Question about drinking and minors

According to FBI statistics, the two most crime-ridden cities in Florida are Gainesville and Tallahassee. At first glance, you’d be pretty astonished, since there are some pretty bad places in Florida, and both are nice, livable college towns. But because the University of Florida and Florida State University are in those towns respectfully, the high number of sexual assaults on and around campus drive the crime numbers way up.
The recent accusations against Kavanugh have got me thinking. I did not start this thread to talk about that particular case, rather, I would like to talk about under aged drinking in general. This thread is about people who actually give a damn about sexually victimizing women rather than just stopping a political opponent from obtaining one of the highest political positions in the world.

I read recently that 1 in 5 girls in colleges across the US get sexually assaulted, and as we all know, colleges tend to have a culture of drinking and partying. As a culture, we have celebrated it as a right of passage, and not a door opened that leads to sexual violence.

My thinking is this, men have a much higher sex drive than women. In fact, women tend to throw a wet blanket on males, or we would be knee deep in new born babies and aborted fetus'. It is especially hard for immature males to handle these biological urges, so powerful they actually do brain damage. However, add alcohol to the equation, and you remove much needed inhibitions. And if the girl is drunk as well you have virtually no inhibitions. It's not about males being bad and females being good, it's just simple biology. Much of what people do when they do get drunk they can't even remember, let alone be able to control themselves.

So shouldn't the Metoo movement be focused on college drinking rather than keeping silent about sexual assault unless they are a Republican who is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court?
Who told you men have a higher sex drive than women? That's not my experience. Women can go on and on to the point I have damn near needed IV's to keep from being dehydrated.

It's common knowledge
The Me Too movement started with Weinstein, who is definitely guilty of everything he's been accused of, and more.

Then more and more men in Hollywood and politics were targeted, and after awhile, the distinction between the guilty and the innocent became blurred.

One man got in trouble because he shouted at an elevator, "Lingerie Department, please!" A woman reported him for this, and he got into trouble for an innocent joke.

It's like the French Revolution. They started with the King and the nobles, but pretty soon, even peasants were getting their heads cut off after being denounced by their neighbors.

Here is a clip that shows how well it was known in Hollywood for decades. It was an open secret, everyone knew

Now the Left in Hollywood, who put together the Metoo movement, did nothing to stop Harvey. In fact, actors like Matt Damon and Russell Crow would track down reporters to stop them from writing about Harvey in a negative way.

In the video Hollywood just explains it away by saying people were scared of Harvey who felt powerless against him.

But then explain this:

Here we see someone more powerful than Harvey, Michelle Obama, give Harvey praise. Then we see those sitting behind him who have been more successful and rich over the years than most actors in Hollywood singing his praise. There is no real reason why they should be scared of him.

No, they sung his praise cuz they liked his politics, and more importantly, his money.

But then a curious thing happened. Harvey backed a loser in Hillary. Add to this fact that Harvey was getting up in years and ready to throw under the bus like Cosby, and they used him as a catalyst to get at Trump, a known womanizer.

There’s another great video out there that shows the Hollyweirdos going nuts with applause and standing ovations when for some reason they decided to honor Roman Polanski, the fugitive from the US criminal justice system for decades who fled the country while awaiting sentencing in a sexual abuse case he’d pled guilty to. If memory serves me right she was only 13 at the time he fed her booze and drugs prior to raping/abusing her.

Lots of female Hollyweirdos stood and applauded that night knowing full well why Polanski wasn’t able to attend their annual Circle Jerk Fest known as the Academy Awards.
There’s another great video out there that shows the Hollyweirdos going nuts with applause and standing ovations when for some reason they decided to honor Roman Polanski, the fugitive from the US criminal justice system for decades who fled the country while awaiting sentencing in a sexual abuse case he’d pled guilty to. If memory serves me right she was only 13 at the time he fed her booze and drugs prior to raping/abusing her.

To which he plead guilty and went to prison for 42 days, which is typical for what guys who committed that kind of crime got in those days. It's when a Judge decided to renege on the sentence that prosecutors and the penal system had already agreed to that he fled. But do leave those details out.

Lots of female Hollyweirdos stood and applauded that night knowing full well why Polanski wasn’t able to attend their annual Circle Jerk Fest known as the Academy Awards.

That politicians were abusing the criminal justice system.

You see, the thing is, only 3% of rapists- real rapists, not guys who have sex with minors - end up behind bars... So Polanski was already punished more than 97% of actual rapists were.
Lol, yeah and Clinton is proof.

Bill Clinton you had a 70 million dollar investigation into his sex life... and came up with...

