Protests for $15-an-hour wages set to expand Wednesday

I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly Workers have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
Ever heard of a free market? If the fast food joints have to charge $8.00 for a burger, people will just go someplace else or eat out less often. They have that choice, unless Obozo can get a law mandating that we have to buy burgers.

So, what good does a $15.00 an hour job do you if you get laid off and lose it? $15.00 x 0 hours = 0.

Ya keep fighting. American Workers have the numbers. Now they just need to organize and stand up. They can win. And i think they're beginning to realize that.

In nearly all the countries with high minimum wages, the unemployment rate is double what ours is. Moreover, the unemployment rate for unskilled people ages 25 and younger, is 20% in many places. France is at 25%.

Yeah, keep fighting... you'll win, and the employees will lose.... everything.

How many times do people have to keep harming themselves, before they figure out to stop?

One could argue Workers are treated much better in those nations. Workers organizing is a good thing. If they don't stand up for themselves, who will? You? Sorry, but they can't count on people like you. It is what it is.
I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly Workers have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
Ever heard of a free market? If the fast food joints have to charge $8.00 for a burger, people will just go someplace else or eat out less often. They have that choice, unless Obozo can get a law mandating that we have to buy burgers.

So, what good does a $15.00 an hour job do you if you get laid off and lose it? $15.00 x 0 hours = 0.

Ya keep fighting. American Workers have the numbers. Now they just need to organize and stand up. They can win. And i think they're beginning to realize that.

So 3.6 million people with no disposable income. How exactly do you plan on funding this "revolution" ?
Fund Me ?

Insulting and ridiculing struggling American Workers isn't a winning platform. I keep telling my Republican friends that. But you guys won't listen. Y'all need to shed that 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill you in General Elections for the foreseeable future.

You know whats insulting? Little bitches crying for a wage others worked years to obtain with hard work and dedication.
Dont like being a bottom feeder? Work harder.
If you're underpaid at your current job just quit and take that offer of more money from the other employer......

Oh wait, you have no other offers? Might just be that you're a stupid fuck who isn't worth more than minimum wage. OR you're an adult wanting to make a career out of a job designed for teenagers. Well I guess that falls under dumb fuck as well huh

How compassionate. You guys really do need to shed your 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill you in General Elections for the foreseeable future. Don't say i didn't warn you.
I'm a firm supporter of Revolution. There is strength in numbers. Once the Helots realized that, even the mighty Spartans were no match. American Workers have the numbers. It's time they start realizing that.

Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly Workers have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
Ever heard of a free market? If the fast food joints have to charge $8.00 for a burger, people will just go someplace else or eat out less often. They have that choice, unless Obozo can get a law mandating that we have to buy burgers.

So, what good does a $15.00 an hour job do you if you get laid off and lose it? $15.00 x 0 hours = 0.

Ya keep fighting. American Workers have the numbers. Now they just need to organize and stand up. They can win. And i think they're beginning to realize that.

So 3.6 million people with no disposable income. How exactly do you plan on funding this "revolution" ?
Fund Me ?

Insulting and ridiculing struggling American Workers isn't a winning platform. I keep telling my Republican friends that. But you guys won't listen. Y'all need to shed that 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill you in General Elections for the foreseeable future.

You know whats insulting? Little bitches crying for a wage others worked years to obtain with hard work and dedication.
Dont like being a bottom feeder? Work harder.

Hey, i tried to warn you guys. Insulting and ridiculing struggling American Workers isn't the way to go. Your 'greedy old fat white dude' shtick is gonna kill ya.
If you're underpaid at your current job just quit and take that offer of more money from the other employer......

Oh wait, you have no other offers? Might just be that you're a stupid fuck who isn't worth more than minimum wage. OR you're an adult wanting to make a career out of a job designed for teenagers. Well I guess that falls under dumb fuck as well huh

How compassionate. You guys really do need to shed your 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill you in General Elections for the foreseeable future. Don't say i didn't warn you.
I have no comparison for the willfully ignorant.

STOP trying to make a career out of a child's job.
If you're underpaid at your current job just quit and take that offer of more money from the other employer......

Oh wait, you have no other offers? Might just be that you're a stupid fuck who isn't worth more than minimum wage. OR you're an adult wanting to make a career out of a job designed for teenagers. Well I guess that falls under dumb fuck as well huh

How compassionate. You guys really do need to shed your 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill you in General Elections for the foreseeable future. Don't say i didn't warn you.
I have no comparison for the willfully ignorant.

STOP trying to make a career out of a child's job.

Not very compassionate or Christian of you. But like i said, i tried to warn you guys. Insulting and ridiculing struggling American Workers isn't a winning ticket. Ditch the 'greedy old fat white dude' routine. If you ever wanna win the White House again.
How compassionate. You guys really do need to shed your 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill you in General Elections for the foreseeable future. Don't say i didn't warn you.

Hillary is a greed old fat white dudette.

