Putin has found his perfect ‘useful idiots’


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
great story, my question is why we still call Putin´s ‘useful idiots’ for ‘useful idiots’? but not the TRAITORS? , WHO THEY clearly ARE ...?

You cannot make this stuff up. “Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he would be willing to provide the U.S. Congress a record of President Trump’s meeting with top Russian envoys, possibly offering new details on the disclosures of reportedly highly classified intelligence information,” The Post reports. “The remarkable offer for the Kremlin to share evidence with U.S. oversight committees came with the caveat that the request for the transcript would have to come from the Trump administration.”

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), reacting on CNN to Putin’s offer, said, “The idea that we would accept any evidence from President Putin is absurd.” Yes, it would be almost as absurd as the Russians, who interfered with our election for the purpose of putting Trump into office and with whom the Trump campaign is alleged to have colluded, getting invited into the Oval Office to yuk it up with the president. Turning to Russia for “help” in determining whether Trump imparted to them highly classified information we obtained from Israel (which put an Israeli agent in peril) truly is going through the looking glass. If Putin’s aim was to destroy the credibility of the American political system, he has found a perfect partner in Trump, the quintessential “useful idiot” who carries the Russian propaganda line and literally gives him access to the Oval Office.

Where were the complaints from House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) about letting the Russians into the Oval Office — and denying U.S. press access? Was it really sufficient for the Senate majority leader to pass off the news of the president’s disclosure of intelligence to the Russians as mere “drama”? Putin’s “offer” is as much a slap at Trump as it is at GOP lawmakers who have let things get to this stage without raising red flags.

We should not forget, as we seemingly begin to barrel toward a full-blown investigation of potential obstruction of justice by the president (and possibly by the attorney general, not to mention the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who urged Trump to fire Comey), that the root of this debacle began with Trump’s willingness to be flattered, cajoled and manipulated by Russians and a flock of advisers with troubling connections to Russian oligarchs. Trump may or may not have financial ties to Russia. He may or may not seek to emulate Putin’s thuggishness — although he does not seem bright enough to be a “fellow traveler.” He nevertheless is dim enough and narcissistic enough to be used by enemies of the United States. Republicans who continue to defend him would do well to remember that, even before Trump began leaning on the FBI, he endangered our democracy."

Opinion | Putin has found his perfect ‘useful idiots’


Commies hate Putin because he rejected Communism as a failed economic sysyem openly embraced by morons
“You know that I, like millions of Soviet citizens, over 20 million, was a member of the Communist Party of the USSR and not only was I a member of the party but I worked for almost 20 years for an organization called the Committee for State Security,” Putin said, referring to the KGB.

“I was not, as you know, a party member by necessity,” he said. “I liked Communist and socialist ideas very much and I like them still.”

Communism gets a big endorsement from a certain world leader
Commies hate Putin because he rejected Communism as a failed economic sysyem openly embraced by morons
LOL , i can prove you as an olgino troll/useful idiot for 4 sek




Putin Accuses Russia's Foes Of 'Excessive Demonization' Of Stalin
Putin Accuses Russia's Foes Of 'Excessive Demonization' Of Stalin

16 juni 2017 - Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the "excessive demonization" of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin "is one means of attacking the Soviet ...
great story, my question is why we still call Putin´s ‘useful idiots’ for ‘useful idiots’? but not the TRAITORS? , WHO THEY clearly ARE ...?

You cannot make this stuff up. “Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he would be willing to provide the U.S. Congress a record of President Trump’s meeting with top Russian envoys, possibly offering new details on the disclosures of reportedly highly classified intelligence information,” The Post reports. “The remarkable offer for the Kremlin to share evidence with U.S. oversight committees came with the caveat that the request for the transcript would have to come from the Trump administration.”

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), reacting on CNN to Putin’s offer, said, “The idea that we would accept any evidence from President Putin is absurd.” Yes, it would be almost as absurd as the Russians, who interfered with our election for the purpose of putting Trump into office and with whom the Trump campaign is alleged to have colluded, getting invited into the Oval Office to yuk it up with the president. Turning to Russia for “help” in determining whether Trump imparted to them highly classified information we obtained from Israel (which put an Israeli agent in peril) truly is going through the looking glass. If Putin’s aim was to destroy the credibility of the American political system, he has found a perfect partner in Trump, the quintessential “useful idiot” who carries the Russian propaganda line and literally gives him access to the Oval Office.

Where were the complaints from House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) about letting the Russians into the Oval Office — and denying U.S. press access? Was it really sufficient for the Senate majority leader to pass off the news of the president’s disclosure of intelligence to the Russians as mere “drama”? Putin’s “offer” is as much a slap at Trump as it is at GOP lawmakers who have let things get to this stage without raising red flags.

