Putin sets stage for Global Conflict- WWIII

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. IF just one 50kt device makes it to the US millions will die. The average Russian MERV has 8 warheads. You want to bet your life on a failure of all 680 ICBMs they have?
Agree, but let me ask you this - Would Putin be wrong in his assessment of the west and/or of Europe when it comes to leftism spreading like a cancer now ? Are leftist liberals attempting to take over the world through world globalist measures, and a one world order type of mindset ????

If he is correct, then are we going to tell ourselves that leftist authoritarianism isn't real, and that Putin is simply just a mad man talking out of his head ??
Patton was right in 1945 when he said “you’re gonna have to fight these bastards some day, why not attack Russia while we have troops here.”

“I understand the situation. Their (the Soviet) supply system is inadequate to maintain them in a serious action such as I could put to them. They have chickens in the coop and cattle on the hoof — that’s their supply system. They could probably maintain themselves in the type of fighting I could give them for five days. After that it would make no difference how many million men they have, and if you wanted Moscow I could give it to you. They lived on the land coming down. There is insufficient left for them to maintain themselves going back. Let’s not give them time to build up their supplies. If we do, then . . . we have had a victory over the Germans and disarmed them, but we have failed in the liberation of Europe; we have lost the war!”

General George S. Patton
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Patton was right in 1945 when he said “you’re gonna have to fight these bastards some day, why not attack Russia while we have troops here.”

“I understand the situation. Their (the Soviet) supply system is inadequate to maintain them in a serious action such as I could put to them. They have chickens in the coop and cattle on the hoof — that’s their supply system. They could probably maintain themselves in the type of fighting I could give them for five days. After that it would make no difference how many million men they have, and if you wanted Moscow I could give it to you. They lived on the land coming down. There is insufficient left for them to maintain themselves going back. Let’s not give them time to build up their supplies. If we do, then . . . we have had a victory over the Germans and disarmed them, but we have failed in the liberation of Europe; we have lost the war!”

General George S. PattonView attachment 628679
Ok, and after the 70 some odd years since that war, was Patton completely right or did he (like he stated), not care to understand them, and so he would rather pump them all full of lead ?? So we've since allied ourselves with what appears to be a docile Japanese society or people, and we've found out that Germany was led by a Nazi totalitarian regime run by a mad man, but that regime didn't represent the German people who wanted Hitler dead, and risk many attempts trying to assassinate him over the course of time.

The Russians, well they've always been suspicious of us and we of them due to both of our history's, and the actions known about in war. Trump was one who kept the peace by holding onto the ideals of "keep your friend's close, but keep your potential enemies even closer". Funny how we kept the peace during Trump's administration, and how conservatives aren't angered to war easily, but we have since gave witness to leftist/Democrat rage, but somehow Trump and the conservatives are somehow the problem.. I say conservatives because Republicans aren't always conservatives.
Patton was right in 1945 when he said “you’re gonna have to fight these bastards some day, why not attack Russia while we have troops here.”

“I understand the situation. Their (the Soviet) supply system is inadequate to maintain them in a serious action such as I could put to them. They have chickens in the coop and cattle on the hoof — that’s their supply system. They could probably maintain themselves in the type of fighting I could give them for five days. After that it would make no difference how many million men they have, and if you wanted Moscow I could give it to you. They lived on the land coming down. There is insufficient left for them to maintain themselves going back. Let’s not give them time to build up their supplies. If we do, then . . . we have had a victory over the Germans and disarmed them, but we have failed in the liberation of Europe; we have lost the war!”

General George S. PattonView attachment 628679

He was RELIEVED of Command for that absurd notion to attack an ally.
Ok, and after the 70 some odd years since that war, was Patton completely right or did he (like he stated), not care to understand them, and so he would rather pump them all full of lead ?? So we've since allied ourselves with what appears to be a docile Japanese society or people, and we've found out that Germany was led by a Nazi totalitarian regime run by a mad man, but that regime didn't represent the German people who wanted Hitler dead, and risk many attempts trying to assassinate him over the course of time.

The Russians, well they've always been suspicious of us and we of them due to both of our history's, and the actions known about in war. Trump was one who kept the peace by holding onto the ideals of "keep your friend's close, but keep your potential enemies even closer". Funny how we kept the peace during Trump's administration, and how conservatives aren't angered to war easily, but we have since gave witness to leftist/Democrat rage, but somehow Trump and the conservatives are somehow the problem.. I say conservatives because Republicans aren't always conservatives.
Trump was in bed with Putin and Russia and he tried to cuddle with Kim jong Un as well.

I sincerely believe that he would sell his own mother to further his own self interests.

Putin is waging war today however due to the perceived weakness of Biden and his ability to test that weakness with little push back.
Trump was in bed with Putin and Russia and he tried to cuddle with Kim jong Un as well.