Yes, but she's perceived as being someone who cares about and fights for struggling American Workers. Where as you guys are perceived as only caring about and fighting for Corporate bastards. She wins easily.
...Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly slaves have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
McDonald s orders 7 000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
There you go. Workers Unite! And .... dismissed....

And you think that's a 'good thing.' That's exactly why American Workers know not to count on people like you. They have to fight for themselves.

Face the facts..... When you price yourself out of the market, you get replaced, and the Republicans have nothing to do with it. The business owners do it.

Ever see a self-checkout at Wal-Mart or the grocery store?
If you're underpaid at your current job just quit and take that offer of more money from the other employer......

Oh wait, you have no other offers? Might just be that you're a stupid fuck who isn't worth more than minimum wage. OR you're an adult wanting to make a career out of a job designed for teenagers. Well I guess that falls under dumb fuck as well huh

How compassionate. You guys really do need to shed your 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill you in General Elections for the foreseeable future. Don't say i didn't warn you.
I have no comparison for the willfully ignorant.

STOP trying to make a career out of a child's job.

Not very compassionate or Christian of you. But like i said, i tried to warn you guys. Insulting and ridiculing struggling American Workers isn't a winning ticket. Ditch the 'greedy old fat white dude' routine. If you ever wanna win the White House again.
And I will repeat. They wouldn't be struggling if they weren't trying to make a career out of a teenagers job
If you're underpaid at your current job just quit and take that offer of more money from the other employer......

Oh wait, you have no other offers? Might just be that you're a stupid fuck who isn't worth more than minimum wage. OR you're an adult wanting to make a career out of a job designed for teenagers. Well I guess that falls under dumb fuck as well huh

How compassionate. You guys really do need to shed your 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill you in General Elections for the foreseeable future. Don't say i didn't warn you.
I have no comparison for the willfully ignorant.

STOP trying to make a career out of a child's job.

Not very compassionate or Christian of you. But like i said, i tried to warn you guys. Insulting and ridiculing struggling American Workers isn't a winning ticket. Ditch the 'greedy old fat white dude' routine. If you ever wanna win the White House again.

So you think insulting and ridiculing the people who worked years to get to 15 bucks an hour is a good idea?
Pretty sure they have more invested in this argument than you do.
You might want to keep your eye on em.
Getting practice for that unemployment line, yep sounds like a win to me.
The job loss from raising the minimum wage depends on how high and how over what period of time it is gradually raised.

These dipsticks are demanding it be raise by more than double overnight, but you missed the point, if some dumb assed burger flipper walked out on me, he would be unemployed. If there weren't people ready to take those jobs they would pay more, it's that simple.
People have to take those jobs because there isn't much to off that's higher. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO ACCEPT LOW WAGE JOBS.

You keep saying that but the vast majority haven't done what it takes to qualify for better jobs.
Oh right let's send them all to school. What the fuck is going to pay for that? Definitely not them. They are dirt poor. Even if they all did go to school we are still talking about a much smaller availability of these higher wage positions. Just try and think won't you?

How about we hold them responsible for not paying attention in school in the first place, you know, when it was free. We are all the sum total of our own decisions, don't ask me to support those who made poor ones and continue to do so.
...Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly slaves have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
McDonald s orders 7 000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
There you go. Workers Unite! And .... dismissed....

And you think that's a 'good thing.' That's exactly why American Workers know not to count on people like you. They have to fight for themselves.

Face the facts..... When you price yourself out of the market, you get replaced, and the Republicans have nothing to do with it. The business owners do it.

Ever see a self-checkout at Wal-Mart or the grocery store?

Ha, most Americans are too fat, dumb, and lazy to use self-checkouts. So your fantasy of robots replacing American Workers isn't gonna happen. But if it does somehow happen, what are you gonna do with all those unemployed Americans?
If you're underpaid at your current job just quit and take that offer of more money from the other employer......

Oh wait, you have no other offers? Might just be that you're a stupid fuck who isn't worth more than minimum wage. OR you're an adult wanting to make a career out of a job designed for teenagers. Well I guess that falls under dumb fuck as well huh

How compassionate. You guys really do need to shed your 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill you in General Elections for the foreseeable future. Don't say i didn't warn you.
I have no comparison for the willfully ignorant.

STOP trying to make a career out of a child's job.

Not very compassionate or Christian of you. But like i said, i tried to warn you guys. Insulting and ridiculing struggling American Workers isn't a winning ticket. Ditch the 'greedy old fat white dude' routine. If you ever wanna win the White House again.

So you think insulting and ridiculing the people who worked years to get to 15 bucks an hour is a good idea?
Pretty sure they have more invested in this argument than you do.
You might want to keep your eye on em.

The 'greedy old fat white dude' shtick is played out. Workers know not to count on people like you. They'll support Politicians who at least give the impression of caring about them. And that spells a lot of trouble for Republicans in the future.
...Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly slaves have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
McDonald s orders 7 000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
There you go. Workers Unite! And .... dismissed....

