Progressive lawlessness


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Progressives continue to embrace and promote a lawless society.
Safe injection sites: On July 1, San Francisco's Department of Public Health plans to open the nation's first two "safe injection sites" in which drug addicts will be able to shoot up under supervision.
They have created facilities to help citizens break the law. Just think about that for a moment. Liberals in the JFK era would never have engaged in that type of behavior. But the article makes a masterful observation:
"This is the very definition of sweeping and hiding your problems under the rug," said Glenn. "Forget the fact that they're providing a place for people to break the law, but they're also enabling people that are dependent on some sort of a drug to stay dependent on that drug. Did they actually mean to create the perfect metaphor for progressive government? …They keep you dependent. That's entirely what leftism is all about."
The left needs dependent people to win elections. They need an ignorant and drug-induced electorate and they need people dependent on government for their most basic needs. If people prosper, they won’t need government handouts and thus won’t need Dumbocrats. And conservative policy causes people to prosper.

Democratic disaster: 7 progressive policies that are driving the California mass exodus
Will they provide a safe place to suck dick for the drug money the druggies will need in order to thereby need a safe injection site?
Progressives continue to embrace and promote a lawless society.
Safe injection sites: On July 1, San Francisco's Department of Public Health plans to open the nation's first two "safe injection sites" in which drug addicts will be able to shoot up under supervision.

Well now I know what part of that town not to open a business in, buy real estate or visit as a tourist. Poor nearby landowners. They just lost the game of musical chairs. Bye bye equity.
You know how the assessors never come over and assess your property's value downward? Maybe if the landowners around the area hired appraisers to mark down the value of their property based on the new human filth and crime being imported into their area, and pinched the City for those taxes, the true value of the cost of having "shooting galleries" set up by the City would be fully known. :popcorn:
And to think Barack Insane Obama shipped hundreds of millions of dollars to these terrorists in the middle of the night.
A federal judge ordered Iran to pay billions of dollars to families of 9/11 victims last month after determining the Iranian government, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran are partially culpable for the attacks.
I hope President Trump takes it out of Iran's ass. Seize their accounts and funds around the world and give it to the families of the victims. If there isn't enough to cover it - then go into Iran and take it. Kill anyone we have to kill over there, destroy their nuclear power facilities, and then take it.

Bombshell report reveals Iran finally admits to facilitating 9/11 terror attacks. Here’s how.
It's time to legalize all the drugs. Tax em and sell em. The drug war is lost and there is a huge market go them in america. They are rampant everywhere.
It's time to legalize all the drugs. Tax em and sell em. The drug war is lost and there is a huge market go them in america. They are rampant everywhere.
I can't disagree with you at all. The best part is that it would eliminate the black market and thus destroy all cartels.

But that being said, until it is legalized, the left has absolutely no business assisting citizens in breaking the law.
How about something original for a change? All you do is spam the board with the same regurgitated thread.

Here is an elected representative of the Dumbocrat Party openly advocating for the overthrow of a sitting U.S. president. This is how radicalized the left has become.
During her weekly press briefing, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) asked what it would take for Americans to start an “uprising” against the Trump administration
I can answer that for you, Nancy. The American people are not “uprising” because they support President Trump his policy of properly enforcing the law.

Nancy Pelosi wonders why Americans are not ‘uprising’ against Trump admin. over border conditions
How about something original for a change? All you do is spam the board with the same regurgitated thread.
And all you do is fill the board with ignorance. How about you do something “original for a change” and actually post something informed and intelligent?
This is who they are...a bunch of violent thugs who advocate for the elimination of the U.S. Constitution and rights such as the 1st Amendment.
Felarca — a well-known Antifa activist who advocates violence and squashing free speech — has been arrested for riot-related offenses a couple times herself.
I marvel at the restraint that conservatives display all over the nation on a daily basis. If this is me, there would be teeth all over the ground and a shit-ton of unconscious progressive fascists in my wake.

Antifa activists accused of beating up Trump supporter at Berkeley rally receive their verdicts

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