I sincerely believe that he would sell his own mother to further his own self interests.

Putin is waging war today however due to the perceived weakness of Biden and his ability to test that weakness with little push back.
You still believing the Democrat's about Trump when everything has imploded reeks of TDS, and a butt hurt that has led to what we're seeing in the world right now. What part of "keep your friend's close, but keep your enemies closer" don't you understand ?

Trump was a pragmatic, and was and still is a brilliant man who kept our enemies friendly, but we've seen the worst at what the Democrat's are good for, yet you attempt to roll it off on Trump ?? Pathetic..
Well... When the LMSM quotes these things accurately, like they have done here, there are serious questions to ask yourself. Look at the genocide the Russians are doing, openly. Putin is justifying a first strike and WWIII. The man is evil and must be removed from power, by any means.

Guess you missed their coverage of Trump and everything Russia.
Trump was in bed with Putin and Russia and he tried to cuddle with Kim jong Un as well.

I sincerely believe that he would sell his own mother to further his own self interests.

Putin is waging war today however due to the perceived weakness of Biden and his ability to test that weakness with little push back.

For being bed with Russia, He sure passed a bunch of sanctions on Putin.

But that was just for cover, right?
Not to be a jingoistic American blowhard, but most things made in Russia are crap. Their wealth is tied to natural resources, not the ability to make anything. If "we" launch a missile, it will strike and destroy its target. Russia...not so much.

The chances that they could successfully launch a nuclear warhead that would actually function as designed are in the low single-digit percentages. And you cannot just leave nuclear weapons in a warehouse until you are ready to use them. They have to carefully monitored and maintained. Little chance Russia is doing that.

The civilized world cannot allow that jag-off to bully the whole world with threats that are likely emptier than Joe Biden's brain.
B.S....nothing is that empty.
I wouldnt mind turning all of Europe and the US into a nuclear wasteland, this is what the US deserves for murdering over 6 Million civilians in their wars.
You are an idiot-----in the event of a nuclear war---Russia will be wiped out as well with neither the US or Russia being winners--not really. Although the US would likely fair Better by a large margin. The real winner, and the one pushing this nonsense, is Xi of CHINA as they would be the BIG winners in such a scenerio, you silly little clueless troll.
You still believing the Democrat's about Trump when everything has imploded reeks of TDS, and a butt hurt that has led to what we're seeing in the world right now. What part of "keep your friend's close, but keep your enemies closer" don't you understand ?

Trump was a pragmatic, and was and still is a brilliant man who kept our enemies friendly, but we've seen the worst at what the Democrat's are good for, yet you attempt to roll it off on Trump ?? Pathetic..
Trump is dumber than a box of rocks. The country is the least of his concerns. He wants power, control, and to play golf every day. Keep him on the course.
Trump is dumber than a box of rocks. The country is the least of his concerns. He wants power, control, and to play golf every day. Keep him on the course.
I would take Trump control any day over Biden control... Any day.
Barrel's statement that "This (Ukrainian) war must be won on the battlefield" means the following:

1. Public opinion is preparing for a complete rupture of relations with Russia and the introduction of a trade blockade.

The European countries have finally adopted a course of confrontation. This is emphasized by the "ritual" statements of members of the governments of Germany, France, Italy and Spain.

2. The imitation of peace talks will be curtailed, impossible conditions will be set for Russia, including the surrender of Donbass and Crimea.

3. Confrontation management will be concentrated in Washington, Turkey and other countries will be pushed away from this.

4. Europe and the United States are preparing to transfer heavy weapons systems to Ukraine – primarily air defense and missile systems.

Part of this has already happened, the UK has handed over a batch of NSM PKR, which pose a serious threat to the ships of the Black Sea Fleet.

I think the United States will transfer MGM-140 ballistic missile systems in the near future.

This was announced separately via CNBS, where it was announced about the imminent transfer of "weapons that will allow Ukraine to strike at Russian military airfields."

5. The next stage of the escalation of the conflict is being prepared, including strikes on Russian critical infrastructure and large-scale terrorist attacks in Russian cities.

In relation to Russia, the Ukrainian leadership will announce a total war regime, which includes a level of "zero tolerance" to Russian prisoners of war. Simply put, Nazi ideology will become the official course of Kiev.

It is no coincidence that Arestovich (ukrainian Psaki) recently spoke with such warmth about the methods of ISIS ( ).
I think the consequences are clear to everyone.

Now the implementation of this scenario is being stopped by European and world public opinion.

Media operations on Russia's "war crimes" in the Bucha, etc. should change the attitude of European and world society to the Russian Federation, dehumanize and separate Russia from the rest of the "civilized" world.

This will make it possible to justify terrorist attacks and other irreversible strikes by Ukraine against Russia.

Everything is being done to tightly bind both countries – Russia and Ukraine in a mutually destructive conflict for decades to come.

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