Question about Jan 6th Protestors


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2013
The Bee Hive State
What I want to know is, did the protestors think Trump was going to declare Marshall Law? Do they now feel misled? Now that they are in prison, how do they feel about Trump? Would they still support him now as they sit in prison?

It is my own opinion that Trump did rile up citizens into thinking some major event would happen. I do think it is unfair they are in prison when he was the Leader.

I just wonder if those families whose loved ones are in prison still support Trump.

What is your personal opinion about this this if you have one ?
I don’t know what Trumps plan was

He called his TRUMPMob to DC specifically on Jan 6
He knew Congress was certifying the election on that day

What was the TRUMPMob supposed to do about it?
Trump gave them no specific instructions on how to “Stop the Steal”and left it up to them

Trump lied to the mob and told them that Pence and Congress could overturn the States and he needed a mob to bully them
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What I want to know is, did the protestors think Trump was going to declare Marshall Law? Do they now feel misled? Now that they are in prison, how do they feel about Trump? Would they still support him now as they sit in prison?

It is my own opinion that Trump did rile up citizens into thinking some major event would happen. I do think it is unfair they are in prison when he was the Leader.

I just wonder if those families whose loved ones are in prison still support Trump.

What is your personal opinion about this this if you have one ?
Here's the anwer...

They don't feel any differently.

If Biden wins, many will communicate "remorse" and how "wrong" they were blah, blah, blah...

However, If Trump wins, they will communicate that they were right and we'll likely see many of them released by that lawless President.

Bottom line is they have no principles, their only principle is power and doing whatever it takes to keep and wield it.
What I want to know is, did the protestors think Trump was going to declare Marshall Law? Do they now feel misled? Now that they are in prison, how do they feel about Trump? Would they still support him now as they sit in prison?

It is my own opinion that Trump did rile up citizens into thinking some major event would happen. I do think it is unfair they are in prison when he was the Leader.

I just wonder if those families whose loved ones are in prison still support Trump.

What is your personal opinion about this this if you have one ?
You mean January 6th insurrectionists. Why would Trump declared Marshall Law when it was his supporters doing the storming of the Capitol?
It's possible that there would have been a mass uprising among the citizens over declaring Trump was still President, but most likely, it would result in Constitutional legal challenges.

What the insurrectionists that day thought is that they were going to be a part of United States history. They were going to storm the Capitol and
force members of Congress to throw out the results of the free and fair 2020 election and force in a slate of electors that were loyal to Donald Trump
who would declare he was the victor of the 2020 election. Why do you think they would take the time to post their actions on social media everywhere???...until about 5 hours into it when they saw it wasn't going to work and most of them tried desperately to delete any record of their participation. They thought they were going to get away scot free with it.

In short, they believed there would be no consequences for their actions because at the end of the day, Donald Trump would still be President.
I'm sure there are a great many regretting their actions and feel that Trump not only egged them on to storm the Capitol, but would also absolve them of their sins as well. He gets to walk away and stall the justice system while the rest of them have to pay now. Ashli Babbitt's family is suing the DOJ for their relative's death. It will be thrown out, of course.

My personal opinion is that January 6, 2021 can NEVER happen again. If it takes a decade to track down everyone in that video footage that day and send them an angry email or leave them a sternly worded phone call, I'll support hiring as many federal agents as possible to make that happen.
What I want to know is, did the protestors think Trump was going to declare Marshall Law? Do they now feel misled? Now that they are in prison, how do they feel about Trump? Would they still support him now as they sit in prison?

It is my own opinion that Trump did rile up citizens into thinking some major event would happen. I do think it is unfair they are in prison when he was the Leader.

I just wonder if those families whose loved ones are in prison still support Trump.

What is your personal opinion about this this if you have one ?
The stupid idiots blame Pence instead of Trump.
Here's the anwer...

They don't feel any differently.

If Biden wins, many will communicate "remorse" and how "wrong" they were blah, blah, blah...

However, If Trump wins, they will communicate that they were right and we'll likely see many of them released by that lawless President.

Bottom line is they have no principles, their only principle is power and doing whatever it takes to keep and wield it.
So no one in their family feels Trump misled them?
You mean January 6th insurrectionists. Why would Trump declared Marshall Law when it was his supporters doing the storming of the Capitol?
It's possible that there would have been a mass uprising among the citizens over declaring Trump was still President, but most likely, it would result in Constitutional legal challenges.

