Putin's Answer To Obama

eventhough the US and UK vowed to protect the Ukraine?

The Ukraine isn't a homogeneous mass. I'm sure there are plenty of Ukrainians who support Russian intervention, so what exactly would the US be protecting? Only their own interests, naturally.

We don't have any interests there. The EU has some interests as a trading partner, but the US has zip in Ukraine.

The US government has an interest in power politics, and that's what I was referring to.
What happens between Russia and the Ukraine is between Russia and the Ukraine. It's not our business.

eventhough the US and UK vowed to protect the Ukraine?

The Ukraine isn't a homogeneous mass. I'm sure there are plenty of Ukrainians who support Russian intervention, so what exactly would the US be protecting? Only their own interests, naturally.

So treaties and promises don't matter? The US isn't a homogeneous mass either...no nation is. The Ukranian government has asked the US to help. NATO, France, and the UK have all issued warnings to Putin. The UN has issued statements against any Russian intervention and this is quickly turning into a world crisis.

Are you saying we should appease Russia and Putin and just let them invade Ukraine?
So the Russians approved sending troops to the Ukraine. Considering Obama is President...I say Russia has already won. We know Europe won't step up and we know the UK won't join the US in enforcing the treaty they already signed. Putin has one upped the US with Snowden, Syria, and Georgia...Im afraid the US has lost all respect and power...the only thing to fear militarily are drones...and they aren't gonna work against Russia.

Russian upper house approves use of military force in Ukraine - CNN.com

So what!!! It's there neck of the woods and what happens in Ukraine directly affects them. I honestly don't give a shit what goes on there or in the Balkans. Last time we meddled there and chose sides against Russia, we had another Islamic Based, AntiAmerican supporting, terrorist hotbed, mafesto style government of Kosovo. I hope Clinton and the Democrats realize that there are many American hating terrorist that are festering and growing in that country. The Russian were RIGHT to support the Serbs and we should have also. But I digress.

We don't want Russia messing around in Cuba, Mexico or Central/South America, but in the Balkans and Eastern Europe? That is their neighborhood and it's a rough one to say the least. Let them police it.

I personally would rather have Russia policing that part of the world with the Iron Fist they might use, then to allow lawlessness and anarchy type reign that always seems to develop when the so called reformers take over. I especially applaud Russia for keeping the Islamic states in that region in check.

Second, Russia was a 100% RIGHT on the Syria issue. We should havel supported (or remained neutral) AAAASSSSad over an Al Qaeda take over. AAASSSad might be a brutal dictator (which brutality is needed to govern Muslim barbarians), but he kept the country relatively stable (prior to the civil war), I mean that was the destination for Iraq refugees. He kept Al Qaeda in check and his regime was NOT a threat to America. Not even to Israel for that matter. The countries hate each other, but they have kind of a cold peace over there. He also protected the Christian minority, who are under ATTACK by the Al Qaeda rebels. If the Al Qaeda rebels took over they would be supporting and growing Sunni terrorist. They would be a direct threat to Israel and an indirect threat to America and the West. They would also massacure the Christian minority like what happened in Iraq and Egypt. Russia had it right and we had it wrong.

The neocons and the liberal Chicken-Hawks (DEF: liberals that support military intervention when we have a Democratic President) bash Russia, but Russia and America have a common enemy (Muslims), but our mindset is still in the cold war.

We should actually sign a treaty with Russia and seek better ties. The treaty should revolve around them policing their own area and we doing the same. Russia now has a market based economy (capitalism) and has embraced privatization. They are no longer the central planning of years passed. We have more in common with them than many Western European countries. Russia's military enemy is are the Muslims (same as us) and their economic enemy is China (same as us)!

We should partner with Russia and not seek to harm them when they police their own backyard!
Putin has every right in his sphere of influence to intervene military.

Not when it violates a treaty. Ukraine gave up its nukes on condition that Russian wouldn't do what it is doing.

Ukraine was never a nuclear power.

Like it or not, 60% of the Ukranian population thinks of themselves as Russian.

Moral of this story...if you do have nukes...never give them up, any of them.
You just never know when the snakes will bite.
Putin has every right in his sphere of influence to intervene military.

Not when it violates a treaty. Ukraine gave up its nukes on condition that Russian wouldn't do what it is doing.

Ukraine was never a nuclear power.

Like it or not, 60% of the Ukranian population thinks of themselves as Russian.

I don't think you are correct. IIRC, part of the treaty in 1994 was to give Ukraine independence and to relinquish its nuclear arsenal.

As for 60%, Im not sure about that either...you have any sources for that number?
eventhough the US and UK vowed to protect the Ukraine?

