CDZ Putting things into Life's Perspective


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Well, my cat of 21 years just died a couple of hours ago.

I cannot understand the anguish this is causing me; he was just a cat.

But all the regrets, opportunities missed and bad feelings I have had for that stupid animal are pounding my mind like an endless Tsunami of emotion and mental pain.

What is clear to me is that 100 years from now all the political bullshit wont matter that we spend so much time harping over.

What will live on are the cries of love, friendship and good will, born over and over from one generation to the next, resounding like a blasting echo through all time.

I want my cat back so bad.

lol, I am a pathetic man.
Well, my cat of 21 years just died a couple of hours ago.

I cannot understand the anguish this is causing me; he was just a cat.

But all the regrets, opportunities missed and bad feelings I have had for that stupid animal are pounding my mind like an endless Tsunami of emotion and mental pain.

What is clear to me is that 100 years from now all the political bullshit wont matter that we spend so much time harping over.

What will live on are the cries of love, friendship and good will, born over and over from one generation to the next, resounding like a blasting echo through all time.

I want my cat back so bad.

lol, I am a pathetic man.
Nothing pathetic about this at all. When my 21-yr-old cat died, I cried, too. I still do. Even though I still have four cats, that one was special because she was with me for so long, went through so much as part of my life. What was really sad about the situation was, a week before Shug died, my 18-yr-old Doxie died. The day she died, the cat quit eating and drinking. At first, I tried force feeding her but decided that was actually worse for her. Her long-time companion died and she didn't want to live any longer, either. For me, it was a double whammy.
If you are pathetic, what are the rest of us who also go through the loss and mourning? Be happy that you were blessed with such a companion for so long.
Well, my cat of 21 years just died a couple of hours ago.

I cannot understand the anguish this is causing me; he was just a cat.

But all the regrets, opportunities missed and bad feelings I have had for that stupid animal are pounding my mind like an endless Tsunami of emotion and mental pain.

What is clear to me is that 100 years from now all the political bullshit wont matter that we spend so much time harping over.

What will live on are the cries of love, friendship and good will, born over and over from one generation to the next, resounding like a blasting echo through all time.

I want my cat back so bad.

lol, I am a pathetic man.
Oh, Jim, I know how bad it hurts. Dang they become like family.
Well, my cat of 21 years just died a couple of hours ago.

I cannot understand the anguish this is causing me; he was just a cat.

But all the regrets, opportunities missed and bad feelings I have had for that stupid animal are pounding my mind like an endless Tsunami of emotion and mental pain.

What is clear to me is that 100 years from now all the political bullshit wont matter that we spend so much time harping over.

What will live on are the cries of love, friendship and good will, born over and over from one generation to the next, resounding like a blasting echo through all time.

I want my cat back so bad.

lol, I am a pathetic man.
Our cats have always been family, it hurts every time we lose one and the ones that are gone are still in our hearts, sometimes with regrets. We also worry about them when we're away like parents worry about their children, our oldest is now 17 and I worry about him all the time. If that's pathetic then so be it.
Well, my cat of 21 years just died a couple of hours ago.

I cannot understand the anguish this is causing me; he was just a cat.

But all the regrets, opportunities missed and bad feelings I have had for that stupid animal are pounding my mind like an endless Tsunami of emotion and mental pain.

What is clear to me is that 100 years from now all the political bullshit wont matter that we spend so much time harping over.

What will live on are the cries of love, friendship and good will, born over and over from one generation to the next, resounding like a blasting echo through all time.

I want my cat back so bad.

lol, I am a pathetic man.
I knew you loved him, even though you bitched about him... ;)

How is the wifey doing, you had said he was your wife's cat?

My cat of 16 years died almost 6 years ago, when I hit the 5 year anniversary of her death this past fall, I was able to finally stop mourning I had thought.... but now I am tearing all over again thinking about losing her... it takes a long time to heal.... my condolences to you and your wife, Jim. I'm so so sorry...

You'll get to see him again, at Rainbow Bridge... he'll be waiting for you! Yes! God's creatures go to heaven! :D

The Rainbow Bridge Poem
I remember when my cat Cement died. He'd been with me for only around 7 years or so, but he'd been a very good companion. His mother showed up to my house one day, pregnant and hungry, so I asked my landlord if I could take her in. He said sure, and around a month or so later, Og (the momma cat), had 6 or 7 kittens. The first one to be born was a solid black cat, and there were 2 others that I kept, but the black cat I named Cement. And, he got to be a HUGE cat when he grew up. I've seen him take on medium sized dogs and win. If another cat came into the yard, Cement was on his ass and made sure they knew to stay out of his territory.

