Putin sets stage for Global Conflict- WWIII

Not to be a jingoistic American blowhard, but most things made in Russia are crap. Their wealth is tied to natural resources, not the ability to make anything. If "we" launch a missile, it will strike and destroy its target. Russia...not so much.

The chances that they could successfully launch a nuclear warhead that would actually function as designed are in the low single-digit percentages. And you cannot just leave nuclear weapons in a warehouse until you are ready to use them. They have to carefully monitored and maintained. Little chance Russia is doing that.

The civilized world cannot allow that jag-off to bully the whole world with threats that are likely emptier than Joe Biden's brain.
Biden has opened the free world to disaster, that's for sure. His enemies are now the old allies Russia claimed to be part of. If Putin gets away with any more murders in the Ukraine he will go for the next weakened government he chooses. I think he will choose the United States of America due to us having blithering idiots in the top replacements for Biden's job which he is about to lose, if not by nature, by about 200 million Americans who hate what he has done to the well-being and security of this nation.

Nobody in a weakened nation is safe from Putin. He's on a roll and his lie about leaving civilians in the Ukraine alone was just a method of getting the world's eyes off his murderous campaign in Europe that he has planned out. Every time Putin says he is backing off something, he orders thousands more troops to cluster around his targets. He's a cold fish when it comes to killing people he cannot control.
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Trump is dumber than a box of rocks. The country is the least of his concerns. He wants power, control, and to play golf every day. Keep him on the course.
Trump was the best president that we have since before REAGAN............he did a lot of good for the country which is more than I can say for Biden, Obama, either Bush, and certainly the evil clintons.
Barrel's statement that "This (Ukrainian) war must be won on the battlefield" means the following:

1. Public opinion is preparing for a complete rupture of relations with Russia and the introduction of a trade blockade.

The European countries have finally adopted a course of confrontation. This is emphasized by the "ritual" statements of members of the governments of Germany, France, Italy and Spain.

2. The imitation of peace talks will be curtailed, impossible conditions will be set for Russia, including the surrender of Donbass and Crimea.

3. Confrontation management will be concentrated in Washington, Turkey and other countries will be pushed away from this.

4. Europe and the United States are preparing to transfer heavy weapons systems to Ukraine – primarily air defense and missile systems.

Part of this has already happened, the UK has handed over a batch of NSM PKR, which pose a serious threat to the ships of the Black Sea Fleet.

I think the United States will transfer MGM-140 ballistic missile systems in the near future.

This was announced separately via CNBS, where it was announced about the imminent transfer of "weapons that will allow Ukraine to strike at Russian military airfields."

5. The next stage of the escalation of the conflict is being prepared, including strikes on Russian critical infrastructure and large-scale terrorist attacks in Russian cities.

In relation to Russia, the Ukrainian leadership will announce a total war regime, which includes a level of "zero tolerance" to Russian prisoners of war. Simply put, Nazi ideology will become the official course of Kiev.

It is no coincidence that Arestovich (ukrainian Psaki) recently spoke with such warmth about the methods of ISIS ( ).
I think the consequences are clear to everyone.

Now the implementation of this scenario is being stopped by European and world public opinion.

Media operations on Russia's "war crimes" in the Bucha, etc. should change the attitude of European and world society to the Russian Federation, dehumanize and separate Russia from the rest of the "civilized" world.

This will make it possible to justify terrorist attacks and other irreversible strikes by Ukraine against Russia.

Everything is being done to tightly bind both countries – Russia and Ukraine in a mutually destructive conflict for decades to come.

the other oligarths kill off Putin and replace him is the only way that this war ends.....I'm sorry but that is the only way and even then the Ukrainians will carry their hate of the Russians for generations.
Having a good laugh as I ponder that my life span might exactly coincide with yours.

All of you!

Tom Lehrer understood and taught us the proper attitude to maintain.
Too bad you missed the message.