The Ukraine isn't a homogeneous mass. I'm sure there are plenty of Ukrainians who support Russian intervention, so what exactly would the US be protecting? Only their own interests, naturally.

So treaties and promises don't matter? The US isn't a homogeneous mass either...no nation is. The Ukranian government has asked the US to help. NATO, France, and the UK have all issued warnings to Putin. The UN has issued statements against any Russian intervention and this is quickly turning into a world crisis.

Are you saying we should appease Russia and Putin and just let them invade Ukraine?

The Ukrainian government asked for no such thing. The last elected president is in Moscow asking Russia for help. The puppet usurper is an EU banker. If we did have a treaty with Ukraine, the obligations of that treaty would belong to the duly elected government. Who is now in Moscow. It would not belong to a banker who assumed power.
eventhough the US and UK vowed to protect the Ukraine?

The Ukraine isn't a homogeneous mass. I'm sure there are plenty of Ukrainians who support Russian intervention, so what exactly would the US be protecting? Only their own interests, naturally.

So treaties and promises don't matter? The US isn't a homogeneous mass either...no nation is. The Ukranian government has asked the US to help. NATO, France, and the UK have all issued warnings to Putin. The UN has issued statements against any Russian intervention and this is quickly turning into a world crisis.

Are you saying we should appease Russia and Putin and just let them invade Ukraine?

I'm sorry, the Ukrainian government? Would that be the elected government, or the neo-nazi government that threw out the elected government? Regardless, treaties can be revoked, and no, promises don't matter. Was Russia appeasing the US when they sat back while the US backed the Ukrainian rebels, or the Syrian rebels? The simple fact is that it has nothing to do with the US and has nothing to do with "appeasement."
Regardless of who is President, the US is in no position to really do anything in the Ukraine other than give moral support. Militarily, the United States does not have the personnel or material reserve to keep a large and effective enough military force in the field to assume the duties necessary for the type of combat required to contain an opponent as large, modern, and aggressive in fighting spirit as the Russian army.

When thinking about any action against the Russians, remember, even if the Russians allowed us to put a large enough force near their borders, say, as a golf type handicap, the nature of the warfare would be so intensive as to parallel combat action on the eastern front for the German Wehrmacht during World War 2. Entire battalions could be destroyed, and divisions decimated as an every day occurrence.

I am not sure Americans are ready for that sort of sacrifice popping up on the news airwaves and interrupting supper before the television each night. I suspect that in this day and age, this is the reason why we are more comfortable fighting nations of the Third World.
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eventhough the US and UK vowed to protect the Ukraine?

The Ukraine isn't a homogeneous mass. I'm sure there are plenty of Ukrainians who support Russian intervention, so what exactly would the US be protecting? Only their own interests, naturally.

We don't have any interests there. The EU has some interests as a trading partner, but the US has zip in Ukraine.

Sure we have interests there. First of all, NATO and the needs of our European allies. Are we supposed to turn a blind eye to a nation we vowed to protect because the russians now say they want it? That's appeasement and appeasement, as history has proven, is not a good policy.
The Ukraine isn't a homogeneous mass. I'm sure there are plenty of Ukrainians who support Russian intervention, so what exactly would the US be protecting? Only their own interests, naturally.

We don't have any interests there. The EU has some interests as a trading partner, but the US has zip in Ukraine.

Sure we have interests there. First of all, NATO and the needs of our European allies. Are we supposed to turn a blind eye to a nation we vowed to protect because the russians now say they want it? That's appeasement and appeasement, as history has proven, is not a good policy.

Where did the Russian government say they want the Ukraine?
Regardless of who is President, the US is in no position to really do anything in the Ukraine other than give moral support. Militarily, the United States does not have the personnel or material reserve to keep a large and effective enough military force in the field to assume the duties necessary for the type of combat necessary to even contain a opponent as large, modern, and aggressive in fighting spirit as the Russian army.

When thinking about any action against the Russians, remember, even if the Russians allowed us to put a large enough force near their borders, say, as a golf type handicap, the nature of the warfare would be so intensive as the parallel combat action on the eastern front for the German Wehrmacht of during World War 2. Entire battalions could be destroyed, and divisions decimated as an every day occurrence.

I am not sure Americans are ready for that sort of sacrifice popping up on the news airwaves and interrupting supper before the television each night. I suspect that in this day and age, this is the reason why we are more comfortable fighting nations of the Third World.

Im sure Americans have little appetite for war, but this would not be a US - Russian conflice. NATO and our allies would be involved.