What the insurrectionists that day thought is that they were going to be a part of United States history. They were going to storm the Capitol and
force members of Congress to throw out the results of the free and fair 2020 election and force in a slate of electors that were loyal to Donald Trump
who would declare he was the victor of the 2020 election. Why do you think they would take the time to post their actions on social media everywhere???...until about 5 hours into it when they saw it wasn't going to work and most of them tried desperately to delete any record of their participation. They thought they were going to get away scot free with it.

In short, they believed there would be no consequences for their actions because at the end of the day, Donald Trump would still be President.
I'm sure there are a great many regretting their actions and feel that Trump not only egged them on to storm the Capitol, but would also absolve them of their sins as well. He gets to walk away and stall the justice system while the rest of them have to pay now. Ashli Babbitt's family is suing the DOJ for their relative's death. It will be thrown out, of course.

My personal opinion is that January 6, 2021 can NEVER happen again. If it takes a decade to track down everyone in that video footage that day and send them an angry email or leave them a sternly worded phone call, I'll support hiring as many federal agents as possible to make that happen.
Yes I know. They did that though imo because Trump insinuated marshall law and all sorts of things. I mean why else is he being held accountable? I just think when a world leader is supporting that behavior and then abandons the people who supported him it's a big drag. If it had been anyone I cared for I would be mad at Trump he is a world leader.
What I want to know is, did the protestors think Trump was going to declare Marshall Law? Do they now feel misled? Now that they are in prison, how do they feel about Trump? Would they still support him now as they sit in prison?

It is my own opinion that Trump did rile up citizens into thinking some major event would happen. I do think it is unfair they are in prison when he was the Leader.

I just wonder if those families whose loved ones are in prison still support Trump.

What is your personal opinion about this this if you have one ?
of course trump was the leader but

"we were only following orders" did not work at nuremburg, and should not work here.
Yes I know. They did that though imo because Trump insinuated marshall law and all sorts of things. I mean why else is he being held accountable? I just think when a world leader is supporting that behavior and then abandons the people who supported him it's a big drag. If it had been anyone I cared for I would be mad at Trump he is a world leader.
Same, age old story with people of power. Those in power get to skate and stall, while the underlings who carried out their orders, get to hang.

While there are four separate indictments with 91 counts currently against him, ultimately, he is (finally) being held accountable because he is corrupt.
You would think that people watching that day who support him would abandon him in droves after seeing his behavior and witnessing his cowardice first hand (running back to the White House instead of going to the Capitol). But that's not what happens in a cult.

See Jim Jones and David Koresh for reference.
No, they believe he was right.

That's why they resolved to insurrection.

A literal handful have seen the light and have repented.

But there's always about 1 or 2 that do this.

The exception proves the rule.
Thanks for sharing your opinion. It's interesting to see how other people see it.
of course trump was the leader but

"we were only following orders" did not work at nuremburg, and should not work here.
Let's be clear I've made no statement on what I think should or sholdn't be done. I am just inquiring on regular citizens perceptives about the questions I posed. Thanks for answering.
It really GUTS you people that you can't separate him from his support, huh? Maybe someday you'll finally grasp that just because the media you trust tells you 75 million of us were wrong, doesn't make that true. You will never convince most that the election wasn't solen. Feel free to keep pitching a hissy-fit, by all means.
What I want to know is, did the protestors think Trump was going to declare Marshall Law? Do they now feel misled? Now that they are in prison, how do they feel about Trump? Would they still support him now as they sit in prison?

It is my own opinion that Trump did rile up citizens into thinking some major event would happen. I do think it is unfair they are in prison when he was the Leader.

I just wonder if those families whose loved ones are in prison still support Trump.

What is your personal opinion about this this if you have one ?

"Marshall Law". LOL
LOL. I realized my after WW2 mistake too...and didn't feel like correcting it.

Sentiment still applies. :auiqs.jpg:
It would be nice to debate with semi-literate dims. Not possible. We all make mistakes in here but this one, substituting 'marshall' for 'martial' belies the unseriousness of the question.

It's just College Sophomore propaganda. Literally.

It happens more when the Northeast gets snowed in. Children get locked-in and come in here when they're tired of gaming.

We need a romper-room for dims to keep them out of the adults' hair.

This thread is a flame thread and should be banished to the Rubber Room. Ignorant from its inception

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