Project Veritas gets inside Biden's secret border camps. Shocking images.

It would be nice if you quoted a current article--Jan. 15, 2020, c'mon man, that is even pre-scamdemic. I found an article that spoke to the "happiest countries" but can't seem to find a current "best quality of life." The happiest article said Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland (top 5, as I recall) and Canada was like #7. The US was in the teens somewhere, I believe. I ran a thread on it yesterday.
Put Canada wherever it suits your agenda. Canada isn't the point for that link. You nailed it when you suggested that America is somewhere down in the teens.

Here's a newer link that's somewhat similar. I didn't count how far down America is but it seems to fall below the line for 'flawed democracies.

Taking notice is showing your ability to rise above the usual denial. You're one of about two who have been able to make it that far.
You need t
Why after 4 years of this are you suddenly pretending to care?

Why after 4 years of lying are you of the Reich suddenly claiming there are no cages?

The Reich has created a humanitarian crisis. Never during the presidency of the last legitimate president did we see anything close to what the * regime is engaged in.

Xi's man is taking thousands of illegal with no sort of screening at all, and seeding them across the nation - almost as if he seeks to exasperate the Covid situation. I mean, not that the Reich lusts for authoritarian power, so that couldn't be...

So...after 4 years of supporting the abuse of migrant now care?

You are such a phony. Biden was vice-president for 8 years during which children in cages was an on-going problem for Obama but you have to give Biden some slack because he is "brand new".


Educate yourself for a change, then your response won't look so retarded. For example, the "children in cages" (for which Obama got blasted by the left) - was during the huge surge in migrant unaccompanied minors and nowhere to safely house them until they were processed. It was not for 8 years. Biden, may or may not have a plan but he inherited a mess from Trump with a huge bottleneck of people waiting in Mexico and no infrastructure here ready. He should have waited to have it in place first. Do you give new president's slack or only your own?
Dems have been putting kids in cages since Slick Willie. He put them in kennel style conditions in Guatanamo Bay.
Trump found a policy that worked, by making them apply for asylum in Mexico.
Biden and his EOs then threw the whole thing up in the air.
Making decisions out of spite has consequences.
It would be nice if you quoted a current article--Jan. 15, 2020, c'mon man, that is even pre-scamdemic. I found an article that spoke to the "happiest countries" but can't seem to find a current "best quality of life." The happiest article said Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland (top 5, as I recall) and Canada was like #7. The US was in the teens somewhere, I believe. I ran a thread on it yesterday.
Put Canada wherever it suits your agenda. Canada isn't the point for that link. You nailed it when you suggested that America is somewhere down in the teens.

Here's a newer link that's somewhat similar. I didn't count how far down America is but it seems to fall below the line for 'flawed democracies.

Taking notice is showing your ability to rise above the usual denial. You're one of about two who have been able to make it that far.
Some of you Canucks have a problem with pointing fingers. You definitely have problems of your own. Trudeau being chief among them. There are posters on this board from Canada that can take up those issues better than I, but you live in a glass house--careful with those stones.
Project Veritas doing the media's job as usual, and showing images of the conditions that migrant children are enduring.
Shame on Biden. Shame on the complicit media.
And shame on Biden's supporters with their heads in the sand. Maybe Biden will get an Emmy too.

Notice the complete absence of social distancing.

This is a human rights crisis, and Biden supporters and their media are letting it happen because they don't give a shit about these children.

Weelllllll..........Recruits for future fraud elections if they live that long.
Project Veritas doing the media's job as usual, and showing images of the conditions that migrant children are enduring.
Shame on Biden. Shame on the complicit media.
And shame on Biden's supporters with their heads in the sand. Maybe Biden will get an Emmy too.

Notice the complete absence of social distancing.

You need t
Why after 4 years of this are you suddenly pretending to care?

Why after 4 years of lying are you of the Reich suddenly claiming there are no cages?

The Reich has created a humanitarian crisis. Never during the presidency of the last legitimate president did we see anything close to what the * regime is engaged in.

Xi's man is taking thousands of illegal with no sort of screening at all, and seeding them across the nation - almost as if he seeks to exasperate the Covid situation. I mean, not that the Reich lusts for authoritarian power, so that couldn't be...

So...after 4 years of supporting the abuse of migrant now care?

You are such a phony. Biden was vice-president for 8 years during which children in cages was an on-going problem for Obama but you have to give Biden some slack because he is "brand new".


Educate yourself for a change, then your response won't look so retarded. For example, the "children in cages" (for which Obama got blasted by the left) - was during the huge surge in migrant unaccompanied minors and nowhere to safely house them until they were processed. It was not for 8 years. Biden, may or may not have a plan but he inherited a mess from Trump with a huge bottleneck of people waiting in Mexico and no infrastructure here ready. He should have waited to have it in place first. Do you give new president's slack or only your own?
Dems have been putting kids in cages since Slick Willie. He put them in kennel style conditions in Guatanamo Bay.
Trump found a policy that worked, by making them apply for asylum in Mexico.
Biden and his EOs then threw the whole thing up in the air.
Making decisions out of spite has consequences.
Plus Trump closing up that great sucking sound of US money if they didn't follow the Trump Program ganderd of attention.....LOLOL
Some of you Canucks have a problem with pointing fingers. You definitely have problems of your own. Trudeau being chief among them. There are posters on this board from Canada that can take up those issues better than I, but you live in a glass house--careful with those stones.

