Putin's Answer To Obama

Regardless of who is President, the US is in no position to really do anything in the Ukraine other than give moral support. Militarily, the United States does not have the personnel or material reserve to keep a large and effective enough military force in the field to assume the duties necessary for the type of combat necessary to even contain a opponent as large, modern, and aggressive in fighting spirit as the Russian army.

When thinking about any action against the Russians, remember, even if the Russians allowed us to put a large enough force near their borders, say, as a golf type handicap, the nature of the warfare would be so intensive as the parallel combat action on the eastern front for the German Wehrmacht of during World War 2. Entire battalions could be destroyed, and divisions decimated as an every day occurrence.

I am not sure Americans are ready for that sort of sacrifice popping up on the news airwaves and interrupting supper before the television each night. I suspect that in this day and age, this is the reason why we are more comfortable fighting nations of the Third World.

Im sure Americans have little appetite for war, but this would not be a US - Russian conflice. NATO and our allies would be involved.

Does anyone here watch the news. It isn't just the US that has a problem with Russian intervention, it is NATO and Europe as well.

NATO is in no position to take on the Russians either. The have neither the stomach or the reserves. They only made a gambit of reaching out to the Ukranians, but in the end, it did not work out as planned. They will forget them, and make amends with the Russians over the next few months or years as they normally do.

Sure NATO could take on the Russians, they are no way as powerful as they were during the cold war. As for Europe and war...just look at history to realize their blood lust. But your right, under the leadership of Obama, we will appease the russians until their next sign of aggression, then we will appease them again until diplomacy is moot and military action is necessary.
And neither would have George Bush.

You neo-cons are being stood down.

Tis what tis.
We don't have any interests there. The EU has some interests as a trading partner, but the US has zip in Ukraine.

Sure we have interests there. First of all, NATO and the needs of our European allies. Are we supposed to turn a blind eye to a nation we vowed to protect because the russians now say they want it? That's appeasement and appeasement, as history has proven, is not a good policy.

Ukraine is not a NATO member nation. We have no obligation to protect it. The sad fact for liberals is, most Ukranians think of themselves as Russian. If we go in there, we will have no friends, no allies and a native population that wants us dead or out. We will literally be the invaders. There is not a worse position to be in. Our military would have to kill the very people liberals imagine we are protecting. In 1995 and again in 2008 Ukraine had an opportunity to become a NATO member but the people voted against it.

This is almost the mirror image of obama's fiasco in Honduras. Zelaya announced his taking total power. The people revolted and the Supreme Court of Honduras ordered the army to take Zelaya into custody. In that case, obama supported communist Zelaya as the elected president when the people didn't want him. Both the Supreme Court and the Honduran army told obama to butt out.
We have a treaty with Ukraine. Your idea that most Ukranians think themselves as Russia is wrong, why else are they requesting help from the US and NATO. Why else did they oust their Prime Minister who wanted stronger ties with Russia. Yes, there are many Russianites in the Ukraine, but that number is far less than the Ukranians who want to be part of the west. Right now, the Ukrainian PM is telling the world that there military is ready to fight the Russians
"Im afraid the US has lost all respect and power"

With whom? George Bush would not have gone to war, you idiot, and neither should we today.

Your day is over, neo-cons. No one respect you.
"Im afraid the US has lost all respect and power"

With whom? George Bush would not have gone to war, you idiot, and neither should we today.

Your day is over, neo-cons. No one respect you.

LOL, idiot liberals cannot have a discussion without hurling the insults and without providing any facts or original ideas...only nonsensical posts attacking anyone who disagrees with them. Your knowledge is devoid of history AND current events. Move on, you are an idiot.
Revealed: The forgotten treaty which could drag the US and UK into WAR with Russia if Putin's troops intervene in Ukraine

  • The agreement sees signatories promise to protect Ukraine's borders
  • It was signed by Bill Clinton, John Major, Boris Yeltsin and Leonid Kuchma in 1994
  • Ukrainian parliament has now reached out directly to all the countries who signed the treaty
  • Putin currently has 150,000 troops on Ukraine's borders and it is reported some have crossed into the country
  • President Obama says he is 'deeply concerned' by the news

The US and Britain have both made 'crisis calls' to President Putin to warn him to respect territorial boundaries
Treaty would mean 'British war with Russia' if Putin's troops intervene in Ukraine | Mail Online
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There is a lot more to this equation than Obama...or any US president in the same situation. "NATO, sparked by leadership from President Obama, must finally allow Georgia to advance toward alliance membership. Granting Georgia the Membership Action Plan (or 'MAP') that it has earned by meeting strict NATO requirements is the clearest way to impose a cost on Moscow for its bullying while demonstrating to Ukraine and other countries that the hard work of reform really does pay off".