We should not forget, as we seemingly begin to barrel toward a full-blown investigation of potential obstruction of justice by the president (and possibly by the attorney general, not to mention the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who urged Trump to fire Comey), that the root of this debacle began with Trump’s willingness to be flattered, cajoled and manipulated by Russians and a flock of advisers with troubling connections to Russian oligarchs. Trump may or may not have financial ties to Russia. He may or may not seek to emulate Putin’s thuggishness — although he does not seem bright enough to be a “fellow traveler.” He nevertheless is dim enough and narcissistic enough to be used by enemies of the United States. Republicans who continue to defend him would do well to remember that, even before Trump began leaning on the FBI, he endangered our democracy."

Opinion | Putin has found his perfect ‘useful idiots’



Uncle Vlad should be commended once again he protects the constitution and the United States from the enemy with in ...the libtards


  • screen-shot-2016-04-19-at-3-01-38-pm.jpg
    117.4 KB · Views: 84
Foreign posters seem to lack the understanding about how the U.S. government works. Barry Hussein Obama was president and his A.G. was in charge of the Justice Dept which includes the FBI. The CIA head was appointed by the president and reported to the White House. Donald Trump was just a citizen and indications are that he was under surveillance by the FBI while he was a candidate. The point is that Hussein was in charge and if there was any collusion with or interference by agents of the Russian government it must have been sanctioned by the Obama government or Hussein was guilty of incredible negligence.
Commies hate Putin because he rejected Communism as a failed economic sysyem openly embraced by morons
“You know that I, like millions of Soviet citizens, over 20 million, was a member of the Communist Party of the USSR and not only was I a member of the party but I worked for almost 20 years for an organization called the Committee for State Security,” Putin said, referring to the KGB.

“I was not, as you know, a party member by necessity,” he said. “I liked Communist and socialist ideas very much and I like them still.”

Communism gets a big endorsement from a certain world leader
"Putin has praised Stalin as an "effective manager," and Stalin's reputation in Russia has been growing steadily since Putin came to power in 2000."



Foreign posters seem to lack the understanding about how the U.S. government works. Barry Hussein Obama was president and his A.G. was in charge of the Justice Dept which includes the FBI. The CIA head was appointed by the president and reported to the White House. Donald Trump was just a citizen and indications are that he was under surveillance by the FBI while he was a candidate. The point is that Hussein was in charge and if there was any collusion with or interference by agents of the Russian government it must have been sanctioned by the Obama government or Hussein was guilty of incredible negligence.

Obama had 8 years to protect us from the Russians and failed.
It would be ignorant of anyone at this point to believe that politicians and their lackeys are all honest and above board. Foreign intelligence getting info on some crooks here? So what? Do not our foreign intelligence services keep tabs on other countries officials if they seem to be corrupt? I'd tell Putin send it forward and Trump should determine what if anything to do with that info after receiving it.
Foreign posters seem to lack the understanding about how the U.S. government works. Barry Hussein Obama was president and his A.G. was in charge of the Justice Dept which includes the FBI. The CIA head was appointed by the president and reported to the White House. Donald Trump was just a citizen and indications are that he was under surveillance by the FBI while he was a candidate. The point is that Hussein was in charge and if there was any collusion with or interference by agents of the Russian government it must have been sanctioned by the Obama government or Hussein was guilty of incredible negligence.

well we know it batter than you do. thats why we never buy your UFO- conspiracy about the best political system in the world. save my time, post your memes instead

Foreign posters seem to lack the understanding about how the U.S. government works. Barry Hussein Obama was president and his A.G. was in charge of the Justice Dept which includes the FBI. The CIA head was appointed by the president and reported to the White House. Donald Trump was just a citizen and indications are that he was under surveillance by the FBI while he was a candidate. The point is that Hussein was in charge and if there was any collusion with or interference by agents of the Russian government it must have been sanctioned by the Obama government or Hussein was guilty of incredible negligence.

Obama had 8 years to protect us from the Russians and failed.
what did Trump when all truth (act of war, etc.) came up ?
Commies hate Putin because he rejected Communism as a failed economic sysyem openly embraced by morons
“You know that I, like millions of Soviet citizens, over 20 million, was a member of the Communist Party of the USSR and not only was I a member of the party but I worked for almost 20 years for an organization called the Committee for State Security,” Putin said, referring to the KGB.

“I was not, as you know, a party member by necessity,” he said. “I liked Communist and socialist ideas very much and I like them still.”