Canada has problems too and I'm more than happy to acknowledge and talk about them. We can do that here or you could start a thread for the purpose.

But that's not going to make the case for America's failing system any easier for ya'all to start owning up to!

It's not just me who's pointing fingers, even though I'm pointing the most on this board.
You can make it go away for yourself but it's going to take you enlisting the support of the mods to make it go away completely.

So while I think I'm serving a good purpose, I don't hold any value otherwise in my ability to post on this board.

Stop your whining and go get your gun or something? Or maybe ask your miliatry if they will bomb me from 30,000 feet?
It would be nice if you quoted a current article--Jan. 15, 2020, c'mon man, that is even pre-scamdemic. I found an article that spoke to the "happiest countries" but can't seem to find a current "best quality of life." The happiest article said Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland (top 5, as I recall) and Canada was like #7. The US was in the teens somewhere, I believe. I ran a thread on it yesterday.
Put Canada wherever it suits your agenda. Canada isn't the point for that link. You nailed it when you suggested that America is somewhere down in the teens.

Here's a newer link that's somewhat similar. I didn't count how far down America is but it seems to fall below the line for 'flawed democracies.

Taking notice is showing your ability to rise above the usual denial. You're one of about two who have been able to make it that far.
Some of you Canucks have a problem with pointing fingers. You definitely have problems of your own. Trudeau being chief among them. There are posters on this board from Canada that can take up those issues better than I, but you live in a glass house--careful with those stones.
Stones really don't do much to igloos in a frozen tundra.
You found Jimmy's latest report believable? LoL!! :D


You got pwned by him too! What does that make the democrat Party?
Some of you Canucks have a problem with pointing fingers. You definitely have problems of your own. Trudeau being chief among them. There are posters on this board from Canada that can take up those issues better than I, but you live in a glass house--careful with those stones.

Canada has problems too and I'm more than happy to acknowledge and talk about them. We can do that here or you could start a thread for the purpose.

But that's not going to make the case for America's failing system any easier for ya'all to start owning up to!

It's not just me who's pointing fingers, even though I'm pointing the most on this board.
You can make it go away for yourself but it's going to take you enlisting the support of the mods to make it go away completely.

So while I think I'm serving a good purpose, I don't hold any value otherwise in my ability to post on this board.

Stop your whining and go get your gun or something? Or maybe ask your miliatry if they will bomb me from 30,000 feet?
How much does a good ounce of Maryjuanny costs in the Candy Shops up there at the Polar Vortex
Some of you Canucks have a problem with pointing fingers. You definitely have problems of your own. Trudeau being chief among them. There are posters on this board from Canada that can take up those issues better than I, but you live in a glass house--careful with those stones.

Canada has problems too and I'm more than happy to acknowledge and talk about them. We can do that here or you could start a thread for the purpose.

But that's not going to make the case for America's failing system any easier for ya'all to start owning up to!

It's not just me who's pointing fingers, even though I'm pointing the most on this board.
You can make it go away for yourself but it's going to take you enlisting the support of the mods to make it go away completely.

So while I think I'm serving a good purpose, I don't hold any value otherwise in my ability to post on this board.

Stop your whining and go get your gun or something? Or maybe ask your miliatry if they will bomb me from 30,000 feet?
HaHaHa, you have a shallow to pool that you are pulling from. You better hope that this administration doesn't trash the US completely because, contrary to your belief, if the US falls, Canada falls too.
Project Veritas doing the media's job as usual, and showing images of the conditions that migrant children are enduring.
Shame on Biden. Shame on the complicit media.
And shame on Biden's supporters with their heads in the sand. Maybe Biden will get an Emmy too.

Notice the complete absence of social distancing.

The Lying Scumbags who keep getting caught doing stupid shit?

Newsflash for Conservatively Impaired. The "Crisis" on the border is over 4-years in making. You people did not give a shit about kids in cages when the Traitor was doing it.

Another non-story by a site that has faced actions for illegally recording in California.

Yeah Right.


Nazi moron.

Gov Abbott needs to send in the National Guard to liberate those kids from the Bidenville Concentration camps and either send them to Mexico or to San Francisco

Enough is enough!
Then why are you pretending to care? Is it just a partisan exercise for you?
Whether or not "I care" for these asylum seekers is irrelevant. I do care about the future of MY country and maintaining order. Your posts over my time on this board tell me that you have NO concern about whether or not this country continues to exist. Your support for unbridled immigration, BLM and Antifa riots speaks volumes.

