Pushing back against perversions and deviancy


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2020
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Not long ago, a well-respected news caster told a long time coworker that her new dress and accessories were very nice. It was an honest compliment that both men and women have paid to each other for generations. Whether it be a fellow with a snazzy new suit or a gal with a snazzy new dress. A young me2 radical was across the room and overheard the compliment. The little biotch filed a complaint and the man with 20+ years of career was fired. The woman he paid the compliment to was horrified, they had been friends for years, and she took the honest compliment as it was intended. Two adults conversing and saying nice things to each other. But it didn't matter that the conversations was as harmless as a little white fluffy cloud on a blue sky day. The Biotch's complaint was all that mattered.

Now these deviants are trying to silence all words that do not goose step with their total perversions. Schools are trying to tell teachers they must hide students "pronouns" from their parents. Who is confusing these kids? Who is grooming these kids to even know they should be choosing different pronouns? The deviants and the socialists who want to destroy this country and destroy manhood's and masculinity, thats who

If these people cannot kill the baby in the womb, they will destroy their sanity in early childhood, and if that doesn't work these lousy blankety blanks will convince little boys to question why they even have a little dinger and convince them to call themselves girls.

One teacher has the moral fortitude to be honest with the parents of the children she teaches and the entire left wing of America has a full blown head explosion. God bless the teachers who are willing to risk it al to let parents know what's going on in the schools. Do not let the socialist's new campaign rhetoric change the subject of how they are destroying our nation and the entire social dignity the people who live here. Parents have the right to control their childrens education and SCIENCE dictates that there are two genders.

Its past time to push back very hard on these deviants, It's past time to push back on these people who want to defund and abolish the police. Its past time to tell the socialists to go have sex with themselves. Yes its hard for those of us who have jobs and respect the requirements of being responsible people, but we have to get into the streets and be as aggressive as these deviants are. If we don't then America is dead your children will be subject to the worst types of people that ever lived, controlling their every actions, every thought and even every meal. We must be aggressive, but obey the laws as we do so. Thats how we stop them.

Parents have the right to know what their children are being taught, and what they are doing in school. Groomers have a right to three hots and a cot, or three swats of a wooden Louisville Slugger to the forehead. They want choice? Let that be their choice. If they don't like those choices they can just teach the three R's and quit abusing our children. Oh and may god damn them for what they are currently doing.
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I'm sure I am in the minority here, for I don't talk in terms of perversion and don't think religion should impact the classroom any more than politics.

With the leftists here supporting the sexual grooming of children in schools as a political tool and many of the righties wanting more religion in schools, I find myself wishing there were more people who simply wanted our school system to show some professionalism by teaching children valuable skills instead of molding them to be compliant to an agenda.
I'm sure I am in the minority here, for I don't talk in terms of perversion and don't think religion should impact the classroom any more than politics.

With the leftists here supporting the sexual grooming of children in schools as a political tool and many of the righties wanting more religion in schools, I find myself wishing there were more people who simply wanted our school system to show some professionalism by teaching children valuable skills instead of molding them to be compliant to an agenda.
Yes, teach the three R's and leave the little children alone. Sunday school is the responsibility of the parents, not the tax payers. But if we are forced into a choice of one or the other, I stand with those who stand against deviancy, because that's what grooming children is. We used to put people in jail for that and we should do so again.
I'll ask again...

If a woman can shirk her responsibility and murder the child before birth why can't the man absolve himself of ANY financial responsibility of the child should he not want it?

It is a ridiculous double standard that gives woman the ability to trap men and/or murder children.

Not long ago, a well-respected news caster told a long time coworker that her new dress and accessories were very nice. It was an honest compliment that both men and women have paid to each other for generations. Whether it be a fellow with a snazzy new suit or a gal with a snazzy new dress. A young me2 radical was across the room and overheard the compliment. The little biotch filed a complaint and the man with 20+ years of career was fired. The woman he paid the compliment to was horrified, they had been friends for years, and she took the honest compliment as it was intended. Two adults conversing and saying nice things to each other. But it didn't matter that the conversations was as harmless as a little white fluffy cloud on a blue sky day. The Biotch's complaint was all that mattered.

Now these deviants are trying to silence all words that do not goose step with their total perversions. Schools are trying to tell teachers they must hide students "pronouns" from their parents. Who is confusing these kids? Who is grooming these kids to even know they should be choosing different pronouns? The deviants and the socialists who want to destroy this country and destroy manhood's and masculinity, thats who

If these people cannot kill the baby in the womb, they will destroy their sanity in early childhood, and if that doesn't work these lousy blankety blanks will convince little boys to question why they even have a little dinger and convince them to call themselves girls.

One teacher has the moral fortitude to be honest with the parents of the children she teaches and the entire left wing of America has a full blown head explosion. God bless the teachers who are willing to risk it al to let parents know what's going on in the schools. Do not let the socialist's new campaign rhetoric change the subject of how they are destroying our nation and the entire social dignity the people who live here. Parents have the right to control their childrens education and SCIENCE dictates that there are two genders.