Communism gets a big endorsement from a certain world leader

Uh huh, except that's not how he's ACTING

"Yes, President Vladimir Putin has been weaning Russia from socialism to capitalism ever since he used oil revenues to pay off the debt owed to the IMF and others. He has been promoting fewer taxes for small businesses and a conservative approach to economics and society. Half the governors have been fired in Russia for corruption and he even threatened a governor to improve dental care. He has helped the largest country in the world out of darkness and there is still more to be done. Yet, he has found the time and energy to lead the world by its hand towards peace and economic prosperity which the US has helped to destroy."

Putin Rejects Socialism
great story, my question is why we still call Putin´s ‘useful idiots’ for ‘useful idiots’? but not the TRAITORS? , WHO THEY clearly ARE ...?

You cannot make this stuff up. “Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he would be willing to provide the U.S. Congress a record of President Trump’s meeting with top Russian envoys, possibly offering new details on the disclosures of reportedly highly classified intelligence information,” The Post reports. “The remarkable offer for the Kremlin to share evidence with U.S. oversight committees came with the caveat that the request for the transcript would have to come from the Trump administration.”

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), reacting on CNN to Putin’s offer, said, “The idea that we would accept any evidence from President Putin is absurd.” Yes, it would be almost as absurd as the Russians, who interfered with our election for the purpose of putting Trump into office and with whom the Trump campaign is alleged to have colluded, getting invited into the Oval Office to yuk it up with the president. Turning to Russia for “help” in determining whether Trump imparted to them highly classified information we obtained from Israel (which put an Israeli agent in peril) truly is going through the looking glass. If Putin’s aim was to destroy the credibility of the American political system, he has found a perfect partner in Trump, the quintessential “useful idiot” who carries the Russian propaganda line and literally gives him access to the Oval Office.

Where were the complaints from House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) about letting the Russians into the Oval Office — and denying U.S. press access? Was it really sufficient for the Senate majority leader to pass off the news of the president’s disclosure of intelligence to the Russians as mere “drama”? Putin’s “offer” is as much a slap at Trump as it is at GOP lawmakers who have let things get to this stage without raising red flags.

We should not forget, as we seemingly begin to barrel toward a full-blown investigation of potential obstruction of justice by the president (and possibly by the attorney general, not to mention the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who urged Trump to fire Comey), that the root of this debacle began with Trump’s willingness to be flattered, cajoled and manipulated by Russians and a flock of advisers with troubling connections to Russian oligarchs. Trump may or may not have financial ties to Russia. He may or may not seek to emulate Putin’s thuggishness — although he does not seem bright enough to be a “fellow traveler.” He nevertheless is dim enough and narcissistic enough to be used by enemies of the United States. Republicans who continue to defend him would do well to remember that, even before Trump began leaning on the FBI, he endangered our democracy."

Opinion | Putin has found his perfect ‘useful idiots’



Uncle Vlad should be commended once again he protects the constitution and the United States from the enemy with in ...the libtards

Amen, brother!

Uncle Vlad is the modern Lafayette!

great story, my question is why we still call Putin´s ‘useful idiots’ for ‘useful idiots’? but not the TRAITORS? , WHO THEY clearly ARE ...?

You cannot make this stuff up. “Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he would be willing to provide the U.S. Congress a record of President Trump’s meeting with top Russian envoys, possibly offering new details on the disclosures of reportedly highly classified intelligence information,” The Post reports. “The remarkable offer for the Kremlin to share evidence with U.S. oversight committees came with the caveat that the request for the transcript would have to come from the Trump administration.”

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), reacting on CNN to Putin’s offer, said, “The idea that we would accept any evidence from President Putin is absurd.” Yes, it would be almost as absurd as the Russians, who interfered with our election for the purpose of putting Trump into office and with whom the Trump campaign is alleged to have colluded, getting invited into the Oval Office to yuk it up with the president. Turning to Russia for “help” in determining whether Trump imparted to them highly classified information we obtained from Israel (which put an Israeli agent in peril) truly is going through the looking glass. If Putin’s aim was to destroy the credibility of the American political system, he has found a perfect partner in Trump, the quintessential “useful idiot” who carries the Russian propaganda line and literally gives him access to the Oval Office.

Where were the complaints from House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) about letting the Russians into the Oval Office — and denying U.S. press access? Was it really sufficient for the Senate majority leader to pass off the news of the president’s disclosure of intelligence to the Russians as mere “drama”? Putin’s “offer” is as much a slap at Trump as it is at GOP lawmakers who have let things get to this stage without raising red flags.