And you think that's a 'good thing.' That's exactly why American Workers know not to count on people like you. They have to fight for themselves.

Face the facts..... When you price yourself out of the market, you get replaced, and the Republicans have nothing to do with it. The business owners do it.

Ever see a self-checkout at Wal-Mart or the grocery store?

Ha, most Americans are too fat, dumb, and lazy to use self-checkouts. So your fantasy of robots replacing American Workers isn't gonna happen. But if it does somehow happen, what are you gonna do with all those unemployed Americans?
The real question is what They are gonna do with themselves.
When the fuck did they become our responsibility?

Since you want to point out that millions of people are taking minimum wage jobs under Obozo, I assume you'll be voting Republican this time.......
...Most Republicans like to insult and ridicule Fast Food Workers, Cashiers, Bag-Stuffers, and so on. But those lowly slaves have numbers. They can stand up and fight back. Hopefully, that time has come. But i guess we'll see.
McDonald s orders 7 000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers
There you go. Workers Unite! And .... dismissed....

And you think that's a 'good thing.' That's exactly why American Workers know not to count on people like you. They have to fight for themselves.

Face the facts..... When you price yourself out of the market, you get replaced, and the Republicans have nothing to do with it. The business owners do it.

Ever see a self-checkout at Wal-Mart or the grocery store?

Ha, most Americans are too fat, dumb, and lazy to use self-checkouts. So your fantasy of robots replacing American Workers isn't gonna happen. But if it does somehow happen, what are you gonna do with all those unemployed Americans?
The real question is what They are gonna do with themselves.
When the fuck did they become our responsibility?

Like it or not, they are your responsibility. It's better they work and be productive. More unemployed Americans will not be a good thing. So i wouldn't get too hopped over your 'Robot Revolution.'
If you're underpaid at your current job just quit and take that offer of more money from the other employer......

Oh wait, you have no other offers? Might just be that you're a stupid fuck who isn't worth more than minimum wage. OR you're an adult wanting to make a career out of a job designed for teenagers. Well I guess that falls under dumb fuck as well huh

How compassionate. You guys really do need to shed your 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill you in General Elections for the foreseeable future. Don't say i didn't warn you.
I have no comparison for the willfully ignorant.

STOP trying to make a career out of a child's job.

Not very compassionate or Christian of you. But like i said, i tried to warn you guys. Insulting and ridiculing struggling American Workers isn't a winning ticket. Ditch the 'greedy old fat white dude' routine. If you ever wanna win the White House again.

So you think insulting and ridiculing the people who worked years to get to 15 bucks an hour is a good idea?
Pretty sure they have more invested in this argument than you do.
You might want to keep your eye on em.

The 'greedy old fat white dude' shtick is played out. Workers know not to count on people like you. They'll support Politicians who at least give the impression of caring about them. And that spells a lot of trouble for Republicans in the future.

So the people who applied themselves and reached the lofty heights of 15 bucks an hour are "greedy old fat white dudes"?

You should be down on the border with a rifle if you want to save your job.
How compassionate. You guys really do need to shed your 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill you in General Elections for the foreseeable future. Don't say i didn't warn you.

Hillary is a greed old fat white dudette.

Yes, but she's perceived as being someone who cares about and fights for struggling American Workers. Where as you guys are perceived as only caring about and fighting for Corporate bastards. She wins easily.

Would that be the multimillionaire Hillary Clinton saying she 'understands what's it like to be your shoes cause she and Bill were broke when they left the WH?' That Hillary Clinton?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
How compassionate. You guys really do need to shed your 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill you in General Elections for the foreseeable future. Don't say i didn't warn you.
I have no comparison for the willfully ignorant.

STOP trying to make a career out of a child's job.

Not very compassionate or Christian of you. But like i said, i tried to warn you guys. Insulting and ridiculing struggling American Workers isn't a winning ticket. Ditch the 'greedy old fat white dude' routine. If you ever wanna win the White House again.

So you think insulting and ridiculing the people who worked years to get to 15 bucks an hour is a good idea?
Pretty sure they have more invested in this argument than you do.
You might want to keep your eye on em.

The 'greedy old fat white dude' shtick is played out. Workers know not to count on people like you. They'll support Politicians who at least give the impression of caring about them. And that spells a lot of trouble for Republicans in the future.

So the people who applied themselves and reached the lofty heights of 15 bucks an hour are "greedy old fat white dudes"?

You should be down on the border with a rifle if you want to save your job.

Greedy old fat white dudes are usually the ones insulting and ridiculing struggling Workers. That's just the way it is. And they make up most of the Republican Party at this point.

But like i said, i warned y'all. Attacking Workers at every turn, is a big loser in General Elections. Y'all need to have a big 'Come to Jesus' meeting and repent. Or you can kiss the White House goodbye for the foreseeable future.

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