Progressive Lawmakers Want To Make GOP 'Put Up Or Shut Up' On Bush Tax Cuts

The problem most of the Marxists/Progressives on this board have, they haven't a fundamental understanding of the purpose/role of government and private enterprise.
....But, we DO know BU$HENOMIC$!!!!!!!!!!!

Debt and deficits: Whenever a Bush is president, private debt and government deficits seem to grow. Middle- and low-income Americans borrow to offset the income squeeze of recessions. The hallmark of Bush economics during both presidencies has been favoritism toward capital over workers. Federal budget deficits have soared because of a combination of upper-bracket tax favors, middle-income job shrinkage, big federal spending to hype election-year economic growth, huge defense outlays and overseas military spending for the wars in Iraq and elsewhere. Imperial hubris costs a lot of money.

Glad to hear you have admitted to being a Marxist and a Progressive. So. . I was right... you don't don't know jack except how to clamor for the confiscation of others' property.
And all you can do, Soggy, is spew drivel words like "progressive" and "communist" because someone like Beck or Limbaugh has spoonfed them to you. Without really knowing what they mean...while I envision you're getting a gleeful pseudo-intellectual high.
Taxes affect capital markets. Period. While you are correct that if you make $100,000 and your effective tax rate is 35%, but it changes to 45% you aren't necessarily going to lay off people, and I certainly haven't argued otherwise, at the end of the day, at some point you will assess whether there are other avenues for your capital that may be taxed in a more favorable manner.

Feels a little bit like that guy is holding the government hostage, don't it?

No, it's called common sense. Unless of course when you go shopping, seek out the highest price, lowest quality item.

And you're a business owner? I think that statement is unraveling.

I stand by it. The rich have been given a free-for-all from Reagan onward. Meanwhile, they've amassed inconceivable amounts of wealth and the lost revenue saddled on the future taxpayer. Now we realize this is unsustainable, and the ruling class is so wealthy and powerful that it's harboring (and in some cases hiding) it's wealth until it receives re-assurance that the free-for-all will continue.

So yes, in a way they're holding the economy hostage, until they're reassured that the booze cruise will continue.
No company can lose money and continue to make payroll. Yes, it can be done via cash reserves, but at the end of the day, companies must be profitable to remain in business and ultimately make payroll.

I never said the companies were losing money. I said that according to their CPA's (who file their taxes) they had no profit. That's why 25% or more of large companies pay no taxes every year, even during an expansion.

No, that's exactly what you said. You made no distinction between cash flow vs. accrual.

Do me a favor and show me where I said that companies were losing money. I'll wait patiently, just let me know when you've found it, mmmk?
And all you can do, Soggy, is spew drivel words like "progressive" and "communist" because someone like Beck or Limbaugh has spoonfed them to you. Without really knowing what they mean...while I envision you're getting a gleeful pseudo-intellectual high.

Actually, I have spewed much more than that. But I am sure that is what hits a nerve with you, to which I say "whatever". I am just pointing out the difference between those on this board that believe businesses are here to provide jobs, benefits and tax dollars to a government, and those that understand businesses exist to provide goods and services at a profit and government has a limited role in the equation.

If you can't/won't get you head around that simple precept, then so be it. But, the former mindset is the core of Marxist and Progressive ideology.
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I never said the companies were losing money. I said that according to their CPA's (who file their taxes) they had no profit. That's why 25% or more of large companies pay no taxes every year, even during an expansion.

No, that's exactly what you said. You made no distinction between cash flow vs. accrual.

Do me a favor and show me where I said that companies were losing money. I'll wait patiently, just let me know when you've found it, mmmk?

So... by making no profit you actually meant breaking even?
Why is it so hard to understand that money that our government confiscates from us is not their money. Start cutting big government. Im for the people....
Yeah....those poor, downtrodden-folks who're just tryin' to make an hone$t-buck!!

No, that's exactly what you said. You made no distinction between cash flow vs. accrual.

Do me a favor and show me where I said that companies were losing money. I'll wait patiently, just let me know when you've found it, mmmk?

So... by making no profit you actually meant breaking even?

I meant exactly what I said: that they were without profits according to their accountants.

I never anywhere mentioned anything about losing money
Are you an accountant?

Where do revenues come from?

Revenues are the gross amount you take in. You subtract wages and other expenditures and profit is what you end up with.

Without which you will not be receiving wages for very long, unless of course, you work for the government...
This whole idea of "adding" to the deficit comes from the idea that the money already belongs to the government.

How do you add to the deficit by cutting taxes, unless you keep SPENDING like drunken sailors.

Did the idiot liberals who thought this up ever think, we could CUT spending?????????????

Nooooooooooo, never occured to them once, did it?

Why is it so hard to understand that money that our government confiscates from us is not their money. Start cutting big government. Im for the people not the government.

Its not the governments money. It is all of our money. It goes to pay for programs that benefit the society as a whole. Military, schools, roads, police and fire protection.

Your taxes are what you pay for belonging to a society


"There's nowhere else in the world, nowhere else in the world, that people can accrue the kind of fortune$ that happen here. And that's because of the kind of country we have.

And the kind of country we have is a function of the taxes that we pay to provide security, we have a stable market, you can predict next week will be pretty much like the week before.

We have the most immense investment being made by our government in advancing businesses by supporting the enormous research industry that's going on in this country. And it's that piece of government expenditure that which has everything to do with the health and robustness of our economy."
- Bill Gates Sr.
what were the tax rates on the 1%ers during our best economic times?

Why did we have such a shitty job creation under Bush if these low tax rates for the 1% are so effective?.

The facts dont jive with your caviling

Oh palease.. enough of your penis-envy. Get a clue. Better yet, get a life and a job.
In-other-words....ya' FUCKED-UP, by supporting The Idiot Son....and, this kind o' response (from you) is supposed to make you look LESS-stupid????

Yep.....ya' fucked-up, AGAIN!!!!!

(At least you're consistent.)​

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