Protests for $15-an-hour wages set to expand Wednesday


OK, let me spell this out for you....

An E-1 in the military makes $18,378 per year, while an E-5 with 8 years of service makes $35,067, and they make that after training, while putting their lives on the line in a hostile environment.

And YOU want $31,200 per year for an unskilled job with no real responsibility.

Kind of puts things in perspective and makes you look ridiculous, doesn't it?
No. It doesn't. Thing you are missing is those people ALL work for the government. So easy way to solve this is ALL business go under government control! :) Pretty sad when my wife for example busted her ass to get trained in a job,took the state required test to work that job and yet is only paid 9.50$ an hour. She got 1 raise from 9.00$ to 9.50$ in almost an entire year there....she is being used and fortunately she has now told them to shove the job up their ass. All together she has 2 years experience and has gained other licenses SINCE starting this career. She busts her ass and gets the shaft...Employers aren't doing things the right or fair way and that will come to an end. Period

Thats great the old lady found a higher paying job.
Not reading through everything, sorry if this has been posted already.

For you lunkheads who are cheering for a higher min wage, read this and think about it.

Fast Food Workers You Don t Deserve 15 an Hour to Flip Burgers and That s OK

So ... that's it? That's your response? Why don't you try reading it and get back to me.
Get a legit source. Its all republican lies and its been debunked.

It's an op-ed piece from someone's personal pov on the matter. I dare you to read it and get back to me with your thoughts.

Or you could just continue to bury your head in the sand and cry 'legit source, Republicans!'.
10.10 might be more economical. It is a balancing game...Of course, 10.10 per hour + a cap on ceo pay to encourage higher pay to the employees might be better.
I wish 10.10 was enough....its not. We need more CEO's like that guy in Seattle but it takes Government force to make sure people can live with a decent wage.

About that guy in Seattle...Now I admit I haven't paid much attention to it but if I remember correctly the average salary at the place before he went insane was around 48 thousand a year.
This makes it pretty obvious he doesnt have any min wage type employees that he's all of sudden going to launch into prosperity,so I wouldnt wait for this type of windfall while working the window at MickyD's.
Someone has a sever case of envy and victimhood.
I have a severe case of getting FUCKED while my employer makes MILLIONS off my hard work. I would not mind going French Revolution on ALL assholes who refuse to pay their workers livable wages but whine their million dollar salaries aren't enough and their multimillion dollar bonuses aren't enough but raising the wage of your workers would "bankrupt the company" they either meet our demands or we use force. Its pretty simple.

So i'm supposed to be afraid of a bunch of pimply faced high school kids and old people supplementing their retirement?
Dont forget to pack the Stridex and the Metamucil for the sure to be arduous battle against the evil corporations.

OK, let me spell this out for you....

An E-1 in the military makes $18,378 per year, while an E-5 with 8 years of service makes $35,067, and they make that after training, while putting their lives on the line in a hostile environment.

And YOU want $31,200 per year for an unskilled job with no real responsibility.

Kind of puts things in perspective and makes you look ridiculous, doesn't it?
No. It doesn't. Thing you are missing is those people ALL work for the government. So easy way to solve this is ALL business go under government control! :) Pretty sad when my wife for example busted her ass to get trained in a job,took the state required test to work that job and yet is only paid 9.50$ an hour. She got 1 raise from 9.00$ to 9.50$ in almost an entire year there....she is being used and fortunately she has now told them to shove the job up their ass. All together she has 2 years experience and has gained other licenses SINCE starting this career. She busts her ass and gets the shaft...Employers aren't doing things the right or fair way and that will come to an end. Period

Are you telling me your wife went through the trouble to get a degree in something and didnt look at the potential pay that field offers?
I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly slaves have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly Workers have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
Ever heard of a free market? If the fast food joints have to charge $8.00 for a burger, people will just go someplace else or eat out less often. They have that choice, unless Obozo can get a law mandating that we have to buy burgers.

So, what good does a $15.00 an hour job do you if you get laid off and lose it? $15.00 x 0 hours = 0.
I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly slaves have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.

You are the 4.7%!!!! Stand up and be recognized!!!!
now shut the fuck up and get back to making those fries.....
I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly Workers have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
Ever heard of a free market? If the fast food joints have to charge $8.00 for a burger, people will just go someplace else or eat out less often. They have that choice, unless Obozo can get a law mandating that we have to buy burgers.

So, what good does a $15.00 an hour job do you if you get laid off and lose it? $15.00 x 0 hours = 0.

Ya keep fighting. American Workers have the numbers. Now they just need to organize and stand up. They can win. And i think they're beginning to realize that.
I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly Workers have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
Ever heard of a free market? If the fast food joints have to charge $8.00 for a burger, people will just go someplace else or eat out less often. They have that choice, unless Obozo can get a law mandating that we have to buy burgers.

