Proof Of Jack Smith's Bias

Which account, he has many set up with which to place laundered deposits.
So he was just being funny?

Show me an account that any of the 20+ LLC's sent money to Joe - Please.
Yes, he was trying to be clever, or funny.
Democrats don't do clever.
Surprise, surprise, Jack Smith refers to the audio recording of Trump's defense department's memo on Iran in his indictment of Trump of which they claim as proof that Trump did not declassify that particular document, pretty much admitting that Trump could declassify all of the other documents but hadn't declassified that particular one at the time of the Bedminster Golf Club incident. So, it shows up in his indictment of Trump. But, guess what? Trump wasn't actually charged for that particular memo, even though Jack Smith referred to it in his indictment of Trump. Why would Jack Smith refer to it in his indictment of Trump and yet not charge Trump for that incident? So, I guess after admitting that Trump could declassify all of the other documents but that one, they are charging Trump for all of other other documents that were declassified by Trump, except for that one. They have lost their case right out of the gate.

The document and recording are described in the indictment Smith's team secured against Trump earlier this month, recounted as an alleged meeting with "a writer, a publisher, and two members of" Trump's staff, "none of whom possessed a security clearance."

But according to a source familiar with the matter, Trump was not charged with unlawfully holding onto the Iran-related document discussed in the recording.

The Trump cult whining about the non-partisan, independent special counsel whom most agree is a highly competent man of integrity and the Cry Baby Loser braying hysterically about him and his family is a good sign.

Giuliani's agreeing to appear voluntarily instills confidence that Smith will expose the craven scheme to overthrow a certified democratic election.

Rudy Giuliani recently underwent questioning by Jan. 6 prosecutors about former President Donald Trump’s effort to overturn his election loss.
The ex-New York City mayor appeared in what some legal experts say may have been an audition for prosecutors in hopes of winning immunity in exchange for testimony against Trump or others. But it’s not known if special counsel Jack Smith sees Giuliani as a potentially useful witness against Trump, or a target in his own right.
“He’s trying to cut a deal and time is very short,” said Harry Litman, a former prosecutor and MSNBC legal analyst.
Giuliani was tight-lipped about the interview, which several reports said took place in the past few weeks.

As Trump's Chief-of-Staff opined,

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and justifiably so.
Surprise, surprise, Jack Smith refers to the audio recording of Trump's defense department's memo on Iran in his indictment of Trump of which they claim as proof that Trump did not declassify that particular document, pretty much admitting that Trump could declassify all of the other documents but hadn't declassified that particular one at the time of the Bedminster Golf Club incident. So, it shows up in his indictment of Trump. But, guess what? Trump wasn't actually charged for that particular memo, even though Jack Smith referred to it in his indictment of Trump. Why would Jack Smith refer to it in his indictment of Trump and yet not charge Trump for that incident? So, I guess after admitting that Trump could declassify all of the other documents but that one, they are charging Trump for all of other other documents that were declassified by Trump, except for that one. They have lost their case right out of the gate.

The document and recording are described in the indictment Smith's team secured against Trump earlier this month, recounted as an alleged meeting with "a writer, a publisher, and two members of" Trump's staff, "none of whom possessed a security clearance."

But according to a source familiar with the matter, Trump was not charged with unlawfully holding onto the Iran-related document discussed in the recording.

So far, the court-declared "sexual abuser"'s meticulously-crafted defense concerning the various matters for which he has been indicted consists of braying that Independent Special Counsel Jack Smith, appointed by Independent Attorney General Merrick Garland, is
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a “THUG!”

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and should be “PUT OUT TO REST!”

Trump’s refutations of the various charges against him no doubt dazzle his worshipful adulators.

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Other may not find them as compelling. In the realm of fact-based litigation, they might be a tad light on judicial cogency and heavy on vituperative hysteria.

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So far, the court-declared "sexual abuser"'s meticulously-crafted defense concerning the various matters for which he has been indicted consists of braying that Independent Special Counsel Jack Smith, appointed by Independent Attorney General Merrick Garland, is
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a “THUG!”

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and should be “PUT OUT TO REST!”

Trump’s refutations of the various charges against him no doubt dazzle his worshipful adulators.

Other may not find them as compelling. In the realm of fact-based litigation, they might be a tad light on judicial cogency and heavy on vituperative hysteria.

I got lost in your post somewhere when you mentioned the sexual abuser, child molester, Joe Biden.
Surprise, surprise, Jack Smith refers to the audio recording of Trump's defense department's memo on Iran in his indictment of Trump of which they claim as proof that Trump did not declassify that particular document, pretty much admitting that Trump could declassify all of the other documents but hadn't declassified that particular one at the time of the Bedminster Golf Club incident. So, it shows up in his indictment of Trump. But, guess what? Trump wasn't actually charged for that particular memo, even though Jack Smith referred to it in his indictment of Trump. Why would Jack Smith refer to it in his indictment of Trump and yet not charge Trump for that incident? So, I guess after admitting that Trump could declassify all of the other documents but that one, they are charging Trump for all of other other documents that were declassified by Trump, except for that one. They have lost their case right out of the gate.

The document and recording are described in the indictment Smith's team secured against Trump earlier this month, recounted as an alleged meeting with "a writer, a publisher, and two members of" Trump's staff, "none of whom possessed a security clearance."

But according to a source familiar with the matter, Trump was not charged with unlawfully holding onto the Iran-related document discussed in the recording.

Classified or unclassified, Trump stole government property and refused to turn it over, and then had his lawyer lie that everything had been turned over.

You tards really, really, really should read. The. Indictment.
Classified or unclassified, Trump stole government property and refused to turn it over, and then had his lawyer lie that everything had been turned over.

You tards really, really, really should read. The. Indictment.
You tards should realize we are dealing with an illegitimate administration that breaks the law much more than they follow it.
Classified or unclassified, Trump stole government property and refused to turn it over, and then had his lawyer lie that everything had been turned over.

You tards really, really, really should read. The. Indictment.
Biden stole government property and didn't turn it over until the media threatened to expose him. And, Bill Clinton stole government property and has never returned it.
He was still president when he took them and if he said they are declassified they are...
Should we type this in another language you might understand better?
Trump didn't leave the white house until the morning of Jan. 20th 2021. He hadn't been president for two weeks by then.
You tards should realize we are dealing with an illegitimate administration that breaks the law much more than they follow it.
Your diversionary hyper-partisan fantasy is no less ludicrous that the loser raving that the special counsel compiling actual evidence and testimony is a "thug", a "sleazebag!", "looks like a crackhead!", etc. in refuting the multiple indictments against him.

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The adjudications will be based upon the provable facts, not childish tantrums.​

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