QAnon: The search for Q

Q is Trump. This was proven through statistical probability of the same exact coincidences happening repeatedly being a mathematical impossibility

Nah, Q is needed by the Reich because Trump is gone. The Nazi party needs a new focal point to focus the hatred of the drones on.

Hatred is the glue that binds the Reich - the democrats MUST foster hatred continually.
Hahahahahahaha. ReRead your last statement and tell me again who is fostering hate! Wow that’s good.
There is that Q word again that has libtards so freaked out....
Have you seen the doc I’m talking about or are you just here to toss ignorant insults about something you haven’t seen?
I do not know what Qanon is and no one has been able to tell me what it is or where it began....but you tards are sure whacked out over it....
There is that Q word again that has libtards so freaked out....
Have you seen the doc I’m talking about or are you just here to toss ignorant insults about something you haven’t seen?
I do not know what Qanon is and no one has been able to tell me what it is or where it began....but you tards are sure whacked out over it....
I literally just wrote an OP with a link to a 3 part series that investigated the origin and identity of Q and asked about thoughts. If you don’t know what QAnon is and you want to join a thread about it then why don’t you watch the series and then share your thoughts?! Otherwise, what are you doing here?
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

No interest. Know nothing about them and dont care
It’s really interesting and ties into a lot of the things we are seeing in our politics. It’s an easy watch. I’d be very curious about what somebody like you thinks about it
"It ties into?" What the fuck does that mean? Q-anon is a minute fringe. How many of them are there, a dozen?
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

I'll check it out, but I thought the original impetus was an anonymous internet poster claiming, without any substantiation, they had a "q" level security clearance and actual evidence (unshared) that Trump was chasing Satan worshipping pedos connected to Hillary.

In short, they're focking nuts, and now proven to be dangerous to public servants and our democracy. Back at the turn of the 19th century, we had a way of dealing with their "ilk."
There is that Q word again that has libtards so freaked out....
Have you seen the doc I’m talking about or are you just here to toss ignorant insults about something you haven’t seen?
I do not know what Qanon is and no one has been able to tell me what it is or where it began....but you tards are sure whacked out over it....
I literally just wrote an OP with a link to a 3 part series that investigated the origin and identity of Q and asked about thoughts. If you don’t know what QAnon is and you want to join a thread about it then why don’t you watch the series and then share your thoughts?! Otherwise, what are you doing here?

Trump and Putin stole the 2016 election, didnt they?
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

No interest. Know nothing about them and dont care
It’s really interesting and ties into a lot of the things we are seeing in our politics. It’s an easy watch. I’d be very curious about what somebody like you thinks about it
"It ties into?" What the fuck does that mean? Q-anon is a minute fringe. How many of them are there, a dozen?
Watch the documentary and let me know what you think is legit and what you think is bullshit
There is that Q word again that has libtards so freaked out....
Have you seen the doc I’m talking about or are you just here to toss ignorant insults about something you haven’t seen?
I do not know what Qanon is and no one has been able to tell me what it is or where it began....but you tards are sure whacked out over it....
I literally just wrote an OP with a link to a 3 part series that investigated the origin and identity of Q and asked about thoughts. If you don’t know what QAnon is and you want to join a thread about it then why don’t you watch the series and then share your thoughts?! Otherwise, what are you doing here?

Trump and Putin stole the 2016 election, didnt they?
Not to my knowledge. What does that have to do with this discussion? Stop trying to derail the thread. Go watch the doc so you can actually contribute to the discussion or beat it.
What the hell does that have to do with my OP? Stay on subject or take a hike. Have you seen the doc or not?

You really are quite stupid.

The "Q" is just a focal point used by the Reich to keep mindless drones like you filled with hatred and rage.

I have never met anyone on this board or anywhere else who promoted QAnon. Other than the rage and hatred from you Nazis, there is nothing coming from Q at all.
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

I'll check it out, but I thought the original impetus was an anonymous internet poster claiming, without any substantiation, they had a "q" level security clearance and actual evidence (unshared) that Trump was chasing Satan worshipping pedos connected to Hillary.

