Proof Libtards Dont Have a Clue on How to Prevent Riots, and How Competent People Know To Do It


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Liberals have not been competent enough to stop riots ever since the 1968 Chicago Convention. Part of that is due to their stupidity and gullibility in face of Ward bosses and their equivalent arguing for restraint because they gain from the riots (demonstrating to business owners they need to pay for protection), and part of it is due to ignorance regarding the spread of 'Riot Fever'. Riot Fever has nothing to do with anything other than people wanting to burn, loot and destroy. It is a form of mob crazy and talking to them rarely works, and some will travel hundreds ofmiles or more to get to a riot where they can unleash their inner Xaos.

Anyone can read up on Tammany Hall political systems to realize that ward bosses are usually in league with the top criminal orgs in a local area, and in fact will illicitly campaign for their support.

The Ward Bosses will from time to time remind the local busi9nessmen why the Ward Bosses are needed to protect them from criminals, and this has been a game for centuries with those who are supposed to stand for the governments interests. They usually recruit criminals just out of prison to do their dirty work and be the Shadow that keeps the morons in line. But sometimes the Ward Bosses unleash a tiny demon only to find out it is Besties with a much larger demon, in our case today, the tiny demon was Social Marxist Identity Politics, but the Bigger Besty demon is Antifa (Organized Riot Fever, lol), who came through the gate of opportunity as well, and did far worse than the Bosses intended.

This is the pattern that has 'worked' with recurring critical failures for the last 60 years. This needs to change for the sake of people in the black community who want to play by the rules and not be reduced to criminals.

So when libtard Mayors, who see all this through a Marxist lens, order the cops to let the rioters unleash their rage and tire out, they demonstrate that they really dont understand the underlying dynamics. Demons dont lose their rage when they unleash it, it only grows bigger, more violent, and more insane. And this is done at the expense of the local businessmen who depend on the cops for protection.

When you see cops line up with their shields and batons what this says to the rioters is 'We will let you do whatever you want to, any criminality, as long as you stay on your side of the line.' Then the rioters will approach the cop line and shout out their rage and mockery, and it only feeds their anger and contempt for the law, as they know that every law abiding citizen on the rioters side of the line has been abandoned, and they know it.

What the cops should do, with legal protections from the city and state, is to organize and train anti-riot teams of four to eight fighters, that mix in with the protesters and immediately arrest anyone that breaks the law, whether it is jay walking or assault or looting. The cops role would be to maintain control of the street and remind the protesters that as long as they remain peaceful they will not be arrested. There are known tactics for handling these kinds of things, and they should be used, and shoulder cams are necessary for the legal action to follower to prove the charges and defend the cop, whose legal bills need to be covered 1200% by the state and city. They will make far m ore returns on businesses that still exist and can pay taxes.

The key point is NEVER LET THE PROTESTERS THINK THEY HAVE INTIMIDATED AUTHORITIES AND CAN MISBEHAVE. This is huge to keep protests from turning into riots.

The cops need to know how to pick out rioters in wait and their leaders. They need to spot stockpiled weapons and tools for riot, like pallets of bricks and stockpiles of axe handles, etc, then seize them and remove them with armored vehicles. Phallanxes of riot control units of 20 men or so should be at critical points to move to the aid of civilians and other police in a timely manner, and to flank and surround rioters that refuse to behave and arrest them. Then charge the rioters with RICO violations and hit them with the full force of the law.

And also, the city and state government should extend affordable riot insurance to businesses so they can recover their losses and show that the goverment is on their side.

Finally, the Ward political machine needs to be dismantled for ever.
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Also, if you are trying to defend your business, dont go solo and dont try to use things like bats, swords and mace, lol.

Use a 12 guage shotgun loaded up with rubber pellets, and carry some lead 00 buckshot just in case in your pocket.

And try to get at least one more friend to watch your back.
Considering they ordered these riots as the continuation of their "ORANGE MAN BAD"-saga, it's not surprising.

First the Arbery case and now this, the media would have orchestrated the riot sooner or later since the joggers buy or well... loot anything. Bus in antifa and BLAME TRUMP. Desperate but it's all they have.
Also, if you are trying to defend your business, dont go solo and dont try to use things like bats, swords and mace, lol.

Use a 12 guage shotgun loaded up with rubber pellets, and carry some lead 00 buckshot just in case in your pocket.

And try to get at least one more friend to watch your back.
You know that only works with a small crowd. Once you have dozens of people involved, they can take it as a challenge to beat you up with your own weapon.
Considering they ordered these riots as the continuation of their "ORANGE MAN BAD"-saga, it's not surprising.

First the Arbery case and now this, the media would have orchestrated the riot sooner or later since the joggers buy or well... loot anything. Bus in antifa and BLAME TRUMP. Desperate but it's all they have.
We all see it. A neverending stream of crisis.

Let 5hat be your motivation in November. They'll never stop until we crush them
How stupid these mayors are with their idiotic curfews. They won't enforce it. A curfew is only good as an excuse to bash heads in. Failure to enforce a curfew makes fools of the police and the city.
Considering they ordered these riots as the continuation of their "ORANGE MAN BAD"-saga, it's not surprising.

First the Arbery case and now this, the media would have orchestrated the riot sooner or later since the joggers buy or well... loot anything. Bus in antifa and BLAME TRUMP. Desperate but it's all they have.
The Marxist scower the media for any white on black violence and then use it to fan the flames of (first) protest, then riots.

I dont think Americans fall for that bullshit any more, so they are doing it to enrich themselves and strengthen their control over urban businesses.
How stupid these mayors are with their idiotic curfews. They won't enforce it. A curfew is only good as an excuse to bash heads in. Failure to enforce a curfew makes fools of the police and the city.
Exactly, they are just announcing the time they won’t enforce any laws and the ferals are free to loot, destroy, and attack whoever they want.

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