Progressive's Instructions For Governing


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Moonglow says I lump all Liberals as though they have the same opinions.....
Do they?
As much as this is going to aggravate my pal Drop-Draws, I'm gonna point out, once again, the Liberal viewpoint, from erstwhile Republican...but actual Liberal...Tom Allon.

He writes a Progressive position paper for NYC-mayor elect DeBlasio, and the future (shudder) of NYC.

His advice to Leftist DeBlasio:

1. "There has never been a better time to be a progressive in New York City. The new mayor, the city public advocate, city comptroller and most of the City Council are from the progressive wing of the Democratic Party,....

[Sounds just like the beginning of Obama's regime...and look where that got us.]

2. In fact, New York will become a visible laboratory for ideas that will try to lift many up from poverty and stagnation.

[See....Liberals seem unable to learn from experience...Obama: slowest recovery from a recession .]

3. De Blasio must “plant rice” by speaking passionately about creating good jobs with good wages and encouraging the development of more affordable housing.

[Wanna guess how to pay for it all? Did you get that copout: 'by speaking about...']

4. .... sticking to his guns on universal pre-K and improving public education.

[Bulletin to Liberals: HeadStart was an abject failure. ]Is Obama Clueless About Negative Head Start Study? | Human Events

5. He can even give tax credits to those who hire unemployed New Yorkers.

[ With what revenues? "Mayor Bloomberg Doubled New York City Debt to $110 Billion"]

6. And de Blasio will need to fix the city Housing Authority so its tenants won’t have to wait months to have simple repairs made or heat and elevators fixed.

[How about spending some more? What a good Liberal!]

7. His focus needs to be on empowering the new city schools chancellor to insist that new teachers have two to three years of rigorous classroom training and that current teachers are relentlessly retrained so they can succeed. All the evaluations in the world cannot make up for improper training or the lack of teacher mentoring.

[. There is no convincing evidence that certified teachers are more effective in the classroom or that ed-school-based training helps. Education Schools Project

See fellows march 2006.pdf for evidence that certification has very little effect on student achievement.

“…private schools appear to do fine- perhaps better-without being compelled to hire state certified teachers.” Chester Finn, “Troublemaker,” p. 283.]

8. And maybe in 2015, when the governor and the legislative leaders are past re-election, we may see a small tax increase on the wealthy to sustain this vital program.
[Did he just say raise taxes???

Clear where "Tax and Spend Liberal" comes from?

Read the full article for yourself, here: De Blasio must think long-term to plan city?s success ? TimesLedger

Did you see all the advice on how to pay for his caprices? How to increase wealth? Make this a business-friendly city?

Musta missed it.....
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With Melissa Viverito as Speaker, NYC will go the way of Detroit

Let's see how long it takes

That's what "Progressive" means. progressing toward a future where US Cities become Detroit, Camden, Newark.
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With Melissa Viverito as Speaker, NYC will go the way of Detroit

Let's see how long it takes

That's what "Progressive" means. progressing toward a future where US Cities become Detroit, Camden, Newark.

I wonder why some fool moved this from politics to conspiracy theory?

The post is based on direct quotes from the author of the essay.

Sure would like an explanation.
Liberals by default all have the same opinions. no matter how hard they try to argue it they can't walk away from that. and why? because they vote for politicians who lock step vote the party line. they put into office through their votes these clowns who have demonstrated to us through their votes on legislation and policy that they tow the party line 100%. so they need to face up to the fact that they all, in the end, are supporting the same agenda
It would be nice if whoever decided to move this thread from 'Politics' to a lesser forum, 'Conspiracy Theories,' had the courage to come into the public and explain why they have done so.

The OP is made up of direct quotations of the author, a Progressive/Liberal, and, by definition, represents the Progressive/Liberal idea of governance.

con•spir•a•cy (k n-spîr -s )
n. pl. con•spir•a•cies
1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.

The only 'conspiracy' here is the attempt to deny legitimacy to the OP.
With Melissa Viverito as Speaker, NYC will go the way of Detroit

Let's see how long it takes

That's what "Progressive" means. progressing toward a future where US Cities become Detroit, Camden, Newark.

I wonder why some fool moved this from politics to conspiracy theory?

The post is based on direct quotes from the author of the essay.

Sure would like an explanation.

The Mods have moved Leftward and are dragging the Board down
With Melissa Viverito as Speaker, NYC will go the way of Detroit

Let's see how long it takes

That's what "Progressive" means. progressing toward a future where US Cities become Detroit, Camden, Newark.

I wonder why some fool moved this from politics to conspiracy theory?

The post is based on direct quotes from the author of the essay.

Sure would like an explanation.

The Mods have moved Leftward and are dragging the Board down

I always liked the rough and tumble.....hope we haven't moved in another direction.....
I am very worried about the direction NYC will go now that we have a progressive Mayor about to take over.

On top of the new "taxes" imposed by ObamaCare in the form of higher deductibles and co-pay on everything will we be faced with an increase in local taxes?
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I am very worried about the direction NYC will go now that we have a progressive Mayor about to take over.

On top of the new "taxes" imposed by ObamaCare in the form of higher deductibles and co-pay on everything will we be faced with an increase in local taxes?

"progressive Mayor" doesn't half cover it.

"Bill de Blasio says he doesn't believe in churches -- and he doesn't believe in God either," reports the NY Daily News.
De Blasio told reporters in the Bronx, "I’m not affiliated with any particular church. I do consider myself a spiritual person." He continued, "As I’ve said many times, I was very influenced by liberation theology, by Christian liberation theology in the work I did after college and after graduate school."
Mayor Elect Bill De Blasio Quashes Atheism Rumors, Says He's Spiritual But Unaffiliated

Liberation theology, the same brand that Obama studied at the food of Jeremiah Wright, is more Marxism than Christianity.

“Black liberation Theology is even more extreme. This theology was used by Marxist regimes to take over churches in Africa and Central America. They use “Christian” terminology they promote violence to overthrow governments and populations.

It especially became popular in Nicaragua in the 1980’s with the pro-sandanista dictatorship. It used Marxist strategies to be an impetus for the people to rebel where violent revolution was used. In some churches Jesus was represented as Sandinista soldier identifying with the oppressed…

...Black Liberation theology describes Jesus as a poor black man who lived in oppression under “rich white people” which makes this particular view racially based, accentuating the tensions of being Black….Authentic Christianity transcends race and ethnicity.” The Oppression of Black Liberation Theology

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