We should not forget, as we seemingly begin to barrel toward a full-blown investigation of potential obstruction of justice by the president (and possibly by the attorney general, not to mention the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who urged Trump to fire Comey), that the root of this debacle began with Trump’s willingness to be flattered, cajoled and manipulated by Russians and a flock of advisers with troubling connections to Russian oligarchs. Trump may or may not have financial ties to Russia. He may or may not seek to emulate Putin’s thuggishness — although he does not seem bright enough to be a “fellow traveler.” He nevertheless is dim enough and narcissistic enough to be used by enemies of the United States. Republicans who continue to defend him would do well to remember that, even before Trump began leaning on the FBI, he endangered our democracy."

Opinion | Putin has found his perfect ‘useful idiots’


I can't think of a more useful idiot for Vlad than "Red Line" Obama, or a bigger idiot period.
Commies hate Putin because he rejected Communism as a failed economic sysyem openly embraced by morons
“You know that I, like millions of Soviet citizens, over 20 million, was a member of the Communist Party of the USSR and not only was I a member of the party but I worked for almost 20 years for an organization called the Committee for State Security,” Putin said, referring to the KGB.

“I was not, as you know, a party member by necessity,” he said. “I liked Communist and socialist ideas very much and I like them still.”

Communism gets a big endorsement from a certain world leader

Uh huh, except that's not how he's ACTING

"Yes, President Vladimir Putin has been weaning Russia from socialism to capitalism ever since he used oil revenues to pay off the debt owed to the IMF and others. He has been promoting fewer taxes for small businesses and a conservative approach to economics and society. Half the governors have been fired in Russia for corruption and he even threatened a governor to improve dental care. He has helped the largest country in the world out of darkness and there is still more to be done. Yet, he has found the time and energy to lead the world by its hand towards peace and economic prosperity which the US has helped to destroy."

Putin Rejects Socialism
Rod has watched several youtuber in that area building their own shops from scratch. There is nothing like the freedom to be able to build your own business or trade shop and be able to keep the fruits of your labor. The new socialist and communist here don't seem to get that very well. Too many of them just think automatically that they must work for some corporate entity and demand that the government make sure all their needs are met.
Commies hate Putin because he rejected Communism as a failed economic sysyem openly embraced by morons
“You know that I, like millions of Soviet citizens, over 20 million, was a member of the Communist Party of the USSR and not only was I a member of the party but I worked for almost 20 years for an organization called the Committee for State Security,” Putin said, referring to the KGB.

“I was not, as you know, a party member by necessity,” he said. “I liked Communist and socialist ideas very much and I like them still.”

Communism gets a big endorsement from a certain world leader

Uh huh, except that's not how he's ACTING

"Yes, President Vladimir Putin has been weaning Russia from socialism to capitalism ever since he used oil revenues to pay off the debt owed to the IMF and others. He has been promoting fewer taxes for small businesses and a conservative approach to economics and society. Half the governors have been fired in Russia for corruption and he even threatened a governor to improve dental care. He has helped the largest country in the world out of darkness and there is still more to be done. Yet, he has found the time and energy to lead the world by its hand towards peace and economic prosperity which the US has helped to destroy."

Putin Rejects Socialism
Pravda, dipshit. You really are a useful idiot.

Why do you love this KGB thug so much, comrade?
great story, my question is why we still call Putin´s ‘useful idiots’ for ‘useful idiots’? but not the TRAITORS? , WHO THEY clearly ARE ...?

You cannot make this stuff up. “Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he would be willing to provide the U.S. Congress a record of President Trump’s meeting with top Russian envoys, possibly offering new details on the disclosures of reportedly highly classified intelligence information,” The Post reports. “The remarkable offer for the Kremlin to share evidence with U.S. oversight committees came with the caveat that the request for the transcript would have to come from the Trump administration.”

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), reacting on CNN to Putin’s offer, said, “The idea that we would accept any evidence from President Putin is absurd.” Yes, it would be almost as absurd as the Russians, who interfered with our election for the purpose of putting Trump into office and with whom the Trump campaign is alleged to have colluded, getting invited into the Oval Office to yuk it up with the president. Turning to Russia for “help” in determining whether Trump imparted to them highly classified information we obtained from Israel (which put an Israeli agent in peril) truly is going through the looking glass. If Putin’s aim was to destroy the credibility of the American political system, he has found a perfect partner in Trump, the quintessential “useful idiot” who carries the Russian propaganda line and literally gives him access to the Oval Office.

Where were the complaints from House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) about letting the Russians into the Oval Office — and denying U.S. press access? Was it really sufficient for the Senate majority leader to pass off the news of the president’s disclosure of intelligence to the Russians as mere “drama”? Putin’s “offer” is as much a slap at Trump as it is at GOP lawmakers who have let things get to this stage without raising red flags.

