Zone1 Question For Atheists

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
If there is no such thing as God, then why did the big bang occur? I believe that it happened as science tells us that it did, but it doesn't seem to know how or why.
If there is no such thing as God, then why did the big bang occur? I believe that it happened as science tells us that it did, but it doesn't seem to know how or why.
Science doesn't know a lot of things. That doesn't make those things proof of God. That's coming from somebody that does actually believe in God. Not a religious God, but still.
Who created the laws for the Big Bang, as unlikely a theory as I think it is? Who provided the energy? the science of the universee creation iseven less.scientific than religion and with less evidence.
Scientists don't know how the universe was created. They have theories but nothing provable...just like Evo-lution.

I personally believe that science backs up religion and vice versa. After all I think it's just about impossible that Adam and Eve looked like we do today.

I always get laughed at by atheists when I tell this story so I won't go into detail but I died for a few minutes and saw a dark room with someone or some people in the room... they were taunting me and it scared me so I said God please help me... next thing I knew I woke up in a hospital hooked up to all kinds of tubes... so yes I believe in God... I do not go to church... I never have... but I know God is real....
Oh and just in case anybody has any questions on the video, take a look at that skull. That doesn't look like a skull from anybody from the past two centuries.
This universe is an inconceivably vast pond of chaos and entropy. No one with any sense of order created this mess. There need not be a purpose behind any of it.
what's yer question?
Explain it to me?
Well. an hypothesis is a guess or an assumption made before any information or research has been done.

and a theory is... a statement which is used to explain things shown in THE DATA.

would you like to show me THE. DATA. for the big bang?
Well. an hypothesis is a guess or an assumption made before any information or research has been done.

and a theory is... a statement which is used to explain things shown in THE DATA.

would you like to show me THE. DATA. for the big bang?
So your position is that the Big Bang and evolution are hypotheses rather than theories?
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So your position is that the big bang and evolution and hypotheses rather than theories?

you asked me for a definition. I gave it. i asked a question of you and you're supposed to answer...that's how that works.

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