Putin Wants Biden and Says Democrats are Like Soviet Communists


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
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If the Putins say so. I must agree !
It goes beyond ideological similarities.

The fact that Sleepy Joe has extreme cognitive disabilities will make him easier for Uncle Pooty to manipulate and get better deals for the citizens of the Russian Federation.
Just like he said. Democrats and Russian communists share a lot of ideological similarities. We've been fighting against Russian communism since the 50s and now a retarded generation comes along and wants to join them? It's hard to believe things got this out of hand. Please God, let the true winner prevail in this election..
The more this goes on the more McCarthy might have been on to something. If we see the worse happen to us all, then he will be proven right.
Just like he said. Democrats and Russian communists share a lot of ideological similarities. We've been fighting against Russian communism since the 50s and now a retarded generation comes along and wants to join them? It's hard to believe things got this out of hand. Please God, let the true winner prevail in this election..
We just discovered that the Democrats rig elections just like the Soviets did.
Just like he said. Democrats and Russian communists share a lot of ideological similarities. We've been fighting against Russian communism since the 50s and now a retarded generation comes along and wants to join them? It's hard to believe things got this out of hand. Please God, let the true winner prevail in this election..
Kamala Harris is farther left than Biden.
Just like he said. Democrats and Russian communists share a lot of ideological similarities. We've been fighting against Russian communism since the 50s and now a retarded generation comes along and wants to join them? It's hard to believe things got this out of hand. Please God, let the true winner prevail in this election..
We just discovered that the Democrats rig elections just like the Soviets did.

I don't think that was any kind of secret. Remember it was Joe Stalin, one of the most liberal politicians of the 20th century that observed It's Not Who Votes That Counts, It's Who Counts The Votes!
Oh, people are going to “work with” Biden real well. They will work the USA over for cash, subsidies, and deals that benefit them and hurt us. We will enter into arrangements that hamstrung America. We will negotiate with iran and China and other hostile actors from a position of weakness. And if Biden resumes the Obama foreign policy in the Middle East, the place will likely destabilize.
I hope none of it happens. But the track record is there, and Joe Biden isn’t exactly Mr. outside the box thinking.
I've posted a number of times that Vlad Putin seems appreciative and enamored with Middle Class Joe Biden.
No complaints from the leftists who were screaming about Trump (allegedly) working with Putin.

I have to assume they've all changed their minds about Putin and don't think he's so bad now after
throwing tantrums, frequently violent, for about four years now.

You have to admire the flexibility of leftists who can change all their opinions and cherished beliefs
and turn on a dime in a few months like this.
What patriots they are. Buzz off Meryl Streep.
Just like he said. Democrats and Russian communists share a lot of ideological similarities. We've been fighting against Russian communism since the 50s and now a retarded generation comes along and wants to join them? It's hard to believe things got this out of hand. Please God, let the true winner prevail in this election..
Kamala Harris is farther left than Biden.
Kamala Harris is as far left as Putin. Maybe old Vlad has some fantasies about her like Obama does.
I've posted a number of times that Vlad Putin seems appreciative and enamored with Middle Class Joe Biden.
No complaints from the leftists who were screaming about Trump (allegedly) working with Putin.

I have to assume they've all changed their minds about Putin and don't think he's so bad now after
throwing tantrums, frequently violent, for about four years now.

You have to admire the flexibility of leftists who can change all their opinions and cherished beliefs
and turn on a dime in a few months like this.
What patriots they are. Buzz off Meryl Streep.
Trump sanctioned Russia heavily, confronted them in Syria, confronted them in iran.
Yet he was a “puppet” of Russia.
Obama talked about how he “would have more flexibility after the election”, sent iran (Russia’s ally) billions of dollars, and he was “tough on Russia”.
Makes total sense.

Newsweek Reports The Same conversation

Putin says he wants to work with Biden, claims "shared values" between Democrats and communism

Lots of us already knew it.

Guess you didn't read your links very well. Putin said he's willing to work with ANYONE who sits in the Oval Office. That's what most world leaders say when a new president is elected. From your Newsweek link....................

Russian President Vladimir Putin has attempted to mark a positive resemblance between Democratic presidential candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden, and Soviet communists in a wide-ranging interview with the Rossiya TV channel, released Wednesday as the 2020 vice presidential candidates prepared to debate.

The president said the Kremlin would be open to working with whoever sits in the Oval Office in 2021, despite U.S. intelligence reports indicating that Russia is trying to undermine Biden in the same way it did Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Newsweek Reports The Same conversation

Putin says he wants to work with Biden, claims "shared values" between Democrats and communism

Lots of us already knew it.
is that reverse psychology thing. like when they say Putin loves hillary. Lol.
or when Republicans say that it was a Democrat who threatened the Republicans in Michigan who voted in favor of Biden's victory in Wayne county.
Reverse psychology doesn't work if it makes no sense.

Newsweek Reports The Same conversation

Putin says he wants to work with Biden, claims "shared values" between Democrats and communism

Lots of us already knew it.

Guess you didn't read your links very well. Putin said he's willing to work with ANYONE who sits in the Oval Office. That's what most world leaders say when a new president is elected. From your Newsweek link....................

Russian President Vladimir Putin has attempted to mark a positive resemblance between Democratic presidential candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden, and Soviet communists in a wide-ranging interview with the Rossiya TV channel, released Wednesday as the 2020 vice presidential candidates prepared to debate.

The president said the Kremlin would be open to working with whoever sits in the Oval Office in 2021, despite U.S. intelligence reports indicating that Russia is trying to undermine Biden in the same way it did Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Putin said the Democrats are just like Soviet Communists. Did you miss that?

Newsweek Reports The Same conversation

Putin says he wants to work with Biden, claims "shared values" between Democrats and communism

Lots of us already knew it.
is that reverse psychology thing. like when they say Putin loves hillary. Lol.
or when Republicans say that it was a Democrat who threatened the Republicans in Michigan who voted in favor of Biden's victory in Wayne county.
Reverse psychology doesn't work if it makes no sense.
The point is you guys are not of the Republic. You are Socialist Communists bent on having your way. If it means violence so be it. For you are 99% of the violence. When your dream government gets here, it won't be so shiny. People paying more in taxes so others can skate in life will slow down in the quality of their work. That is just one item that will bring failure.

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