So now, a guy in his bedroom a world away from Ukraine has decided that what he thinks is not disinformation portrays the nice little helpless, backward Russian troops as "Why would they.... strike the Ukraine and kill children and such," and that the survivors in the Ukraine must be the most evil people on the planet by trying to stay alive, for villifying the nice, little Aparatchik force who are killing children and adults alike--why would they--yadda, yadda, yadda, zippety do-dah day, yadda. :rolleyes-41:

Death toll rising as Ukraine braces for more fighting​

Adam Schreck and Andrea Rosa​
The Associated Press:​
ANDRIIVKA, Ukraine — The mayor of the besieged port city of Mariupol put the number of civilians
killed there at more than 5,000 Wednesday, as Ukraine collected evidence of Russian atrocities on the
ruined outskirts of Kyiv and braced for what could become a climactic battle for control of the country’s
industrial east. Ukrainian authorities continued gathering up the dead in shattered towns outside
the capital amid telltale signs Moscow’s troops killed civilians indiscriminately before retreating over
the past several days. In other developments, the U.S. and its Western allies moved to impose new
sanctions against the Kremlin over what they branded war crimes.

The Russians have no business beating up a small nation for claiming all the rich minerals including the world's largest supply of magnesium. Oh, no, they have been FRAMED by those horrible, no good, verra bad Ukes, who are tarnishing Putin's halo. Yeah, right!!!!!!!!!!! <burp> The Russians screwed up in every way imaginable by blasting their way into Kiev without considering children, hospitals, orphanages, schools, etc. before the world woke up to hear of this bloodbath of a sovereign nation at the behest of Russian V. Putin.

Civilian deaths in Ukraine war rise to 1,793, refugees above 4.5m: UN
ANKARA: The civilian death toll in the Russia-Ukraine war has climbed to 1,793, the UN said …
The Express Tribune · 1d

Edit, I just found this about the casualties in Mariupol:
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky said he believed “tens of thousands” of people had been killed in Mariupol so far. Britain is increasingly concerned that Russia could use white phosphorus munitions in Mariupol. The agent was reportedly used during the civil war in Syria that causes severe burns. Western officials suspect Russia is looking for Mariupol to fall so it can free up troops for a renewed effort in the Donbas. Heappey said Putin was gearing up to try and take the Donbas ahead of the May 9 victory parade

10,000 more dead from Mariupol?

Vladimir Putin has been warned that the West “will not stand by” if he uses chemical weapons in Ukraine.
The UK government is urgently investigating unconfirmed reports that chemical agents may have been used in the besieged city of Mariupol, where 10,000 people are said to have died during Russia’s relentless six-week assault.
Last night foreign secretary Liz Truss tweeted that any use of such weapons would be a “callous escalation in this conflict”, adding: “We will hold Putin and his regime to account”

My sympathies on the Ukrainians. Not only are they being murdered right and left, the survivors are being maligned by none other than the invader Putin, to cover his child-killing spree for the last 45 days, more or less. I can't believe people are judging the victims and patting the killers on the back. This is really not a good idea. Four and a half million Ukrainians fled their home due to Russian missiles shot at their neighbors and themselves indiscriminately and with malice aforethought. I wish they'd stayed at home.
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I wouldnt mind turning all of Europe and the US into a nuclear wasteland, this is what the US deserves for murdering over 6 Million civilians in their wars.
you believe it would have no effect on you or you don't mind you and your loved ones dying just to get at the US and Europe.
Difference is we are not murdering civilians at will.
Infact, Russia is doing their best not to kill many civilians.
They don't just stand around and sing like that in Ukraine! They drop bombs and fire rockets and whatever militaries like doing onto people's houses when they are sleeping...and then it appears they rape and torture and kill in the most cold blooded way any civilian who does not say what they want. They also apparently like the vodka non stop.
Apparently a supreme irony: nazis have been gassed as Mariupol. The chemical used causes respiratory failure and vestibular ataxia. When the bodies are sorted out, there will likely be foreign intel agents amongst them.
You folks are all nut jobs lol.

“Liberal-Nazi Dictators” lol. Not even a possible thing. Nazi is right-wing not liberal.

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