A bunch of women even Ken Starr didn't really believe, and he really wanted to.

Let's have a 70 million dollar investigation into Kavanaugh, and see what we come up with.
He has been investigated by the fbi 7 times.
The recent accusations against Kavanugh have got me thinking. I did not start this thread to talk about that particular case, rather, I would like to talk about under aged drinking in general. This thread is about people who actually give a damn about sexually victimizing women rather than just stopping a political opponent from obtaining one of the highest political positions in the world.

I read recently that 1 in 5 girls in colleges across the US get sexually assaulted, and as we all know, colleges tend to have a culture of drinking and partying. As a culture, we have celebrated it as a right of passage, and not a door opened that leads to sexual violence.

My thinking is this, men have a much higher sex drive than women. In fact, women tend to throw a wet blanket on males, or we would be knee deep in new born babies and aborted fetus'. It is especially hard for immature males to handle these biological urges, so powerful they actually do brain damage. However, add alcohol to the equation, and you remove much needed inhibitions. And if the girl is drunk as well you have virtually no inhibitions. It's not about males being bad and females being good, it's just simple biology. Much of what people do when they do get drunk they can't even remember, let alone be able to control themselves.

So shouldn't the Metoo movement be focused on college drinking rather than keeping silent about sexual assault unless they are a Republican who is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court?
Who told you men have a higher sex drive than women? That's not my experience. Women can go on and on to the point I have damn near needed IV's to keep from being dehydrated.

It's common knowledge
I just read the link and it appears they are just using answers to questions about sex. The problem with that is socialization. Men are encouraged to like sex. Women are encouraged to be lady like. So basically when a man is asked how much he thinks about or engages in sex he tends to over exaggerate. A woman will tend to under exaggerate so she doesnt look like skank.
Where are the parents? No young girl should just go out anywhere there is a party if she is underage. When in college we are adults and make our own choices where we can indulge in or avoid parties.
Where are the parents? No young girl should just go out anywhere there is a party if she is underage. When in college we are adults and make our own choices where we can indulge in or avoid parties.

I think that's a product of a large swath of parents. My folks were, bluntly put, too busy working to deal with my teen years. From the time I was able to be home alone I was entirely unsupervised and by HS I had no curfew. It wasn't that my folks didn't care or anything, it's just that they had a 'theory' of some sort that I needed to be out on my own to learn about the world to 'bolster' letting me run wild on my own recognizance...

Not to say that there are not some parents who are simply not cut out to care for themselves, much less children.
Sorry, but your use of an outright falsehood, and your inability to admit it requires me to ignore the rest of your pathetic attempt to salvage your "point"

Point was made. They tried to get the death penalty against hte black kid, until they found out they couldn't.

The white kid who shot a lot more people... well, being white has it's privileges.

How about your fess up you posted bullshit?

Sorry, I stated the facts of the cases. They tried to impose the DP on the black kid... until it was litigated. The white kid, the DP was taken off the table day one.

You said Kavanaugh nearly raped someone. In the real world, that didn't happen, so naturally you'll keep yammering that it did and want to talk about race, as if that has anything to do with Kavanaugh. So no, didn't relate.

It has a lot to do with Kavanaugh.

White kid attempts to rape a girl, well, boys will be boys, let's put him on Scotus.

Black kid tries the same thing, toss his ass in jail and give him a lifetime criminal record.

Except that didn't happen in Kavanaugh's case, so it didn't apply.
That 1 in 5 number is pure propaganda.
Must be repub propaganda. I would put it higher than than that. Like 3 out of 5 women.

So why are parents being so careless with their daughters? Who would knowingly put a daughter in a situation where there's a 60% chance she'll be assaulted? Who does that?
Not sure what you mean? Most people are molested by someone they know and trust.

If 1 out of 5 women are assaulted in college, and I just saw it go to 3 out of 5, why would parents knowingly or their daughters in a place where there's such a high certainty of them being assaulted?
That 1 in 5 number is pure propaganda.
Must be repub propaganda. I would put it higher than than that. Like 3 out of 5 women.

So why are parents being so careless with their daughters? Who would knowingly put a daughter in a situation where there's a 60% chance she'll be assaulted? Who does that?
Not sure what you mean? Most people are molested by someone they know and trust.

If 1 out of 5 women are assaulted in college, and I just saw it go to 3 out of 5, why would parents knowingly or their daughters in a place where there's such a high certainty of them being assaulted?
You mean in college? Probably so they can have a career. Pretty sure most parents have no idea of the stats.and even if they did the days of locking girls up in a ivory tower with one window are long over. You cant let fear keep you from progressing.

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