In short, they're focking nuts, and now proven to be dangerous to public servants and our democracy. Back at the turn of the 19th century, we had a way of dealing with their "ilk."
The doc explores 4 theories of how it started and who drives it. I’ll be curious about your take on it after you watch. I’m even more curious what an actual QAnon believer thinks of the doc
There is that Q word again that has libtards so freaked out....
Have you seen the doc I’m talking about or are you just here to toss ignorant insults about something you haven’t seen?
I do not know what Qanon is and no one has been able to tell me what it is or where it began....but you tards are sure whacked out over it....
I literally just wrote an OP with a link to a 3 part series that investigated the origin and identity of Q and asked about thoughts. If you don’t know what QAnon is and you want to join a thread about it then why don’t you watch the series and then share your thoughts?! Otherwise, what are you doing here?

Trump and Putin stole the 2016 election, didnt they?
Not to my knowledge. What does that have to do with this discussion? Stop trying to derail the thread. Go watch the doc so you can actually contribute to the discussion or beat it.

Beat it?

For years left wingliars like you claimed Trump and Putin stole the 2016 election.

Left wingers have no credibility.
This is a 3 part series by Vice where they try and track down the origin and identity of Q. I watched all 3 episodes last night.

I’m very curious what non Anon Trump supporters think of it as well as Anons. Have any of you seen this documentary? Thoughts?

You're going to be very disappointed when it turns out "Q" is a fabrication of the DemoKKKrat party.
What the hell does that have to do with my OP? Stay on subject or take a hike. Have you seen the doc or not?

You really are quite stupid.

The "Q" is just a focal point used by the Reich to keep mindless drones like you filled with hatred and rage.

I have never met anyone on this board or anywhere else who promoted QAnon. Other than the rage and hatred from you Nazis, there is nothing coming from Q at all.
Ok dude, I get it. The Dems are crazy Nazis and you hate them. Your shit is old. I’m here talking about a documentary. If you haven’t seen it then go away or go watch it. I don’t care if you know Q people or not, has nothing to do with this discussion.
There is that Q word again that has libtards so freaked out....
Have you seen the doc I’m talking about or are you just here to toss ignorant insults about something you haven’t seen?
I do not know what Qanon is and no one has been able to tell me what it is or where it began....but you tards are sure whacked out over it....
I literally just wrote an OP with a link to a 3 part series that investigated the origin and identity of Q and asked about thoughts. If you don’t know what QAnon is and you want to join a thread about it then why don’t you watch the series and then share your thoughts?! Otherwise, what are you doing here?

Trump and Putin stole the 2016 election, didnt they?
Not to my knowledge. What does that have to do with this discussion? Stop trying to derail the thread. Go watch the doc so you can actually contribute to the discussion or beat it.

Beat it?

For years left wingliars like you claimed Trump and Putin stole the 2016 election.

Left wingers have no credibility.
I don’t care if left wingers have credibility or not. That’s not what this discussion is about. It’s about a documentary. If you haven’t seen it then you are not informed enough to join the discussion.
What the hell does that have to do with my OP? Stay on subject or take a hike. Have you seen the doc or not?

You really are quite stupid.

The "Q" is just a focal point used by the Reich to keep mindless drones like you filled with hatred and rage.

I have never met anyone on this board or anywhere else who promoted QAnon. Other than the rage and hatred from you Nazis, there is nothing coming from Q at all.
Ok dude, I get it. The Dems are crazy Nazis and you hate them. Your shit is old. I’m here talking about a documentary. If you haven’t seen it then go away or go watch it. I don’t care if you know Q people or not, has nothing to do with this discussion.
Q people..... :laughing0301:
It’s not a straw man it’s an actual person or network of people spreading information. You can call it fake and evil. You can call it informative and eye opening. I’m just having a discussion about it. Why are you already so angry and accusatory? Have you seen the doc I’m talking about?


Then link to a few of Q's posts?

Wait, you can't - there aren't any. There are only posts from you Nazis about your hatred of Q.

Without your hatred, there would be no evidence of this "Q" at all.

The Reich needs a golem, a bogyman to keep the drones focused. Q is your enemy - you must band together with the Reich to defeat Q.

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