After Ukraine, NATO Must Give Georgia Its MAP*|*Edward P. Joseph

The landscape is changing and should Russia could find themselves in a bit of a bind over this situation. Russia for there part has a right to protect their people and sought to do so. Any sovereign state should act in their own best interests, it is more than thumbing a nose at a US president it is their right and responsibility to act.
Many people said the same things after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

This is what happens when we have weak presidents. Dictators make their moves.
A slight aside - the Ukraine was ONCE PART OF RUSSIA!!! Russia granted it a separate state sometime in the 50s -- I think. They still have troops in Crimea.

It was indeed part of Russia!

In fact Livadia which was one of their palaces,located in Crimea, Southern Ukraine, was the favorite summer retreat of the last Tzar and his family.

Tzars daughters, the Grand Duchesses at Livadia, around 1910.

No wonder it was their favorite holiday home! :D
Russian troops take over Ukraine's Crimea region

Obama will do nothing. And the Russians will grab more countries.

Crimea always belonged to Russia, but that said, I totally see your point, totally!

Obama neither is interested nor knows anything about world politics, that is a known and proven fact by now!:mad:

He is too busy giving entitlements to future voters and partying with Beyonce!

It's a sad state of affairs for what was once the most powerful country in the world.
We have a treaty with the Ukraine that States we will defend them. We should do so. I would send the 82nd and order two more divisions to follow. Europe has the same treaty they should send troops also.

If Russia wants war we give it to them or they withdraw. All we do by not acting is allow Russia the ability to seize more Countries until they finally go far enough that we have no choice but to act.

Just as we failed to act when Germany seized the Sudetenland if we fail to act here we are on a spiral to war.

I do not believe Russia wants war, Putin rightly believes that Obama is weak and will do nothing.
Glad to see the Putinbots floating his propaganda. Good stuff.
Not really. Consider it 'tough love'. Obama does not inspire confidence as a leader in a mortal crisis.

If a rumble breaks-out, you'll see those who joke about Obama or who serve-up faint-praise for Uncle Vlad - you'll see those good, loyal Americans come around and line up on the American side of the rumble, but, until that happens...

A weak leader - or even a perceived weak leader - is dangerous at such times.

And 'weak leader' is exactly the way a great many of his own countrymen perceive him, so, what do you think your average foreigner-pragmatic is going to think of him? Especially a hard-ass like Putin?

Don't make more of this than is warranted, nor try to taint your political opponents with a 'Treason' denouncement, just because they think your boy can't 'cut it' when the shit starts to fly, and they have the courage to say so...
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Hmmmm... well, there's a 'non-lethal' way to serve-up a biotch-slap to Vlad and Company - without mobilizing or otherwise getting carried away or overreacting.

And, good catch (and articulation) of that 'more to this than Obama' observation.

There is a lot more to this equation than Obama...or any US president in the same situation. "NATO, sparked by leadership from President Obama, must finally allow Georgia to advance toward alliance membership. Granting Georgia the Membership Action Plan (or 'MAP') that it has earned by meeting strict NATO requirements is the clearest way to impose a cost on Moscow for its bullying while demonstrating to Ukraine and other countries that the hard work of reform really does pay off".

After Ukraine, NATO Must Give Georgia Its MAP*|*Edward P. Joseph

The landscape is changing and should Russia could find themselves in a bit of a bind over this situation. Russia for there part has a right to protect their people and sought to do so. Any sovereign state should act in their own best interests, it is more than thumbing a nose at a US president it is their right and responsibility to act.
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What.....EXACTLY......should Obama do?

It doesn't matter what Obama does. Nutters are obligated to oppose anything and everything he does. A broken clock is correct twice a day, but to nutters, Obama is 100% wrong 100% of the time.
You are correct.

It doesn't matter what Obama does.

He is perceived as weak in the context of military interventions and geopolitik.

He acquired this perception through his own actions and mannerisms and policies, and those of his Administration, over the course of the past five years.

It isn't "nutters" who perceive him as a weakling.

It is our Adversaries who perceive him as a weakling.

Intelligent, forceful, pragmatic, risk-taking and formidable Adversaries.

Case-in-point: Russian actions in the Crimea, with the Russian Parliament now giving carte blanche for Putin to extend that action to the Ukraine at-large, and to recall the Russian Federation ambassador to the United States.

Your Honor, the Prosecution rests.

Rightly or wrongly, Obama is stuck with his 'reputation' or perception as a weakling.

And we're stuck with a leader who is so perceived, by Vlad and others.

Don't blame Obama's detractors.

The blame lies squarely upon the President and his advisers and Administration, for allowing such perceptions to arise in the first place.
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You assholes simply react. If Obama asks Congress to declare war on the Russian Federation tomorrow, you will oppose him.

You all suck. But you know it. If makes it more fun to know that you know.
President Putin didn't answer obama. He ignored obama. obama is no longer a player.

It looks like we are a paper tiger at the moment.

We need to fix the inner vessel before we can have influence in the world.
You assholes simply react. If Obama asks Congress to declare war on the Russian Federation tomorrow, you will oppose him.

You all suck. But you know it. If makes it more fun to know that you know.

Because going to war immediately is foolish.

We need to fix the inner vessel.

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