
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Everything the left says about taxes is an outrageous lie. And the left knows it too. But they are more interested in getting their hands on your money than they are in prosperity.
Many U.S.-based multinationals are finding luck with Ireland’s low corporate tax rate—and that 12.5% rate has been a pot of gold for the Irish economy as well.

In 2015, the Irish economy was estimated to have grown by 26.3% through foreign companies opening operations and providing high-paying jobs, including about 700 U.S. companies currently operating in the country.
The indisputable, undeniable fact is that low taxes brings in businesses, creates jobs, and stimulates considerable economic growth and GDP.

Ireland Lowered Its Corporate Tax Rate. Here's What Happened.
Here is an extremely progressive company shutting down construction due to fears of Seattle tax law (proving once again that progressives refuse to live under the same policies they demand everyone else live under). If taxes were so “wonderful” and created prosperity, Amazon would demand higher taxes - not halt construction out of a paralyzing fear of increased taxes.

Amazon halts Seattle construction project ahead of tax vote
More indisputable proof that lower and lower taxes result in greater and greater prosperity for all....
Throughout the March quarter, Apple has paid over $3.2 billion in dividends, and they have plans to boost those payments up another 16% going forward. And the hits just keep on coming for Apple investors.

Apple has also announced the construction of a new mega-campus, and they’re looking at adding over 20,000 new jobs. Over the next 5 years, they’ll add $350 billion to the US economy.
Nancy Pelosi tried to call the tax cuts "crumbs". The results have not even been the whole bag of bread - they've been the whole damn bakery!!! Record highs in the market. Record lows in unemployment. Companies investing in their people and their infrastructure (just as history has proven over and over and over).

Sorry Nancy Pelosi, Apple’s record-shattering buyback program is proof positive tax breaks work
Everything the left says about taxes is an outrageous lie. And the left knows it too. But they are more interested in getting their hands on your money than they are in prosperity.
Many U.S.-based multinationals are finding luck with Ireland’s low corporate tax rate—and that 12.5% rate has been a pot of gold for the Irish economy as well.

In 2015, the Irish economy was estimated to have grown by 26.3% through foreign companies opening operations and providing high-paying jobs, including about 700 U.S. companies currently operating in the country.
The indisputable, undeniable fact is that low taxes brings in businesses, creates jobs, and stimulates considerable economic growth and GDP.

Ireland Lowered Its Corporate Tax Rate. Here's What Happened.

So lower taxes will trickle down to the average American Consumer?

Q. Since this has been tried before, and failed, why would anyone believe the same thing done again will trickle down this time

A. Those who are insane, apparently.

The Bill pushed by Ryan, and signed by Trump is a shame, and exposes what many of us already know and knew, that Plutocrats supported Trump, and will continue to support him because it is good for their pocket book, and Ryan saw the writing on the wall and will end up in a high six figure job in one of the private sector think tanks or Wall Street Firms, which benefit from the Bill; and they will find ways to keep the largess given to them and not use it to, "stimulate considerable economic growth and GDP".

T&R were slick, as are most con men, they give a few hundred dollars in year one, a little less in year two, and by year three - after the 2020 election, when States Raise taxes, and inflation continues to rise, the poor biddable fools will finally see they were screwed when the see their tax bill in 2021.
Everything the left says about taxes is an outrageous lie. And the left knows it too. But they are more interested in getting their hands on your money than they are in prosperity.
Many U.S.-based multinationals are finding luck with Ireland’s low corporate tax rate—and that 12.5% rate has been a pot of gold for the Irish economy as well.

In 2015, the Irish economy was estimated to have grown by 26.3% through foreign companies opening operations and providing high-paying jobs, including about 700 U.S. companies currently operating in the country.
The indisputable, undeniable fact is that low taxes brings in businesses, creates jobs, and stimulates considerable economic growth and GDP.

Ireland Lowered Its Corporate Tax Rate. Here's What Happened.

We are already growing . You save that card when economy is on the down.

You just ignore the whole fact that the government runs on a deficit. That used to be a big deal with you righties .

Do you expect to pay the bills with smiles and sunshine ?
Do you expect to pay the bills with smiles and sunshine ?
No. In fact, I'm disgusted with the federal budget. I'm just curious why you are pretending to suddenly care? You've cheered like hell for years while Obama was spending us into collapse.
Everything the left says about taxes is an outrageous lie. And the left knows it too. But they are more interested in getting their hands on your money than they are in prosperity.
Many U.S.-based multinationals are finding luck with Ireland’s low corporate tax rate—and that 12.5% rate has been a pot of gold for the Irish economy as well.

In 2015, the Irish economy was estimated to have grown by 26.3% through foreign companies opening operations and providing high-paying jobs, including about 700 U.S. companies currently operating in the country.
The indisputable, undeniable fact is that low taxes brings in businesses, creates jobs, and stimulates considerable economic growth and GDP.

Ireland Lowered Its Corporate Tax Rate. Here's What Happened.
Thank you for telling me what others must think according you you, Karnack
Ahahahahahaha! The timing on this couldn't be more perfect. After ultra-progressive Amazon put the breaks on due to failed progressive tax policy, even the Dumbocrat representatives of Seattle had to wave the white flag. :laugh:
Starting next year, the tax will be $275 per employee, per year on for-profit companies that gross at least $20 million per year in the city — down from a $500-per-head proposal that Durkan threatened to veto.
Nothing ends in poverty like failed left-wing economic policy. Good for Amazon and Mayor Durkan for at least cutting the insanity in half.

