Question for dog owners of old or passed pets.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
As some of you may remember a couple years back I had to revive my little buddy. Well he did really well for a couple years but now he is starting some really weird behavior.

Let me start off by saying I have kennel trained every dog ive ever had. Once the initial training is over they become very accustomed to being in their kennel either on their own accord or when they are confined on purpose. Over the years more often than not he can be found in his kennel just chillin. He has always used it as his "space" even when not told to go there.

He is almost always put there when I leave for work or at night if he isn't on my bed.

But lately he has started a really bizarre behavior. He still randomly goes in it during the day but if I try to confine him at night he now bangs on the door with his head or huffs n puffs as if he is out of breath. It's like he has suddenly become claustrophobic after 15 years of being in it at night.
After 4 restless nights with me getting no sleep I tried confining him to just the dining room on the stone floor. That didn't work either because he just noisily paced the floor letting out occasional whimpers.
Finally I got a smaller kennel and placed it next to my bed where he could see me. The first night was a struggle but now he seems to have adapted to it for the most part.

All of this behavior is brand new and completely out of character for him. He still has a spunky daytime personality and eats pretty well and the issues only seem to come up at night. He does sleep A LOT more & has trouble taking a dump.

I've had some suggest that I have him put down but I'm not sure it's time for that. Having said that I can't take too many more nights of only getting 2 to 4 hours of sleep.

Could be that something spooked him recently while he was in the kennel and he's simply afraid to return or afraid of the dark. Maybe something as simple as an earwig getting in his ear at night and causing him distress. All guesses ... I'm no expert and haven't dealt with old animals in many years. Hope you find the answer you're looking for. I agree, though, that it's too early to put him down.
He is old. Old folks and critters do weird things. If he is eating and drinking and pooping and doing normal doggy things during the day...then why put him down? I agree with DriftingSand..maybe he is scared of something. Or, he is just old and now needs different setting at bedtime.
I posted about Karma in the Coffee Shop. She is kinda freaking me out. is gonna kill my back, but I am sleeping with her in the bed tonight. My bed is hers now..I sleep in the recliner. But I want to be near her...hold her hand (paw), feel her breath on my cheek. So...killed back or not...I am being with her tonight. Maybe you should let your pup sleep with you, too.
Grampa Murked U - get yourself to a doctor for a checkup ASAP. I think your doggy senses a problem with you. Seriously.
Hmm. I never thought of that. Gracie smelled my breast cancer and although it was strange never crossed my mind that she kept burying her nose in my boob until after the mamm and the biopsy.

You might be on to something there, Grandma.
Something is going on that is causing him distress. Start by leaving the door of the kennel open. Let him come and go. Most dogs who are kennel trained think of their kennel as a safe haven. Maybe he needs to be able to make that decision for himself.

Watch for other unusual behavior and talk to your vet. Find out if he has some underlying problem.
You say that he's sleeping a lot more, but he doesn't seem to be able to sleep as well at night. Even when you let him into a different space, he paced and whimpered.

Do you think you could dedicate a couple of days trying to keep him awake during the day, and see if he sleeps better at night?
As some of you may remember a couple years back I had to revive my little buddy. Well he did really well for a couple years but now he is starting some really weird behavior.

Let me start off by saying I have kennel trained every dog ive ever had. Once the initial training is over they become very accustomed to being in their kennel either on their own accord or when they are confined on purpose. Over the years more often than not he can be found in his kennel just chillin. He has always used it as his "space" even when not told to go there.

He is almost always put there when I leave for work or at night if he isn't on my bed.

But lately he has started a really bizarre behavior. He still randomly goes in it during the day but if I try to confine him at night he now bangs on the door with his head or huffs n puffs as if he is out of breath. It's like he has suddenly become claustrophobic after 15 years of being in it at night.
After 4 restless nights with me getting no sleep I tried confining him to just the dining room on the stone floor. That didn't work either because he just noisily paced the floor letting out occasional whimpers.
Finally I got a smaller kennel and placed it next to my bed where he could see me. The first night was a struggle but now he seems to have adapted to it for the most part.