Does anyone here watch the news. It isn't just the US that has a problem with Russian intervention, it is NATO and Europe as well.
Regardless of who is President, the US is in no position to really do anything in the Ukraine other than give moral support. Militarily, the United States does not have the personnel or material reserve to keep a large and effective enough military force in the field to assume the duties necessary for the type of combat necessary to even contain a opponent as large, modern, and aggressive in fighting spirit as the Russian army.

When thinking about any action against the Russians, remember, even if the Russians allowed us to put a large enough force near their borders, say, as a golf type handicap, the nature of the warfare would be so intensive as the parallel combat action on the eastern front for the German Wehrmacht of during World War 2. Entire battalions could be destroyed, and divisions decimated as an every day occurrence.

I am not sure Americans are ready for that sort of sacrifice popping up on the news airwaves and interrupting supper before the television each night. I suspect that in this day and age, this is the reason why we are more comfortable fighting nations of the Third World.

Im sure Americans have little appetite for war, but this would not be a US - Russian conflice. NATO and our allies would be involved.

Does anyone here watch the news. It isn't just the US that has a problem with Russian intervention, it is NATO and Europe as well.

NATO is in no position to take on the Russians either. The have neither the stomach or the reserves. They only made a gambit of reaching out to the Ukranians, but in the end, it did not work out as planned. They will forget them, and make amends with the Russians over the next few months or years as they normally do.
Not when it violates a treaty. Ukraine gave up its nukes on condition that Russian wouldn't do what it is doing.

Ukraine was never a nuclear power.

Like it or not, 60% of the Ukranian population thinks of themselves as Russian.

I don't think you are correct. IIRC, part of the treaty in 1994 was to give Ukraine independence and to relinquish its nuclear arsenal.

As for 60%, Im not sure about that either...you have any sources for that number?

IF in 1994 the Ukraine got independence, it was not at that time a nuclear power. Any nuclear devices in Ukraine would belong to the Russians who were required to remove them.

The 60% figure, I heard in a news report. It is never doubted that the region, primarily Crimea is majority Russian. Even Ukraniang biker gangs have turned out to support Russian Ukranians.
So the Russians approved sending troops to the Ukraine. Considering Obama is President...I say Russia has already won. We know Europe won't step up and we know the UK won't join the US in enforcing the treaty they already signed. Putin has one upped the US with Snowden, Syria, and Georgia...Im afraid the US has lost all respect and power...the only thing to fear militarily are drones...and they aren't gonna work against Russia.

Russian upper house approves use of military force in Ukraine - CNN.com

What would you have Obama and Cameron, and their Congress and Parliament actually do, invade Ukraine?...send troops to the Ukraine to get slaughtered?...because get slaughtered they most certainly would be.
Start another stoopid war?

Arm Australia to the teeth with nukes and US and Britain wouldn't have to worry about defending Australia either if she were to be attacked again by Japan...attacked by Indonesia, China, NK etc.

No invading Ukraine! it would only end badly.
Many thousands of fine, young, healthy Americans would surely die for nothing.
Hitler, and the might of the Nazi military attacked Russia, it didn't work out.
Napoleon tried it, attacked with 650,000 troops, only 5000 made it home alive.

Russia has obviously decided to rule the world.
Best buddies with Indonesia...a Russian military base there soon would not surprise me.
Russia is already supplying Indonesia with a military arsenal.

Asia, Cuba, South America etc...Russia is expanding.
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Complete failure on steroids. Let us see if the LINE he drew last night has any teeth...
The con artist didn't draw a line his time. LOL. He basically gave the Russians the green light to do as they please.
Pretty much like Syria...Right?
No dictator or strongman will take Obama seriously any longer. All of our enemies are laughing at the US now.

Obama's weakness will result the US to be forced to enter into a major war. It could be Iran, it could be N Korea, Russia, Middle East, or a proxy war with Russia or China. Which would not be necessary had his philosophy been peace through strength.
So the Russians approved sending troops to the Ukraine. Considering Obama is President...I say Russia has already won. We know Europe won't step up and we know the UK won't join the US in enforcing the treaty they already signed. Putin has one upped the US with Snowden, Syria, and Georgia...Im afraid the US has lost all respect and power...the only thing to fear militarily are drones...and they aren't gonna work against Russia.

Russian upper house approves use of military force in Ukraine - CNN.com

So what!!! It's there neck of the woods and what happens in Ukraine directly affects them. I honestly don't give a shit what goes on there or in the Balkans. Last time we meddled there and chose sides against Russia, we had another Islamic Based, AntiAmerican supporting, terrorist hotbed, mafesto style government of Kosovo. I hope Clinton and the Democrats realize that there are many American hating terrorist that are festering and growing in that country. The Russian were RIGHT to support the Serbs and we should have also. But I digress.
We should never support genocide.

