Question for Left-Leaning Individuals: Democrats, Socialists, Liberals, Marxists, Communists, Big-Government, One-Worlders, Etc.

I believe unions are important to having a middle class. Republicans are anti union.

I believe we need to go Green

I like pro choice

Democrats are more the party that looks out for labor. Republicans say uneducated blue collar whites are only worth $15 hr. Can't live on that.

Democrats properly regulate industry. Look how they lowered drug prices. You're welcome.

Infrastructure spendng

They support/defend social security and medicare.

Boy did Trump prove Thom Hartmann right

Hartman is an emotional idiot fueled by the problems his father had.

Unions are outdated and an anachronism . I was a United Steel Worker and Teamster and they were nothing but crooks. I saw many idiots that needed to be fired get their jobs back because of the unions. Our union ran the Steel Mill out of business because they would not make concessions when the plant was failing : Quote from Harold Lester president of our union "Boys if we take a 50 cent pay cut, we will be working for nothing",,,,,,,6 months later, the plant closed (Mclouth Steel).

Democrats DO NOTHING for the working man, everything they do is to GAIN POWER FOR THE SUPER RICH behind a fake veneer of helping the working man. The DemonRats take all of the credit for the hard gains made by the Unions.

Properly regulate industry ??? by letting the Chinese steal patents, prosper from a lopsided trade balance, keep their dollar pegged in value below the US dollar so Chinese cannot afford American imports, thousands of small businesses closing due to DemonRats cutting off business loans, Driving Inflation to stratospheric levels by printing money like crazy, Shopping malls and chain stores closing, AND THE BIG ONE : FLOODING THE COUNTRY WITH CHEAP WORKERS FOR THEIR CORPORATE MASTERS while bankrupting cities and safety nets.

Trump had the best economy I have ever seen in 50 years of working.
/——/. How is allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports, and allowing biological men to use the women’s locker room supporting women? You’re just spouting platitudes.
Bullshit. There are policies that back up all of those things and you’re insane bigotry is not part of any of that.

Another reason I am a Liberal Dem
Bullshit. There are policies that back up all of those things and you’re insane bigotry is not part of any of that.

Another reason I am a Liberal Dem
/----/ I'll try again: How is allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports, and allowing biological men to use the women’s locker room supporting women?
/----/ Here are three accomplishments: Feel free to refute them. You won't, because you can't. All you can do is claim them opinions.
  • America gained 7 million new jobs – more than three times government experts’ projections.
  • Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000 – more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.
  • The unemployment rate reached 3.5 percent, the lowest in a half-century.
All of which began and grew under the previous administration of Barack Obama. to skate on the accomplishments of others. He was handed a growing economy and falling unemployment, unlike his predecessor.
All he had to do was not fuck it up....and well, the rest is history. :)
All of which began and grew under the previous administration of Barack Obama. to skate on the accomplishments of others. He was handed a growing economy and falling unemployment, unlike his predecessor.
All he had to do was not fuck it up....and well, the rest is history. :)
/----/ Once again, your lame attempt to refute President Trump's accomplishments falls flat. Is your next move going to be blaming Biden's failures on Trump?
I believe that even if the climate is changing, the watermelon approach to "solving" it is worse than just adjusting to it. Like Humans have done for millennia.
That's what we are doing. Adjusting to it. And not fast enough. Wouldn't you enjoy 3 more quality years of life? That's what it will mean when we go green. If you don't believe we can destroy the planet, at least believe we can live a better quality of life by going green. And who knows what inventions to improve green energy will be made. We won't know if we stick to coal and oil.

The question is not if you believe the climate is changing btw. It's do you believe we are causing that change and it's dangerous.
Hartman is an emotional idiot fueled by the problems his father had.

Unions are outdated and an anachronism . I was a United Steel Worker and Teamster and they were nothing but crooks. I saw many idiots that needed to be fired get their jobs back because of the unions. Our union ran the Steel Mill out of business because they would not make concessions when the plant was failing : Quote from Harold Lester president of our union "Boys if we take a 50 cent pay cut, we will be working for nothing",,,,,,,6 months later, the plant closed (Mclouth Steel).

Democrats DO NOTHING for the working man, everything they do is to GAIN POWER FOR THE SUPER RICH behind a fake veneer of helping the working man. The DemonRats take all of the credit for the hard gains made by the Unions.