I remember one time, I was someplace else for a month, and my roomie told me that Cement went out each morning, and would sit under my Harley for most of the day, looking for me to come back. When I finally did come home, he was pissed, and spent a day and a half making sure he sat where I could see him, and he kept his back to me.

I also remember all the times that he jumped up on my chest and would lay there purring like a huge black furball. I loved that cat.

Then, one day, he ended up breaking his pelvis and I had to put him down. Probably one of the saddest days of my life, and I was pretty broken up about it for over a month.

No dude.......................missing your cat that you had been with for 21 years isn't a bad thing. Matter of fact, it makes you much more human as another poster had said.

If I were you, I'd be proud that I had a companion for over 21 years, because most marriages don't last that long.
Well, my cat of 21 years just died a couple of hours ago.

I cannot understand the anguish this is causing me; he was just a cat.

But all the regrets, opportunities missed and bad feelings I have had for that stupid animal are pounding my mind like an endless Tsunami of emotion and mental pain.

What is clear to me is that 100 years from now all the political bullshit wont matter that we spend so much time harping over.

What will live on are the cries of love, friendship and good will, born over and over from one generation to the next, resounding like a blasting echo through all time.

I want my cat back so bad.

lol, I am a pathetic man.

We lost our family dog back in 2003 and it still hurts. The tough bastard lived to about 21 or 22 years old.
I knew you loved him, even though you bitched about him... ;)

How is the wifey doing, you had said he was your wife's cat?

My cat of 16 years died almost 6 years ago, when I hit the 5 year anniversary of her death this past fall, I was able to finally stop mourning I had thought.... but now I am tearing all over again thinking about losing her... it takes a long time to heal.... my condolences to you and your wife, Jim. I'm so so sorry...

You'll get to see him again, at Rainbow Bridge... he'll be waiting for you! Yes! God's creatures go to heaven! :D

The Rainbow Bridge Poem
Thank you for that beautiful poem, C4A.

I truly believe that our animal pets will see us again in Paradise.

Near-Death Experiences with Pets

According to many near-death sources, animals have souls and go to heaven just as human beings do. Within this section of the site, you can read the testimonies of people who had an NDE and were reunited with their deceased pets. Here you can discover some amazing facts about your pet and animals in general. After reading these testimonies, you will never look upon your pets or animals in the same way.
These testimonies describe animals as having a heaven of their own of which humans are allowed to visit. According to NDE researcher and experiencer P.M.H. Atwater, "Both adults and children occasionally report being greeted on the Other Side by animals, especially if favored pets have previously died. But it is the children who describe an animal heaven, some even insisting that they must go through it before they can reach the heaven where people are.
Adult cases can be equally compelling." Communication with our deceased pets on the Other Side is by means of mental telepathy. For Christians who are skeptical about animals in heaven, look no further than the Book of Revelation. Revelation 4:6-11 describes "four living creatures" immediately surrounding the very Throne of God. In Revelation 5:6-8, Jesus is described as turning into a lamb. Revelation 5:11-14 describes a time when animals are resurrected from the dead and enter heaven. Many ancient religions around the world even hold animals to be divine beings. Science has also given us a new perspective of the animal kingdom. Evolution reveals how the physical component of our bodies descended from animals.
NDE research reveals how the spiritual component of our bodies descended from the heavens eons ago. The following NDEs involve people being reunited with their beloved deceased pets in heaven.

Revelation 5:11-14 New International Version (NIV)
11 Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders. 12 In a loud voice they were saying:
“Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain,
to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength
and honor and glory and praise!”
13 Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying:
“To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
be praise and honor and glory and power,
for ever and ever!”
14 The four living creatures said, “Amen,” and the elders fell down and worshiped.

Will I See My Pet in Heaven? A Christian Perspective - Mike DuBose

So can we look forward to seeing our pets again in the next world? Opinions vary widely because the Bible has not specifically addressed this question. We asked six Christian ministers in the Columbia, S.C. area if they believe we will see our pets in Heaven. All agreed that the answer to this question lies in how one interprets the Scriptures. Several ministers responded “no,” but others were willing to grant the possibility, though all admitted that there is no clearly right answer. We also posed the question of whether animals go to Heaven to the staff at Columbia International University (CIU), but there was no consensus among the theologians there.

The main justification for the “no” response is that many theologians think that animals do not have souls as do people. For animals, they say, there is no salvation from sin and therefore no eternal life in God’s presence—that is reserved for human beings, who are created in God’s image. People who support this position point to verses like Matthew 18:3, which says, “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you shall not enter the kingdom of Heaven." Because animals cannot be converted (and cannot repent of their sins or accept Christ as their Savior), some people say that they cannot go to Heaven. Dr. Bill Barton, pastor of New Harmony Presbyterian Church, said, “I do not think that specific pets, loved during their lives as they may have been, have a soul which can be redeemed by the blood of the Savior.”