We don't want Russia messing around in Cuba, Mexico or Central/South America, but in the Balkans and Eastern Europe? That is their neighborhood and it's a rough one to say the least. Let them police it.
Rolling over in Ukraine opens up the opportunity for Russian aggressian in Cuba and South America.
I personally would rather have Russia policing that part of the world with the Iron Fist they might use, then to allow lawlessness and anarchy type reign that always seems to develop when the so called reformers take over. I especially applaud Russia for keeping the Islamic states in that region in check.
In check? Not sure about that, although I do agree with you when it comes to how Russia handles terrorists.
Second, Russia was a 100% RIGHT on the Syria issue. We should havel supported (or remained neutral) AAAASSSSad over an Al Qaeda take over. AAASSSad might be a brutal dictator (which brutality is needed to govern Muslim barbarians), but he kept the country relatively stable (prior to the civil war), I mean that was the destination for Iraq refugees. He kept Al Qaeda in check and his regime was NOT a threat to America. Not even to Israel for that matter. The countries hate each other, but they have kind of a cold peace over there. He also protected the Christian minority, who are under ATTACK by the Al Qaeda rebels. If the Al Qaeda rebels took over they would be supporting and growing Sunni terrorist. They would be a direct threat to Israel and an indirect threat to America and the West. They would also massacure the Christian minority like what happened in Iraq and Egypt. Russia had it right and we had it wrong.
I agree with this. We don't need to bring freedom and democracy to the ME...we just need to seek stability and peace.

The neocons and the liberal Chicken-Hawks (DEF: liberals that support military intervention when we have a Democratic President) bash Russia, but Russia and America have a common enemy (Muslims), but our mindset is still in the cold war.
Radical Muslims is a common enemy, I agree with that. NOnetheless, we can't allow Russia to do as she pleases with military force...that';s appeasement

We should actually sign a treaty with Russia and seek better ties. The treaty should revolve around them policing their own area and we doing the same. Russia now has a market based economy (capitalism) and has embraced privatization. They are no longer the central planning of years passed. We have more in common with them than many Western European countries. Russia's military enemy is are the Muslims (same as us) and their economic enemy is China (same as us)!
We have seeked better ties with Russia and have signed many treaties with them. We still can't appease them and allow them to do as they please. We signed a treaty with Russia over the Ukraine. Are you saying the US should ignore that treaty now. Are you saying we should walk away from our committmenet to NATO and our European allies?
We should partner with Russia and not seek to harm them when they police their own backyard!
what exactly are they policing in Ukraine?

Nice post! No insults, valid points and the ability to disagree in an honorable manner!
Russia invaded Georgia while Bush was President.

Didn't see any Liberals siding with Putin or Russia back then.

Gotta love you guys.


No one is siding with the Commie, he is a disgusting human being with lots of blood on his hands, killing his own people.

The issue is Putin, has no respect for Obama and his administration. He has no respect for the United States of America and Obama doesn't have a clue, he is weak and our enemies and allies know it.

So a Sociopathic, ex-KGB, Authoritarian has no "respect" for the Leader of the Free world.


Pooty-poot had zero "respect" for Bush as well.

No he feared Bush, he knows Obama is all talk, Putin knows that. Obama needs to put Putin in his place.
The Ukraine isn't a homogeneous mass. I'm sure there are plenty of Ukrainians who support Russian intervention, so what exactly would the US be protecting? Only their own interests, naturally.

We don't have any interests there. The EU has some interests as a trading partner, but the US has zip in Ukraine.

Sure we have interests there. First of all, NATO and the needs of our European allies. Are we supposed to turn a blind eye to a nation we vowed to protect because the russians now say they want it? That's appeasement and appeasement, as history has proven, is not a good policy.

Ukraine is not a NATO member nation. We have no obligation to protect it. The sad fact for liberals is, most Ukranians think of themselves as Russian. If we go in there, we will have no friends, no allies and a native population that wants us dead or out. We will literally be the invaders. There is not a worse position to be in. Our military would have to kill the very people liberals imagine we are protecting. In 1995 and again in 2008 Ukraine had an opportunity to become a NATO member but the people voted against it.

This is almost the mirror image of obama's fiasco in Honduras. Zelaya announced his taking total power. The people revolted and the Supreme Court of Honduras ordered the army to take Zelaya into custody. In that case, obama supported communist Zelaya as the elected president when the people didn't want him. Both the Supreme Court and the Honduran army told obama to butt out.

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