We should not forget, as we seemingly begin to barrel toward a full-blown investigation of potential obstruction of justice by the president (and possibly by the attorney general, not to mention the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who urged Trump to fire Comey), that the root of this debacle began with Trump’s willingness to be flattered, cajoled and manipulated by Russians and a flock of advisers with troubling connections to Russian oligarchs. Trump may or may not have financial ties to Russia. He may or may not seek to emulate Putin’s thuggishness — although he does not seem bright enough to be a “fellow traveler.” He nevertheless is dim enough and narcissistic enough to be used by enemies of the United States. Republicans who continue to defend him would do well to remember that, even before Trump began leaning on the FBI, he endangered our democracy."

Opinion | Putin has found his perfect ‘useful idiots’



Uncle Vlad should be commended once again he protects the constitution and the United States from the enemy with in ...the libtards

Amen, brother!

Uncle Vlad is the modern Lafayette!


was Lafayette sexually used by group of Chechen Muslim men, like Kadyrovtsy do to Vovka Putler everyday ?


Commies hate Putin because he rejected Communism as a failed economic sysyem openly embraced by morons
“You know that I, like millions of Soviet citizens, over 20 million, was a member of the Communist Party of the USSR and not only was I a member of the party but I worked for almost 20 years for an organization called the Committee for State Security,” Putin said, referring to the KGB.

“I was not, as you know, a party member by necessity,” he said. “I liked Communist and socialist ideas very much and I like them still.”

Communism gets a big endorsement from a certain world leader

Uh huh, except that's not how he's ACTING

"Yes, President Vladimir Putin has been weaning Russia from socialism to capitalism ever since he used oil revenues to pay off the debt owed to the IMF and others. He has been promoting fewer taxes for small businesses and a conservative approach to economics and society. Half the governors have been fired in Russia for corruption and he even threatened a governor to improve dental care. He has helped the largest country in the world out of darkness and there is still more to be done. Yet, he has found the time and energy to lead the world by its hand towards peace and economic prosperity which the US has helped to destroy."

Putin Rejects Socialism
Pravda, dipshit. You really are a useful idiot.

Why do you love this KGB thug so much, comrade?

Trump is Putin’s ‘most useful idiot’ because he believes what he says, Piontkovsky says

Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for US president, is Vladimir Putin’s “most useful idiot” not because he is the agent of the Kremlin as some have suggested, Andrey Piontkovsky says, but rather because he believes what he says about Russia and thus threatens “the end of the free world as we have known it.”

Andrey Piontkovsky, prominent Russian scientist, political writer and analyst (Image: svoboda.org)

In a commentary for the Apostrophe, Piontkovsky says that Trump’s willingness to accept Putin’s Anschluss of Crimea and his unwillingness to defend NATO members in the Baltic region in the case of a Russian attack cannot be dismissed as “campaign rhetoric.” They are something much worse.

The average American voter, he points out, “isn’t very much interested in Ukraine or the Baltics” and so talking about these issues in this way at worst means “losing the votes of the Ukrainian and Baltic communities.” And that shows that what Trump is saying reflects “his deep foreign policy convictions.”

“In general,” Piontkovsky continues, “Trump is Putin’s most valuable agent in America,” one more valuable than any the KGB ever had there. And his greatest value is that “no one recruited him” and therefore “it is impossible to unmask him” for what he in fact is. And that is this, the commentator says.

Trump is “simply an exceptionally useful illiterate bourgeois idiot” who “perfectly sincerely” wants to achieve the goals “Putin dreams about: the exit of the US from the world arena, the dismantling of NATO and the handing over of Ukraine to the complete control of Putin.”

In short, Piontkovsky says, “Trump is an idiot who considers himself a patriot of America.” He is thus unlike his closest aides who have worked for Russia and have financial interests in it. “They know for what and for whom they are working and in every way support the insane fantasies of their illiterate chief.”

Foreign posters seem to lack the understanding about how the U.S. government works. Barry Hussein Obama was president and his A.G. was in charge of the Justice Dept which includes the FBI. The CIA head was appointed by the president and reported to the White House. Donald Trump was just a citizen and indications are that he was under surveillance by the FBI while he was a candidate. The point is that Hussein was in charge and if there was any collusion with or interference by agents of the Russian government it must have been sanctioned by the Obama government or Hussein was guilty of incredible negligence.

Obama had 8 years to protect us from the Russians and failed.
The failure came when trump entered the picture.

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