CDZ Proposing a Code for Candidate Summary Shorthand


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
There used to be (maybe there still is) a code that Linux developers used to describe their beliefs and values in a concise way, and given the lengthy descriptions of candidate platforms it is unavoidable that various forums bog down with text upon wonky text.

So I came up with this for people to use if they want to concisely state their evaluation of a conservative candidate for effectively supporting conservative causes.

If anyone wants to modify this, that is fine by me.

The code has multiple categories of issues and a rating for each of them, with the first rating being the sum of all the other categorical ratings.

Aggregate total !
Ending or Restricting Abortion A
Illegal Immigration I
Reduce Taxes T
Small Government S
Civil Rights C
American Power P
American Jobs J
Gun rights G
Emphasis on Priority issues E <-a "fat finger factor" on emphaizing intangibles that you like or dislike. A short note explaining why you give anything other than a 5 would be helpful or otherwise it is meaningless.

1 a champion of making things worse
2 is engaged in making things worse
3 is in favor of directly making things worse
4 Supports changes to law that would in effect make things worse
5 Neutral
6 Supports changes to laws that would in effect improve things
7 Supports laws that would directly improve things
8 is himself engaged in making things better
9 is a Champion-Leader of making things better
An average ideologically neutral candidate would be a 45.

So here are some examples of ratings I give a few of the GOP candidates.

Rand Paul !70-A7-I6-T9-S9-C9-P6-J6-G9-E9
Paul is a phenomenal champion of citizens civil rights with a proven history of success

Ben Carson !69-A9-I7-T9-S7-C8-P9-J7-G7-E6
Carson is solid on the issues, but at times seems naïve and timid.

Bobby Jindal !69-A9-I9-T6-S7-C7-P8-J8-G8-E7
He has had some effective policies, but still strikes me to be too neocon for my tastes.

Carly Fiorina !68-A6-I7-T9-S7-C6-P8-J8-G8-E9
This woman leaves no doubt that she can get things done.

Mike Huckabee !67-A9-I7-T7-S8-C7-P8-J8-G8-E5
Huckabee has raised taxes as governor of Arkansas and is weak on cultural issues.

Rick Santorum !65-A8-I6-T7-S7-C7-P7-J9-G9-E5
Santorum is a poor leader who is too quick to take credit for group efforts. His current standing in the polls is the manifestation of his weak leadership

Donald Trump !64-A5-I9-T8-S6-C6-P8-J9-G6-E7
Trump is seen as weak on cultural issues and gun rights. But he is a proven leader with success in one of the harsher career fields imaginable, New York Real Estate.

Rick Perry !47-A9-I3-T5-S3-C3-P8-J8-G7-E1
Crony Capitalism Champion of the century

Jeb Bush !42-A9-I3-T3-S3-C3-P8-J5-G7-E1
Totally wrong on immigration and he is a 'Big Government' conservative, which means he is a moderate liberal.

Chris Christie !27-A3-I5-T3-S1-C1-P7-J2-G1-E1
This man is unfit for any office, and my sympathies go out to the people of New Jersey for having to endure him.

So a comment on Ted Cruz would look something like this:
Ted Cruz !69-A9-I9-T9-S8-C8-P8-J8-G8-E2 hurt by his record on the TPP bill
Aggregate total !
Ending or Restricting Abortion A
Illegal Immigration I
Reduce Taxes T
Small Government S
Civil Rights C
American Power P
American Jobs J
Gun rights G
Emphasis on Priority issues E

IF there is already something like this out there, please share. But I think something like this could cut down on a lot of the confusion and overwhelming data load of 17 candidates.
Well, it may be a bit nerdly, but I think it can help with discussion of so many candidates and their platforms.
There used to be (maybe there still is) a code that Linux developers used to describe their beliefs and values in a concise way, and given the lengthy descriptions of candidate platforms it is unavoidable that various forums bog down with text upon wonky text.

So I came up with this for people to use if they want to concisely state their evaluation of a conservative candidate for effectively supporting conservative causes.

If anyone wants to modify this, that is fine by me.

The code has multiple categories of issues and a rating for each of them, with the first rating being the sum of all the other categorical ratings.

Aggregate total !
Ending or Restricting Abortion A
Illegal Immigration I
Reduce Taxes T
Small Government S
Civil Rights C
American Power P
American Jobs J
Gun rights G
Emphasis on Priority issues E <-a "fat finger factor" on emphaizing intangibles that you like or dislike. A short note explaining why you give anything other than a 5 would be helpful or otherwise it is meaningless.

1 a champion of making things worse
2 is engaged in making things worse
3 is in favor of directly making things worse
4 Supports changes to law that would in effect make things worse
5 Neutral
6 Supports changes to laws that would in effect improve things
7 Supports laws that would directly improve things
8 is himself engaged in making things better
9 is a Champion-Leader of making things better
An average ideologically neutral candidate would be a 45.

So here are some examples of ratings I give a few of the GOP candidates.

Rand Paul !70-A7-I6-T9-S9-C9-P6-J6-G9-E9
Paul is a phenomenal champion of citizens civil rights with a proven history of success

Ben Carson !69-A9-I7-T9-S7-C8-P9-J7-G7-E6
Carson is solid on the issues, but at times seems naïve and timid.

Bobby Jindal !69-A9-I9-T6-S7-C7-P8-J8-G8-E7
He has had some effective policies, but still strikes me to be too neocon for my tastes.

Carly Fiorina !68-A6-I7-T9-S7-C6-P8-J8-G8-E9
This woman leaves no doubt that she can get things done.

Mike Huckabee !67-A9-I7-T7-S8-C7-P8-J8-G8-E5
Huckabee has raised taxes as governor of Arkansas and is weak on cultural issues.

Rick Santorum !65-A8-I6-T7-S7-C7-P7-J9-G9-E5
Santorum is a poor leader who is too quick to take credit for group efforts. His current standing in the polls is the manifestation of his weak leadership

Donald Trump !64-A5-I9-T8-S6-C6-P8-J9-G6-E7
Trump is seen as weak on cultural issues and gun rights. But he is a proven leader with success in one of the harsher career fields imaginable, New York Real Estate.

Rick Perry !47-A9-I3-T5-S3-C3-P8-J8-G7-E1
Crony Capitalism Champion of the century

Jeb Bush !42-A9-I3-T3-S3-C3-P8-J5-G7-E1
Totally wrong on immigration and he is a 'Big Government' conservative, which means he is a moderate liberal.

Chris Christie !27-A3-I5-T3-S1-C1-P7-J2-G1-E1
This man is unfit for any office, and my sympathies go out to the people of New Jersey for having to endure him.

So a comment on Ted Cruz would look something like this:
Ted Cruz !69-A9-I9-T9-S8-C8-P8-J8-G8-E2 hurt by his record on the TPP bill
Aggregate total !
Ending or Restricting Abortion A
Illegal Immigration I
Reduce Taxes T
Small Government S
Civil Rights C
American Power P
American Jobs J
Gun rights G
Emphasis on Priority issues E

IF there is already something like this out there, please share. But I think something like this could cut down on a lot of the confusion and overwhelming data load of 17 candidates.

You knew I would like this.

Over this, I would drink a whiskey with you.


Numbers are cool.
I just like a concise way of conveying meaning without all the clumsy generalities, clichés and misunderstandings. Like when I say I like Trump but he is not my first choice, this gives me something concrete to use to convey my meaning.

Maybe you could do one for the liberals? I don't know what they would consider priority issues to put into a code, though.

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