All of this behavior is brand new and completely out of character for him. He still has a spunky daytime personality and eats pretty well and the issues only seem to come up at night. He does sleep A LOT more & has trouble taking a dump.

I've had some suggest that I have him put down but I'm not sure it's time for that. Having said that I can't take too many more nights of only getting 2 to 4 hours of sleep.


Is it time?

Only you know your dog, Bro'.

My only advice would be don't be stubborn and don't be cruel.

We sent Boo to whatever awaits the canine spirit after this life in August, and it was sudden after 18 months of fighting some muscle disease. Overnight we went from wondering if it was too soon to hoping we weren't too late by pushing it out 2 days to a Friday.

Only you know your dog, Bro'.
Is it huffing or coughing? If he is coughing watch for white foam as this can be an indication of congestive heart failure.
Another symptom to watch for is his elbows,when he lies down on his chest do his elbows sprawl outwards?
I'd get him to a vet and have him checked out,if it is CHF and you catch it early you can extend his life and make him more comfortable.
As some of you may remember a couple years back I had to revive my little buddy. Well he did really well for a couple years but now he is starting some really weird behavior.

Let me start off by saying I have kennel trained every dog ive ever had. Once the initial training is over they become very accustomed to being in their kennel either on their own accord or when they are confined on purpose. Over the years more often than not he can be found in his kennel just chillin. He has always used it as his "space" even when not told to go there.

He is almost always put there when I leave for work or at night if he isn't on my bed.

But lately he has started a really bizarre behavior. He still randomly goes in it during the day but if I try to confine him at night he now bangs on the door with his head or huffs n puffs as if he is out of breath. It's like he has suddenly become claustrophobic after 15 years of being in it at night.
After 4 restless nights with me getting no sleep I tried confining him to just the dining room on the stone floor. That didn't work either because he just noisily paced the floor letting out occasional whimpers.
Finally I got a smaller kennel and placed it next to my bed where he could see me. The first night was a struggle but now he seems to have adapted to it for the most part.

All of this behavior is brand new and completely out of character for him. He still has a spunky daytime personality and eats pretty well and the issues only seem to come up at night. He does sleep A LOT more & has trouble taking a dump.

I've had some suggest that I have him put down but I'm not sure it's time for that. Having said that I can't take too many more nights of only getting 2 to 4 hours of sleep.


Is it time?

Only you know your dog, Bro'.

My only advice would be don't be stubborn and don't be cruel.

We sent Boo to whatever awaits the canine spirit after this life in August, and it was sudden after 18 months of fighting some muscle disease. Overnight we went from wondering if it was too soon to hoping we weren't too late by pushing it out 2 days to a Friday.

Only you know your dog, Bro'.

I believe that, if we are able to listen and hear, they tell us when its time for them to go.

Like you say, he knows his dog just as you knew yours. If we're able to open our minds and our hearts, they let us know.
You say that he's sleeping a lot more, but he doesn't seem to be able to sleep as well at night. Even when you let him into a different space, he paced and whimpered.

Do you think you could dedicate a couple of days trying to keep him awake during the day, and see if he sleeps better at night?

If it were me, I wouldn't want to stress him any more than he already is.
As some of you may remember a couple years back I had to revive my little buddy. Well he did really well for a couple years but now he is starting some really weird behavior.

Let me start off by saying I have kennel trained every dog ive ever had. Once the initial training is over they become very accustomed to being in their kennel either on their own accord or when they are confined on purpose. Over the years more often than not he can be found in his kennel just chillin. He has always used it as his "space" even when not told to go there.

He is almost always put there when I leave for work or at night if he isn't on my bed.