Properly regulate industry ??? by letting the Chinese steal patents, prosper from a lopsided trade balance, keep their dollar pegged in value below the US dollar so Chinese cannot afford American imports, thousands of small businesses closing due to DemonRats cutting off business loans, Driving Inflation to stratospheric levels by printing money like crazy, Shopping malls and chain stores closing, AND THE BIG ONE : FLOODING THE COUNTRY WITH CHEAP WORKERS FOR THEIR CORPORATE MASTERS while bankrupting cities and safety nets.

Trump had the best economy I have ever seen in 50 years of working.
I have a feeling that these steel companies wanted to go overseas so for a decade they let the employees act like fools in order to gain support for leaving. I know first hand you aint wrong. Ford Lincoln Plant workers where I lived ran those jobs overseas. They weren't good employees.

I don't know if Ford workers today are pieces of shit. I will admit Ford Union workers and GM needed to be reformed. But I still value their union. Even if it too is corrupt. It's as corrupt as the corporation it works for. It has a seat at the table. If the leaders are unreasonable I wouldn't blame the company for moving.

I heard the Ford Union workers on strike in Texas won. The strike is over. $40 hr. $28 to start. Good for them. Texas' economy is better off today.
That's what we are doing. Adjusting to it. And not fast enough. Wouldn't you enjoy 3 more quality years of life? That's what it will mean when we go green. If you don't believe we can destroy the planet, at least believe we can live a better quality of life by going green. And who knows what inventions to improve green energy will be made. We won't know if we stick to coal and oil.

The question is not if you believe the climate is changing btw. It's do you believe we are causing that change and it's dangerous.

What would my quality of life be if the AGW zealots got their way. No car, no AC, no meat, no travel, no freedom.

"Going green" is self suicide at this point. "hey lets all get EV's before we get a grid that can handle it"!!!
That is the logic of morons.

Sorry, but we can't destroy the planet. That is retarded. At most we can make it difficult for us to live on it.

Even if we have some impact on it, the left's green solution isn't the answer. All it is is a socialism in a candy coating, hence the "watermelon" reference. "Green on the outside, red on the inside"
That's what we are doing. Adjusting to it. And not fast enough. Wouldn't you enjoy 3 more quality years of life? That's what it will mean when we go green. If you don't believe we can destroy the planet, at least believe we can live a better quality of life by going green. And who knows what inventions to improve green energy will be made. We won't know if we stick to coal and oil.

The question is not if you believe the climate is changing btw. It's do you believe we are causing that change and it's dangerous.
Your USELESS platitudes are vacuous! We do not and can not control the weather. I live on a GIANT GLACIAL MORAINE in NY called Long Island.
It was formed by a MASSIVE ICE SHEET that somehow MELTED just around 20,000 years ago.
What caused the melting of the Laurentide Ice Sheet?????
Mammoth farts???????
Whatever the case, all this henny penny shy is falling NONSENSE is for nothing but power and control; its all POLITICAL!!!!
.. :evil:
What would my quality of life be if the AGW zealots got their way. No car, no AC, no meat, no travel, no freedom.

"Going green" is self suicide at this point. "hey lets all get EV's before we get a grid that can handle it"!!!
That is the logic of morons.

Sorry, but we can't destroy the planet. That is retarded. At most we can make it difficult for us to live on it.

Even if we have some impact on it, the left's green solution isn't the answer. All it is is a socialism in a candy coating, hence the "watermelon" reference. "Green on the outside, red on the inside"
No we can't "destroy" the planet. The planet will be fine without us.

Green cars bother you? You need to be free to pollute with your HEMI?

Have buses so fewer people need cars bothers you?