So, what good does a $15.00 an hour job do you if you get laid off and lose it? $15.00 x 0 hours = 0.

Ya keep fighting. American Workers have the numbers. Now they just need to organize and stand up. They can win. And i think they're beginning to realize that.

So 3.6 million people with no disposable income. How exactly do you plan on funding this "revolution" ?
Fund Me ?

Go ahead and strike.

Just think, no paycheck and 5 million illegals just waiting to take your job.

Still interested?

OK, let me spell this out for you....

An E-1 in the military makes $18,378 per year, while an E-5 with 8 years of service makes $35,067, and they make that after training, while putting their lives on the line in a hostile environment.

And YOU want $31,200 per year for an unskilled job with no real responsibility.

Kind of puts things in perspective and makes you look ridiculous, doesn't it?
No. It doesn't. Thing you are missing is those people ALL work for the government. So easy way to solve this is ALL business go under government control! :) Pretty sad when my wife for example busted her ass to get trained in a job,took the state required test to work that job and yet is only paid 9.50$ an hour. She got 1 raise from 9.00$ to 9.50$ in almost an entire year there....she is being used and fortunately she has now told them to shove the job up their ass. All together she has 2 years experience and has gained other licenses SINCE starting this career. She busts her ass and gets the shaft...Employers aren't doing things the right or fair way and that will come to an end. Period

Working really hard, doesn't automatically mean you should be paid more.

Work, itself, is not automatically value creating. I can dig holes in other people's front yard, and doing so doesn't create value, although it might create an arrest record.

You have to do something that has value. I can go to Harvard, and get a Ph.D in Ugandan Tribal Dance, and it will require me to work extremely hard.

How much am I going to get paid for that hard work in the private business sector? Zero. Nothing. It has no value.

The key to getting paid more, is to do something that is paid more. Something that has more value.
I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly Workers have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
Ever heard of a free market? If the fast food joints have to charge $8.00 for a burger, people will just go someplace else or eat out less often. They have that choice, unless Obozo can get a law mandating that we have to buy burgers.

So, what good does a $15.00 an hour job do you if you get laid off and lose it? $15.00 x 0 hours = 0.

Ya keep fighting. American Workers have the numbers. Now they just need to organize and stand up. They can win. And i think they're beginning to realize that.

So 3.6 million people with no disposable income. How exactly do you plan on funding this "revolution" ?
Fund Me ?

Insulting and ridiculing struggling American Workers isn't a winning platform. I keep telling my Republican friends that. But you guys won't listen. Y'all need to shed that 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill you in General Elections for the foreseeable future.
I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly Workers have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
Ever heard of a free market? If the fast food joints have to charge $8.00 for a burger, people will just go someplace else or eat out less often. They have that choice, unless Obozo can get a law mandating that we have to buy burgers.

So, what good does a $15.00 an hour job do you if you get laid off and lose it? $15.00 x 0 hours = 0.

Ya keep fighting. American Workers have the numbers. Now they just need to organize and stand up. They can win. And i think they're beginning to realize that.

In nearly all the countries with high minimum wages, the unemployment rate is double what ours is. Moreover, the unemployment rate for unskilled people ages 25 and younger, is 20% in many places. France is at 25%.

Yeah, keep fighting... you'll win, and the employees will lose.... everything.

How many times do people have to keep harming themselves, before they figure out to stop?
I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly slaves have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.

McDonald s orders 7 000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers

There you go. Workers Unite! And .... dismissed....
I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly Workers have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
Ever heard of a free market? If the fast food joints have to charge $8.00 for a burger, people will just go someplace else or eat out less often. They have that choice, unless Obozo can get a law mandating that we have to buy burgers.

So, what good does a $15.00 an hour job do you if you get laid off and lose it? $15.00 x 0 hours = 0.

Ya keep fighting. American Workers have the numbers. Now they just need to organize and stand up. They can win. And i think they're beginning to realize that.

In nearly all the countries with high minimum wages, the unemployment rate is double what ours is. Moreover, the unemployment rate for unskilled people ages 25 and younger, is 20% in many places. France is at 25%.

Yeah, keep fighting... you'll win, and the employees will lose.... everything.

How many times do people have to keep harming themselves, before they figure out to stop?

One could argue Workers are treated much better in those nations. Workers organizing is a good thing. If they don't stand up for themselves, who will? You? Sorry, but they can't count on people like you. It is what it is.
If you're underpaid at your current job just quit and take that offer of more money from the other employer......

Oh wait, you have no other offers? Might just be that you're a stupid fuck who isn't worth more than minimum wage. OR you're an adult wanting to make a career out of a job designed for teenagers. Well I guess that falls under dumb fuck as well huh
I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly slaves have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.

McDonald s orders 7 000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers

There you go. Workers Unite! And .... dismissed....

And you think that's a 'good thing.' That's exactly why American Workers know not to count on people like you. They have to fight for themselves.

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