Seattle City Council votes 9-0 for scaled-down head tax on large employers
More indisputable proof that lower and lower taxes result in greater and greater prosperity for all....
Throughout the March quarter, Apple has paid over $3.2 billion in dividends, and they have plans to boost those payments up another 16% going forward. And the hits just keep on coming for Apple investors.

Apple has also announced the construction of a new mega-campus, and they’re looking at adding over 20,000 new jobs. Over the next 5 years, they’ll add $350 billion to the US economy.
Nancy Pelosi tried to call the tax cuts "crumbs". The results have not even been the whole bag of bread - they've been the whole damn bakery!!! Record highs in the market. Record lows in unemployment. Companies investing in their people and their infrastructure (just as history has proven over and over and over).

Sorry Nancy Pelosi, Apple’s record-shattering buyback program is proof positive tax breaks work

OMG. That is absolutely comical. Claiming a massive stock buyback program is proof positive that the tax breaks work. What a flippin MORON. Stock buybacks are proof positive the tax cuts are doing exactly what all the opponents said they would do. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. I mean holy freakin cow man, stock buybacks were what those of us that opposed the tax cuts said would happen. I mean from an economic standpoint Apple should just replace toilet paper with hundred dollar bills in the employee restrooms. That would be an improvement over stock buybacks. Seriously. When Glenn Beck was in school stock buybacks were ILLEGAL, nothing more than the ARTIFICIAL manipulation of a company's stock price. The fact that firms can now engage in this rent seeking activity is just one of the many Reagan legacies.
Everything the left says about taxes is an outrageous lie. And the left knows it too. But they are more interested in getting their hands on your money than they are in prosperity.
Many U.S.-based multinationals are finding luck with Ireland’s low corporate tax rate—and that 12.5% rate has been a pot of gold for the Irish economy as well.

In 2015, the Irish economy was estimated to have grown by 26.3% through foreign companies opening operations and providing high-paying jobs, including about 700 U.S. companies currently operating in the country.
The indisputable, undeniable fact is that low taxes brings in businesses, creates jobs, and stimulates considerable economic growth and GDP.

Ireland Lowered Its Corporate Tax Rate. Here's What Happened.
Analysis | Why America’s return to $1 trillion deficits is a big problem for you

The country has never run this high of a deficit during good economic times.

“This is unprecedented,” said Justin Bogie, senior policy analyst on fiscal affairs at the conservative Heritage Foundation.

“We are running up the national credit card when everything is going our way economically,” said Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. “It shows Congress has lost any will to make hard choices to fix near-record debt levels we’re already facing.”

“The bigger the debt, the bigger the chances of a fiscal crisis,” CBO Director Keith Hall said Monday.

If spending keeps up at this pace (and there is every indication that it will), President Trump and his successors are going to have less flexibility to pump up the economy during a downturn or even a crisis.

While Trump campaigned on reducing the debt, he and the GOP-led Congress have made the deficit worse in the past year

What Trump and Congress have done since June is “estimated to make deficits $2.7 trillion larger than previously projected” in the next decade, the CBO wrote in its report.

Trump is on track to smash Obama's spending record. He and Congress have actually ACCELERATED deficits in an economic climate where they should be REDUCING deficits.
Remember when the pseudocons cared about debt?

Heritage Foundation: High Debt Is a Real Drag

Three teams of economists have separately shown that high government debt has a negative effect on long-term economic growth. When government debt grows, private investment shrinks, lowering future growth and future wages.

Estimates across advanced economies show that debt drag reaches large and statistically significant levels as debt grows, with the worst effects occurring after debt reaches 90 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). With U.S. federal, state, and local government debt at 84 percent of GDP and rising, policymakers should begin taking debt drag into account when considering new deficit spending.
More from the Heritage Foundation: The Many Real Dangers of Soaring National Debt

Recent and projected growth in U.S. government debt poses a serious hazard to the nation. At a minimum, high levels of government debt mean substantial government resources must go toward servicing debt—to pay interest. Further, theory indicates and a growing body of research suggests a consistent relationship between high levels of government debt relative to the size of the economy and abnormally high interest rates consistent with lower levels of domestic investment.

CBO Director’s Statement About the Budget and Economic Outlook for 2018 to 2028

Deficits Are Set to Increase Rapidly Over the Next Four Years
In the Congressional Budget Office’s baseline projections, which incorporate the assumption that current laws governing taxes and spending generally remain unchanged, the federal budget deficit grows substantially over the next few years. Later on, between 2023 and 2028, it stabilizes in relation to the size of the economy, though at a high level. As a result, federal debt is projected to be on a steadily rising trajectory throughout the coming decade—approaching 100 percent of gross domestic product by 2028.

Thanks Trump!
OMG. That is absolutely comical. Claiming a massive stock buyback program is proof positive that the tax breaks work. What a flippin MORON. Stock buybacks are proof positive the tax cuts are doing exactly what all the opponents said they would do. The rich are getting richer
So wait...you are openly admitting that the tax cuts are creating wealth and you're complaining about that? :lmao:

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