But lately he has started a really bizarre behavior. He still randomly goes in it during the day but if I try to confine him at night he now bangs on the door with his head or huffs n puffs as if he is out of breath. It's like he has suddenly become claustrophobic after 15 years of being in it at night.
After 4 restless nights with me getting no sleep I tried confining him to just the dining room on the stone floor. That didn't work either because he just noisily paced the floor letting out occasional whimpers.
Finally I got a smaller kennel and placed it next to my bed where he could see me. The first night was a struggle but now he seems to have adapted to it for the most part.

All of this behavior is brand new and completely out of character for him. He still has a spunky daytime personality and eats pretty well and the issues only seem to come up at night. He does sleep A LOT more & has trouble taking a dump.

I've had some suggest that I have him put down but I'm not sure it's time for that. Having said that I can't take too many more nights of only getting 2 to 4 hours of sleep.


It sounds like he's at least 15? So he is a pretty old fellow. Dogs can get dementia - does any of this sound like what's going on?

Sundowning Symptoms in Dogs eHow
Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome in Dogs

Has he had bloodwork done recently? Sometimes liver or kidney disease can cause behavioral/mental changes. There might be some medication that can help.

(((Hugs to you))) - those old guys are pretty special :)
restlessness and whimpering might mean internal pain/cancer/tumor.

What breed and how old?
Shitzou, I know I butchered the spelling.
About 16 yrs

He has done better the last few nights. I've mostly kept him close to me but the other night he was sleeping in his cage when I got up to go out for a smoke so I just closed his door. 4 am he let me know that, that was a dumb decision. As long as I keep him close he seems ok.
Unfortunately I've been working near 7 days a week so I haven't been around as much as I'd like.
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As some of you may remember a couple years back I had to revive my little buddy. Well he did really well for a couple years but now he is starting some really weird behavior.

Let me start off by saying I have kennel trained every dog ive ever had. Once the initial training is over they become very accustomed to being in their kennel either on their own accord or when they are confined on purpose. Over the years more often than not he can be found in his kennel just chillin. He has always used it as his "space" even when not told to go there.

He is almost always put there when I leave for work or at night if he isn't on my bed.

But lately he has started a really bizarre behavior. He still randomly goes in it during the day but if I try to confine him at night he now bangs on the door with his head or huffs n puffs as if he is out of breath. It's like he has suddenly become claustrophobic after 15 years of being in it at night.
After 4 restless nights with me getting no sleep I tried confining him to just the dining room on the stone floor. That didn't work either because he just noisily paced the floor letting out occasional whimpers.
Finally I got a smaller kennel and placed it next to my bed where he could see me. The first night was a struggle but now he seems to have adapted to it for the most part.

All of this behavior is brand new and completely out of character for him. He still has a spunky daytime personality and eats pretty well and the issues only seem to come up at night. He does sleep A LOT more & has trouble taking a dump.

I've had some suggest that I have him put down but I'm not sure it's time for that. Having said that I can't take too many more nights of only getting 2 to 4 hours of sleep.


It sounds like he's at least 15? So he is a pretty old fellow. Dogs can get dementia - does any of this sound like what's going on?

Sundowning Symptoms in Dogs eHow
Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome in Dogs

Has he had bloodwork done recently? Sometimes liver or kidney disease can cause behavioral/mental changes. There might be some medication that can help.

(((Hugs to you))) - those old guys are pretty special :)
No more vet visits. After the last episode a year & a half back or so the vet told me that at his age I should not revive him again & not bring him in anymore. She thought the stress would do more harm than she could do good.

Pretty much just biding our time and trying to enjoy what's left.
His behavior just kinda went wacko very abruptly and it took me by surprise.
It isn't the kennel cause he still goes in it all the time.
I figure he just wants to be close to me for some weird reason or he is suddenly claustrophobic for some strange reason.

We are trying new routines each night now to try to figure it out. So far the only thing that works is him being close to me.
restlessness and whimpering might mean internal pain/cancer/tumor.