Develop homes closer to industrial complexes so people can walk or ride bikes to work?
Your USELESS platitudes are vacuous! We do not and can not control the weather. I live on a GIANT GLACIAL MORAINE in NY called Long Island.
It was formed by a MASSIVE ICE SHEET that somehow MELTED just around 20,000 years ago.
What caused the melting of the Laurentide Ice Sheet?????
Mammoth farts???????
Whatever the case, all this henny penny shy is falling NONSENSE is for nothing but power and control; its all POLITICAL!!!!
.. :evil:
Remember during the industrial revolution it was just us polluting. Now it's every country on the planet. You're a moron.
/----/ Once again, your lame attempt to refute President Trump's accomplishments falls flat. Is your next move going to be blaming Biden's failures on Trump?
Depends on what you call "failure". If you're going to blame inflation totally on Biden, or the price of gas, or the state of international affairs, don't waste my time. Those aren't all on Biden.
I will say that Trump handed Biden an absolute shit sandwich from the moment he left the WH. The guy essentially hasn't gotten a break since he raised his hand to take the oath. All things considered,
he's turning out to be exactly what I expect him to be. A career politician. The one area I will ding Biden on is the Afghanistan withdrawal. While it had to be done, it could have been done smoother with more
T's crossed and I's dotted before we pulled out.
No we can't "destroy" the planet. The planet will be fine without us.

Green cars bother you? You need to be free to pollute with your HEMI?

Have buses so fewer people need cars bothers you?

Develop homes closer to industrial complexes so people can walk or ride bikes to work?

Being forced to buy one in 2035 bothers me. If you want the limited functionality of an EV be my guest.

I own a 2019 Altima, good milage. And since I live in an apartment I don't have access to a charger, so until I can charge the battery as fast as I fill a gas tank, an EV is a non starter.

Buses and subways aren't being forced on me, yet.

Make people live near industry? Even if the pollution is gone the noise and the layouts are not to be desired.
Remember during the industrial revolution it was just us polluting. Now it's every country on the planet. You're a moron.
Changes aren't permanent, but change is; and constant change is here to stay!!!! It was NATURE that melted the Laurentide Ice Sheet, and it NATURE that will bring it back NO MATTER WHAT WE MANUFACTURE OR DO OTHERWISE!!!!
The declaration that CO2 is the DRIVING FORCE of "global warming" is NOT PROVEN SCIENCE, it is fucking POLITICAL!!!!
/----/ I'll try again: How is allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports, and allowing biological men to use the women’s locker room supporting women?
Pushing for equal pay and treatment and abortion rights supports supports women you jackass.

Most women don’t give two shits about your tranny obsession.

That’s YOU
Being forced to buy one in 2035 bothers me. If you want the limited functionality of an EV be my guest.

I own a 2019 Altima, good milage. And since I live in an apartment I don't have access to a charger, so until I can charge the battery as fast as I fill a gas tank, an EV is a non starter.

Buses and subways aren't being forced on me, yet.

Make people live near industry? Even if the pollution is gone the noise and the layouts are not to be desired.
So get a fucking hybrid
Being forced to buy one in 2035 bothers me. If you want the limited functionality of an EV be my guest.

I own a 2019 Altima, good milage. And since I live in an apartment I don't have access to a charger, so until I can charge the battery as fast as I fill a gas tank, an EV is a non starter.

Buses and subways aren't being forced on me, yet.

Make people live near industry? Even if the pollution is gone the noise and the layouts are not to be desired.
Suddenly you acknowledge corporate pollution and don't want it near you. LOL. Dude, it's all around you. And it's only getting worse.

This is interesting

"The majority of Americans see some fairly severe environmental harms as likely to happen over the next 30 years," says Alec Tyson of the Pew Research Center, who helped lead the survey. "For example, 73% say they think a growing number of plant and animal species will go extinct, 61% say they think heat waves will cause large numbers of people to die in the U.S. every year and 58% think rising sea levels will force large numbers of people in the U.S. to move away from the coast."

Those sentiments are backed up by scientific research, which has long warned that greenhouse gas emissions would threaten Americans' health, finances and very lives.
Suddenly you acknowledge corporate pollution and don't want it near you. LOL. Dude, it's all around you. And it's only getting worse.

This is interesting

"The majority of Americans see some fairly severe environmental harms as likely to happen over the next 30 years," says Alec Tyson of the Pew Research Center, who helped lead the survey. "For example, 73% say they think a growing number of plant and animal species will go extinct, 61% say they think heat waves will cause large numbers of people to die in the U.S. every year and 58% think rising sea levels will force large numbers of people in the U.S. to move away from the coast."

Those sentiments are backed up by scientific research, which has long warned that greenhouse gas emissions would threaten Americans' health, finances and very lives.

I work in Environmental Engineering, specifically Wastewater treatment. I do more to clean pollution in a month than you will do in a lifetime.

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