Coyote is correct - You only pretend to care about kids. You cared not a WHIT when breastfeeding toddlers were separated from their mothers under a cruel Rump/ Sessions/ Miller POLICY called "Zero Tolerance" and then lost track of them via horrendous tracking and record-keeping.


Where was all this Manufactured Outrage when CBP was taking children away from their parents at gunpoint and locking them cages?

Cons do not give good goddamn about the kids. The Traitor created this shit storm at the border. Biden is work un-fuck the Traitor did.
You need t
Why after 4 years of this are you suddenly pretending to care?

Why after 4 years of lying are you of the Reich suddenly claiming there are no cages?

The Reich has created a humanitarian crisis. Never during the presidency of the last legitimate president did we see anything close to what the * regime is engaged in.

Xi's man is taking thousands of illegal with no sort of screening at all, and seeding them across the nation - almost as if he seeks to exasperate the Covid situation. I mean, not that the Reich lusts for authoritarian power, so that couldn't be...

So...after 4 years of supporting the abuse of migrant now care?

You are such a phony. Biden was vice-president for 8 years during which children in cages was an on-going problem for Obama but you have to give Biden some slack because he is "brand new".


Educate yourself for a change, then your response won't look so retarded. For example, the "children in cages" (for which Obama got blasted by the left) - was during the huge surge in migrant unaccompanied minors and nowhere to safely house them until they were processed. It was not for 8 years. Biden, may or may not have a plan but he inherited a mess from Trump with a huge bottleneck of people waiting in Mexico and no infrastructure here ready. He should have waited to have it in place first. Do you give new president's slack or only your own?

You are so desperate to deflect responsibility away from Biden that you ignore that Biden was not "new" to the problem on the border, far from it.

One of Biden's first acts as president was to revoke many of Trump's restrictions on immigration and to declare a "friendlier" approach to immigrants, which sent a clear message south of the border that Biden's immigration policies would be much less restrictive than it had been under Trump.

The message was received.



Biden has only been in Office for two months. The Traitor created this fuck story and you know it. Blaming Biden is just plain wrong and a lie.
Some of you Canucks have a problem with pointing fingers. You definitely have problems of your own. Trudeau being chief among them. There are posters on this board from Canada that can take up those issues better than I, but you live in a glass house--careful with those stones.

Canada has problems too and I'm more than happy to acknowledge and talk about them. We can do that here or you could start a thread for the purpose.

But that's not going to make the case for America's failing system any easier for ya'all to start owning up to!

It's not just me who's pointing fingers, even though I'm pointing the most on this board.
You can make it go away for yourself but it's going to take you enlisting the support of the mods to make it go away completely.

So while I think I'm serving a good purpose, I don't hold any value otherwise in my ability to post on this board.

Stop your whining and go get your gun or something? Or maybe ask your miliatry if they will bomb me from 30,000 feet?
How much does a good ounce of Maryjuanny costs in the Candy Shops up there at the Polar Vortex
I am just south of the 49th parallel and we have it in stores as low as $85/oz.
It would be nice if you quoted a current article--Jan. 15, 2020, c'mon man, that is even pre-scamdemic. I found an article that spoke to the "happiest countries" but can't seem to find a current "best quality of life." The happiest article said Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland (top 5, as I recall) and Canada was like #7. The US was in the teens somewhere, I believe. I ran a thread on it yesterday.
Put Canada wherever it suits your agenda. Canada isn't the point for that link. You nailed it when you suggested that America is somewhere down in the teens.

Here's a newer link that's somewhat similar. I didn't count how far down America is but it seems to fall below the line for 'flawed democracies.

Taking notice is showing your ability to rise above the usual denial. You're one of about two who have been able to make it that far.
Some of you Canucks have a problem with pointing fingers. You definitely have problems of your own. Trudeau being chief among them. There are posters on this board from Canada that can take up those issues better than I, but you live in a glass house--careful with those stones.
Stones really don't do much to igloos in a frozen tundra.
I'm on Vancouver Island and the weather is fine here today. Temperature is about 12C with blue skies.

The point is, most Americans have preconceptions that are wrong about my part of Canada.
And fk! The weather network shows flooding, snowfalls of over a meter, multiple car wrecks on freeways, and similar winter conditions in America that I've never experienced. Go figure!

I think the temperature here got as low as -6 here in the dead of winter, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Ask your mom or dad when your brain isn't so full, where the cold weather is hiding.
Would -40 be a stretch for N.Dakota?
Or how about -20 for Florida?

Let it go, let it go, the topic here is about the fkd up American way that's put the land of the gun up close to revolution, besides the threat of getting shot in public.
Unless Veritas got permission to engage in surreptitious recordings, they have violated Federal Law.

Also, does the state where camps are allow for surreptitious recordings....again against the law.

As often as veritas has stepped on their collective dick, believe this story is ridiculous.

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