make sense that anyone therefore would think "outing" her was punishment? And how could she possibly have been harmed by that since obviously she was a DC bureaucrat at that point and not a field agent. Or if she was she was the worst one ever since she talked about it in front of the media.

This is all basic information,and it clearly shows what a bunch of hack liars you are that you don't want money wasted on frivolous investigations, this was the most conjured investigation ever, it was utter stupidity from start to finish

Here you go, Gnat, since you have no long term memory and all.

You wanted an "objective" discussion. that means you have to be objective. Clearly you are not. You don't want improper activity investigated, you want Republicans investigated
The whole yellowcake story was bull crap from beginning to end. Yet as you show here, you're still pushing it while you whine about a current investigation that Obama is actually impeding

Let me get this straight, imbecile......YOU bring up "yellowcake".....and I (perhaps foolishly) respond to that issue...........and you "accuse" me of "still pushing" it?????

OK, fair enough. I retract the word "pushing."

And that was all you got out of my post? Your flaming hypocrisy didn't register at all?

So Nat, you think you're "objective," give an honest answer to these questions.

1) Bush said "British intelligence" said Hussein tried to buy yellowcake in Africa. We know he did, BTW, the only question was timing. But the British confirmed they said that, and to this day they stayed with it. So no matter what the British based it on, how could W have "lied" saying the British reported that? They did report that

2) The British said they had more than Wilson's sources of the forged document and they weren't telling him what it is to protect their sources. Furthermore Wilson's own report didn't say Hussein didn't try to buy yellowcake, it only said he couldn't verify he had. How do you prove a negative? He never proved anything about Hussein not buying yellowcake, all he couldn't do was prove he did. So again, how do you know anyone lied or was even wrong?

3) Why would the administration have the CIA send anyone to investigate a statement by it's own leader?

4) If they did, why would they send a partisan for the other party who wasn't even in the CIA? It's like the Democrats sending Rubio to investigate Benghazi, yeah, you'd do that

5) The media knew Plame was a CIA agent, she talked about it at coctail parties. Tim Russert, a declared Democrat said he and the rest of the DC reporters knew that. How does it make sense that anyone therefore would think "outing" her was punishment? And how could she possibly have been harmed by that since obviously she was a DC bureaucrat at that point and not a field agent. Or if she was she was the worst one ever since she talked about it in front of the media.

This is all basic information,and it clearly shows what a bunch of hack liars you are that you don't want money wasted on frivolous investigations, this was the most conjured investigation ever, it was utter stupidity from start to finish

Here you go, Gnat, since you have no long term memory and all.

You wanted an "objective" discussion. that means you have to be objective. Clearly you are not. You don't want improper activity investigated, you want Republicans investigated

What part was funny to you? That you need to be objective to have an objective conversation? Or the idea that you still have functioning junk and you can't man up to the questions?

Obviously you are not objective, that's why you can't answer the questions, they prove that. That was why I asked those questions...
Obviously you are not objective, that's why you can't answer the questions, they prove that. That was why I asked those questions...

Kaz, I sincerely have NO idea what the heck you're talking about......Your questions (Post 213) make NO sense.
Obviously you are not objective, that's why you can't answer the questions, they prove that. That was why I asked those questions...

Kaz, I sincerely have NO idea what the heck you're talking about......Your questions (Post 213) make NO sense.

What? Kaz? Hold the Republicans and the Democrats to the same standard?


Why would I do that? We can trust the Democrats, they are always fair. Any "objective" Republican can tell you that. You know, JakeStarkey, g5000, rightwinger, mainstream Republicans like that.

We need to investigate the crap out of Republicans though at every opportunity. Even if we make up a controversy, like 'yellowcake.' It's just a chance to find out what they did do, we just need to keep digging until we find it.

I'm starting to think you aren't objective, kaz, you're not objective like I am, are you?
No it doesn't, are you so naïve that you believe her multiply incidents would not have placed you in jail?

I may need help in deciphering the above sentence from my moron-to-English dictionary.

But, even putting that aside.......Hillary is not in jail BECAUSE.......................

(you finish that sentence and you may also contemplate the possibility that she may be ONLY guilty of kicking right wingers asses all over the place.)

No question, you're in need of help, couch time is not going to do it...

I think you have taken the first step in admitting you're a moron, next work on pulling your head out of your ass...

The bitch has 9 lives, most people would be in jail for the stunts she's pulled...

Who in the hell has she beaten in an election dumbass? Lazio? She would have lost if Guiliani had not pulled out...
Indeed........and please tell us why GWB (or the real CIC,, Cheney) was not crucified for letting 9-11 occur......AND

Where have you been? Oh that's right your head has been up your ass, LOL...

Why, the Bush administration has not had ANY hearing although more than 50 embassy and consulate personnel were killed during those disastrous 8 years of Bush.....???

Need to review those numbers and tell me how many American's were killed on US Embassy soil? How many US Ambassadors were killed? Do a little research moron, the last time a US Ambassador was killed on a US Embassy was in '79. Instead you buy that cheap propaganda from MSNBC...

Finally, I'd suggest for you to START watching FOX, their bullshit is at least more entertaining when you repost it here.

I'm not hear for your entertainment you little petulant child, I am here for mine. I almost feel guilty for kicking your ass on the internet, almost...

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