What breed and how old?
Shitzou, I know I butchered the spelling.
About 16 yrs

He has done better the last few knights. I've mostly kept him close to me but the other night he was sleeping in his cage when I got up to go out for a smoke so I just closed his door. 4 am he let me know that, that was a dumb decision. As long as I keep him close he seems ok.
Unfortunately I've been working near 7 days a week so I haven't been around as much as I'd like.

Well, take him to the vet for an "old dog" checkup. They test organ functions, etc...more extensive than just a normal visit.

I put down a 16 year old weimaraner last year and I have an 11 year old showing increasing signs of age.
16 is especially old for large breeds but it's still pretty old even for shih tzus.

I just saw your above post re; no more vet visits...disregard my post, then. :)

Maybe he just "knows" his time is getting short.
That may be the case. I've never had a pet that got this old before. We moved around too much when I was younger because of my job doing govt projects.
Only pet we had was a cat that was indoor/outdoor. We did have her a very long time but one afternoon she wanted out & just never came back.
As some of you may remember a couple years back I had to revive my little buddy. Well he did really well for a couple years but now he is starting some really weird behavior.

Let me start off by saying I have kennel trained every dog ive ever had. Once the initial training is over they become very accustomed to being in their kennel either on their own accord or when they are confined on purpose. Over the years more often than not he can be found in his kennel just chillin. He has always used it as his "space" even when not told to go there.

He is almost always put there when I leave for work or at night if he isn't on my bed.

But lately he has started a really bizarre behavior. He still randomly goes in it during the day but if I try to confine him at night he now bangs on the door with his head or huffs n puffs as if he is out of breath. It's like he has suddenly become claustrophobic after 15 years of being in it at night.
After 4 restless nights with me getting no sleep I tried confining him to just the dining room on the stone floor. That didn't work either because he just noisily paced the floor letting out occasional whimpers.
Finally I got a smaller kennel and placed it next to my bed where he could see me. The first night was a struggle but now he seems to have adapted to it for the most part.

All of this behavior is brand new and completely out of character for him. He still has a spunky daytime personality and eats pretty well and the issues only seem to come up at night. He does sleep A LOT more & has trouble taking a dump.

I've had some suggest that I have him put down but I'm not sure it's time for that. Having said that I can't take too many more nights of only getting 2 to 4 hours of sleep.


It sounds like he's at least 15? So he is a pretty old fellow. Dogs can get dementia - does any of this sound like what's going on?

Sundowning Symptoms in Dogs eHow
Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome in Dogs

Has he had bloodwork done recently? Sometimes liver or kidney disease can cause behavioral/mental changes. There might be some medication that can help.

(((Hugs to you))) - those old guys are pretty special :)
No more vet visits. After the last episode a year & a half back or so the vet told me that at his age I should not revive him again & not bring him in anymore. She thought the stress would do more harm than she could do good.

Pretty much just biding our time and trying to enjoy what's left.
His behavior just kinda went wacko very abruptly and it took me by surprise.
It isn't the kennel cause he still goes in it all the time.
I figure he just wants to be close to me for some weird reason or he is suddenly claustrophobic for some strange reason.

We are trying new routines each night now to try to figure it out. So far the only thing that works is him being close to me.

I've noticed with my elderly dogs that they seem to want to be next to me all the time, even though in their youth, that wasn't the case. I'm doing chores, cooking...whatever and they're literally right under foot tripping me up. I think that may be part of aging...I noticed in two of my girls (Abby, who lived to 15) and Deena (who lived to 17) when they seemed about 14 or so. Their vision was not real good and their hearing probably not either so maybe it was a security thing.

I agree, at his age - the only thing to be gained by a vet visit is information. It's not likely you can do anything to change the outcome. Keeping him happy, unstressed and comfortable is the priority. My friend always told me, that when they reach that age - they owe you nothing. Everyday is a gift.

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