Putin tells Poland any aggression against Belarus is attack on Russia


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
MOSCOW, July 21 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin on Friday accused NATO member Poland of having territorial ambitions in the former Soviet Union, and said any aggression against Russia's neighbour and close ally Belarus would be considered an attack on Russia.

Moscow would react to any aggression against Belarus, which forms a loose "Union State" with Russia, "with all the means at our disposal", Putin told a meeting of his Security Council in televised remarks.

Warsaw's Security Committee decided on Wednesday to move military units to eastern Poland after members of the Russian Wagner mercenary force arrived in Belarus, the state-run news agency PAP quoted its secretary as saying on Friday.

Poland denies any territorial ambitions in Belarus.

In his remarks Putin had also stated that the western part of Poland was a gift from Soviet leader Joseph Stalin to the country and that Russia would remind Poles about it.

Fuck around and find out Putin. If Russia attacks Poland Russia is going to get properly fucked up. They'll be lucky to keep Moscow.

They want an escalation in this war?

Let them then.

See what happens.
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Article 5 does NOT commit America to war. Only an Act of Congress can do that.
No, America is committed but can possibly ignore its responsibility. But Russia too is committed to article 5 in that an aggression by one is an aggression of all.

Or in other words, if Poland steps out of line then America is a target and fair game.
No, America is committed but can possibly ignore its responsibility. But Russia too is committed to article 5 in that an aggression by one is an aggression of all.

Or in other words, if Poland steps out of line then America is a target and fair game.
So what you are saying is, if Putin accuses Poland of invading Russia or Belarus, it means Putin wants to see Russia destroyed.
Article 5 does NOT commit America to war. Only an Act of Congress can do that.
Treaties are binding agreements between nations and become part of international law. Treaties to which the United States is a party also have the force of federal legislation, forming part of what the Constitution calls ''the supreme Law of the Land.''

The Senate does not ratify treaties. Following consideration by the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Senate either approves or rejects a resolution of ratification. If the resolution passes, then ratification takes place when the instruments of ratification are formally exchanged between the United States and the foreign power(s).

In other words, if Article 5 is invoked, the administration has full authorization to send in the troops.
No, America is committed but can possibly ignore its responsibility. But Russia too is committed to article 5 in that an aggression by one is an aggression of all.

Or in other words, if Poland steps out of line then America is a target and fair game.
As well as Canada, eh duck? Let's see who weathers the storm better. Biden or Turdeau. A mental deficient or a fascist queer.
No, America is committed but can possibly ignore its responsibility. But Russia too is committed to article 5 in that an aggression by one is an aggression of all.

Or in other words, if Poland steps out of line then America is a target and fair game.

No, the NATO treaty does not trump the Constitution. There is no automatic war.
Treaties are binding agreements between nations and become part of international law. Treaties to which the United States is a party also have the force of federal legislation, forming part of what the Constitution calls ''the supreme Law of the Land.''

The Senate does not ratify treaties. Following consideration by the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Senate either approves or rejects a resolution of ratification. If the resolution passes, then ratification takes place when the instruments of ratification are formally exchanged between the United States and the foreign power(s).

In other words, if Article 5 is invoked, the administration has full authorization to send in the troops.
But not to declare the war. Only Congress can do it.
Now you begin to see why there was the entirely scripted Priggy fairy story . It fooled almost everybody but not those who knew that Poland was building a minimum half a million strike force .If Warsaw has designs only on Galicia ( former Polish territory) , Dear Uncle will probably finally make an arrangement with them . But guarding Belarus and using it as a prime jump off point was and remains the main aim . Either to contain Polish ambition or run a pincer operation on Odessa .Any other questions ?
Poland obviously isn’t going to attack Russia or Belarus unilaterally without NATO approval
Poland obviously isn’t going to attack Russia or Belarus unilaterally without NATO approval
Obviously, but Putin came to power and has kept it by providing a false narrative about Russia being in danger from the West, so now, when he is clearly fearful of being overthrown he will redouble these these lies about Russia being attacked.
Enemies can become allies, but no one wants to ally with you dirty, back stabbing Russians.
China wants, India wants, Iran wants, Belarus wants. Actually, the USA would also prefer to see Russia as a friend, not foe. The only question is in the terms of such a cooperation.
Obviously, but Putin came to power and has kept it by providing a false narrative about Russia being in danger from the West, so now, when he is clearly fearful of being overthrown he will redouble these these lies about Russia being attacked.
Actually, the Russians consider that narrative quite realistic since the Clinton's unprovoked and unjustful aggression against Serbia.

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