Its past time to push back very hard on these deviants, It's past time to push back on these people who want to defund and abolish the police. Its past time to tell the socialists to go have sex with themselves. Yes its hard for those of us who have jobs and respect the requirements of being responsible people, but we have to get into the streets and be as aggressive as these deviants are. If we don't then America is dead your children will be subject to the worst types of people that ever lived, controlling their every actions, every thought and even every meal. We must be aggressive, but obey the laws as we do so. Thats how we stop them.

Parents have the right to know what their children are being taught, and what they are doing in school. Groomers have a right to three hots and a cot, or three swats of a wooden Louisville Slugger to the forehead. They want choice? Let that be their choice. If they don't like those choices they can just teach the three R's and quit abusing our children. Oh and may god damn them for what they are currently doing.
You must be REALLY, fucking old.
And/or REALLY, fucking stupid.
I'm sure I am in the minority here, for I don't talk in terms of perversion and don't think religion should impact the classroom any more than politics.

With the leftists here supporting the sexual grooming of children in schools as a political tool and many of the righties wanting more religion in schools, I find myself wishing there were more people who simply wanted our school system to show some professionalism by teaching children valuable skills instead of molding them to be compliant to an agenda.

The way to handle this is a school voucher system that allows parents to send their kids to the private school of their choice to be taught as the parents want them to be taught.

Far easier then trying to pull public education out of the grasp of the left.

What the left forgets is they can make their own Rainbow schools as well once public direct funding is taken out of the equation.

Not long ago, a well-respected news caster told a long time coworker that her new dress and accessories were very nice. It was an honest compliment that both men and women have paid to each other for generations. Whether it be a fellow with a snazzy new suit or a gal with a snazzy new dress. A young me2 radical was across the room and overheard the compliment. The little biotch filed a complaint and the man with 20+ years of career was fired. The woman he paid the compliment to was horrified, they had been friends for years, and she took the honest compliment as it was intended. Two adults conversing and saying nice things to each other. But it didn't matter that the conversations was as harmless as a little white fluffy cloud on a blue sky day. The Biotch's complaint was all that mattered.

Now these deviants are trying to silence all words that do not goose step with their total perversions. Schools are trying to tell teachers they must hide students "pronouns" from their parents. Who is confusing these kids? Who is grooming these kids to even know they should be choosing different pronouns? The deviants and the socialists who want to destroy this country and destroy manhood's and masculinity, thats who

If these people cannot kill the baby in the womb, they will destroy their sanity in early childhood, and if that doesn't work these lousy blankety blanks will convince little boys to question why they even have a little dinger and convince them to call themselves girls.

One teacher has the moral fortitude to be honest with the parents of the children she teaches and the entire left wing of America has a full blown head explosion. God bless the teachers who are willing to risk it al to let parents know what's going on in the schools. Do not let the socialist's new campaign rhetoric change the subject of how they are destroying our nation and the entire social dignity the people who live here. Parents have the right to control their childrens education and SCIENCE dictates that there are two genders.

Its past time to push back very hard on these deviants, It's past time to push back on these people who want to defund and abolish the police. Its past time to tell the socialists to go have sex with themselves. Yes its hard for those of us who have jobs and respect the requirements of being responsible people, but we have to get into the streets and be as aggressive as these deviants are. If we don't then America is dead your children will be subject to the worst types of people that ever lived, controlling their every actions, every thought and even every meal. We must be aggressive, but obey the laws as we do so. Thats how we stop them.

Parents have the right to know what their children are being taught, and what they are doing in school. Groomers have a right to three hots and a cot, or three swats of a wooden Louisville Slugger to the forehead. They want choice? Let that be their choice. If they don't like those choices they can just teach the three R's and quit abusing our children. Oh and may god damn them for what they are currently doing.
Link or it's a lie.

Here's some examples of NOT REAL SCIENCE that you leftist tards are trying to teach children.

Boys can become girls.
Girls can become boys.
Men can get pregnant.
Homosexuality is not detrimental to the human species.
Same in the animal kingdom, eh? I heard God ain't got no penis...
It is sad that teachers end up being the ones taking heat for these issues, and having to decide the difficult questions of how to treat children based on perversions and biological falsehoods.

How about this: The child will be addressed and treated according to the name on their birth certificate and the gender assigned at birth. Period. If Bobby wants to be addressed as "Susie" and wear a dress, and go to the little girls' room, tough shit. He can wear a dress, but he will still be "Bob," and he will relieve himself in the boys' toilets. Until the parents have the name legally changed, and the birth certificate modified, they are stuck with reality.

Patronizing a kid's delusions is a form of child abuse. Failing to "socialize" a kid properly is a failure of parenting. NO ONE should be making permanent changes to their sexuality until they are legal, emancipated adults.
I'm sure I am in the minority here, for I don't talk in terms of perversion and don't think religion should impact the classroom any more than politics.

With the leftists here supporting the sexual grooming of children in schools as a political tool and many of the righties wanting more religion in schools, I find myself wishing there were more people who simply wanted our school system to show some professionalism by teaching children valuable skills instead of molding them to be compliant to an agenda.
I don't think you are in the minority.
The way to handle this is a school voucher system that allows parents to send their kids to the private school of their choice to be taught as the parents want them to be taught.

Far easier then trying to pull public education out of the grasp of the left.

What the left forgets is they can make their own Rainbow schools as well once public direct funding is taken out of the equation.

My money, my rules.
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