But there is a counterpoint to that position. Many Bible verses seem to indicate that God will save not only people, but every living thing. In these instances, animals and people alike wait for salvation.

“We know that in the Bible, ultimate redemption will extend to the whole of creation: i.e. Romans 8:21—‘that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God,’” said Dr. Dale Welden, senior pastor of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. “I don’t know of a reason it would not extend to animals.” Another example is Luke 3:6, which says, “and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” In the last book of the Bible, the Revelation, Christ says, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Randy Alcorn, author of Heaven, believes that this extends to animals. In the book, he writes, “Horses, cats, dogs, deer, dolphins, and squirrels—as well as the inanimate creation—will be beneficiaries of Christ’s death and resurrection.” It seems that God meant animals to be part of His world—now and in the age to come.

Indeed, the Bible does confirm that there are animals in Heaven. Isaiah 11:6 describes several types (predator and prey) living in peace with one another. If God created animals for the Garden of Eden to give us a picture of His ideal place, He will surely include them in Heaven, God’s perfect new Eden! If these animals live in Heaven, there is hope that our pets could be there too. As Dr. Wendell Estep, senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Columbia, said, “In Revelation 19:11, Jesus is said to be riding a white horse. So, if a horse is in Heaven—why not my dog ‘Tex?’”

Martin Luther, “Father of the Protestant Reformation” and founder of the Lutheran church, said, “In Paradise there was complete harmony between man and animals; one day again that harmony will be restored and all creation will be made anew.” New creation—man and animal—will live together in peace. The question, then, seems to be not whether animals will be in Heaven at all, but whether they will be the animals we knew during our lives on Earth.

The argument over whether or not specific pets go to Heaven seems to hinge on the idea of a soul. Many people argue that animals do not have souls and cannot be saved, which means they cannot enter Heaven.

“Animals …are purely physical beings, i.e., they have bodies but no souls. Thus when they die they cease to exist,” said Dr. Rick Perrin, senior pastor at Cornerstone Presbyterian Church. On this point there was agreement amongst several of our local ministers—only human beings have souls that will live again. Therefore, some say that animals do not have a place in the new world to come.

But many others insist that certain Bible passages indicate that animals do have souls (the same word, nephesh, which translates to “soul” is used in reference to both humans and animals) though not of the same kind that people have. Though the Bible does not clearly state whether or not animals have souls (and thus can be reborn), more and more religious leaders are considering the prospect. In fact, in 1990, Pope John Paul II said, “the animals possess a soul and men must love and feel solidarity with our smaller brethren.”

But are we so concerned for the eternal lives of our pets? People find companionship and joy in animals and pets because of the way God made animals (and us). He intends them to add joy and fulfillment to our lives. God is known for giving “good gifts” to His children—animals are one example of this! It’s not surprising, then, that we get so much delight from a twine-chasing kitten or the untiring retrieval of a tennis ball dropped at our feet for the 56th time. Alcorn notes in Heaven, “It would be simple for Him to re-create a pet in Heaven if He wants to. He’s the giver of all good gifts, not the taker of them. If it would please us to have a pet restored to the New Earth, that may be sufficient reason. Consider parents who’ve acquired a pet because of their child’s request.”​
Thank you everyone for your good thoughts and empathy.

I think God gave us animals in part to learn from and to care for to build our own sense of empathy.

IT is an evil and miserable soul that enjoys harming an animal.
Thank you everyone for your good thoughts and empathy.

I think God gave us animals in part to learn from and to care for to build our own sense of empathy.

IT is an evil and miserable soul that enjoys harming an animal.

You know, I had a friend of mine who gave me some pretty good advice. We were talking about relationships and how hard they were (this was after my divorce), and he said that one of the problems I had was that I'd lived most of my life as a loner. He told me that the way to fix that would be to get a houseplant. If I was able to keep it alive for a whole year, I was then to get a pet of some kind. He then told me if I was able to keep a pet for a whole year, alive, safe and happy and not give it away or let it run away, THEN I would be suitable to have a healthy relationship with another person. Being able to care for another living thing and actually care about what happens to it builds empathy.
I hear ya Jim...So sorry for your loss. When a family pet passes away it's just like losing a member of the family. Well....the ARE members of the family. I've had lots of pets in my lifetime and when they get sick or their life is over, it is indeed gut wrenching....So much so for me that I refused to have any pet for years. The one I have now (a Chihuahua) somehow made it to my door through a wild forest. She is the sweetest thing so I guess I give my heart out again.
It always sucks to lose a furry friend.
They become part of your life no different than any other family member and leave a void when they're gone.
I always wait until I can smile at their memory rather than tear up before getting a new buddy.

Sorry for your loss.

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