
15 years old out of date crap
Are you retarded? Looks like you can't handle a simple arithmetic problem. The article is from 2000, which of course doesn't invalidate its findings.

16 years old out of date crap
You've exposed yourself as a liar! Many of the studies are from 2013 and 2012!

Like this one: New Review Links Abortion and Mental Health Problems from 2013.

So you are lying in the name of a cause that tortures unborn babies to death for money.

Torture is the right word: FETAL PAIN: THE EVIDENCE

The rights of women to choose abortion remains sacrosanct .......a big Amen to that
Fortunately unborn babies and their mothers have some protections now.

Accomplishment #6: Pro-life laws have been enacted at the federal, state and local level.

Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Has Stopped 11,000 Abortions

Polls and New Laws Make Pro-life Defenders Optimistic in 2014

Pro-Life Politicians Have Made a Difference, Pro-Life Laws Work

And check out this article: I survived the abortion that killed my twin: I wish I could tell my abortionist he is forgiven
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Abortion has killed far more African Americans than the KKK: Black Leaders Condemn Planned Parenthood's Racism

79% of Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics Target Blacks, Hispanics

"deaths" of what? Who killed more what than the KKK?

as usual you are dribbling out your usual load of old bollocks.
Were any of those 13 million abortions carried out without the consent of the host.?
15 years old out of date crap
Are you retarded? Looks like you can't handle a simple arithmetic problem. The article is from 2000, which of course doesn't invalidate its findings.

16 years old out of date crap
You've exposed yourself as a liar! Many of the studies are from 2013 and 2012!

Like this one: New Review Links Abortion and Mental Health Problems from 2013.

So you are lying in the name of a cause that tortures unborn babies to death for money.

Torture is the right word: FETAL PAIN: THE EVIDENCE

The rights of women to choose abortion remains sacrosanct .......a big Amen to that
Fortunately unborn babies and their mothers have some protections now.

Accomplishment #6: Pro-life laws have been enacted at the federal, state and local level.

Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Has Stopped 11,000 Abortions

Polls and New Laws Make Pro-life Defenders Optimistic in 2014

Pro-Life Politicians Have Made a Difference, Pro-Life Laws Work

And check out this article: I survived the abortion that killed my twin: I wish I could tell my abortionist he is forgiven
you are again posting unsubstantiated bollocks, you should be ashamed.
None of those stories are unsubstantiated. They are all cited, every single one.

But progressive goons who want to kill babies don't care about facts anyway.
Only a hate-filled pig-faced imbecile would continue to grunt their love of the brutal abortion industry.

Research on the Psychological and Physical Effects of Abortion

That's some particularly bad junk science, which is the only kind of science pro-lifers have.

Why is it junk science? Because it didn't correct for the fact that high-risk women have abortions more often. Anyone with a brain spots that flaw instantly, which obviously leaves out the pro-life cultists.

Naturally, the fact that it's bad science won't stop Tbird here from repeating it. There's a good reason why pro-lifers are so often referred to as pro-liars. They believe God has given them special dispensation to lie for the cause, hence nothing they say can be trusted.
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1) Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, was an ardent eugenicist who wanted to exterminate the handicapped, the poor, and non-whites.

And the list of fake or out-of-context Sanger quotes pops up. Pro-lifers are kind of predictable and boring in their dishonest propaganda. But the cult told them to repeat the lies, and they don't dare contradict the cult.

Back in the real world, MLK, Dubois, Bethune and all the black leaders of the day had high praise for Sanger. So, according to TBird's kook conspiracy theory, all the black leaders of the day were also trying to genocide the black race.

Tbird, we're worried about your soul. You love lies, and Satan is the lord of lies, which makes you hellbound, unless you repent of your lies.
It's not dishonest. What is dishonest is the baby killers' devotion to denying it.

MLK was ardently pro-life. If he ever praised Sanger, it would have been as a human being...NOT as some sort of approval of abortions.

Stanger herself was not a fan of abortion.

"In 1966, Martin Luther King, Jr., a non-violent supporter of natural family planning, was offered the Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger Award. In the acceptance speech, delivered by Mrs. Coretta Scott King, because Dr. King didn’t attend the ceremony, Mrs. King points to the benefits of family planning among Negro families and the “kinship” between the civil rights movement and Margaret Sanger’s early efforts. This speech did not include the word abortion. There is much speculation regarding who the real author of the speech was. "
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Why is it junk science? Because it didn't correct for the fact that high-risk women have abortions more often.
Evidence for this statement?

This study considered pre-pregnancy psychological state: Abortion and Clinical Depression Linked in Major Study

quote: Another important aspect of this study, said Reardon, is that is one of only a few studies to use any pre-pregnancy psychological score as a control variable.

Another study: Abortion Four Times Deadlier Than Childbirth

quote: As in the STAKES sample, birth was associated with a significantly lower risk of suicide attempts. The South Glamorgan researchers concluded that their data did not support the view that suicide after an abortion was predicated on prior poor mental health, at least as measured by prior suicide attempts. Instead, “the increased risk of suicide after an induced abortion may therefore be a consequence of the procedure itself.”

They believe God has given them special dispensation to lie for the cause, hence nothing they say can be trusted.
What is your cause? Serving elite racists, media bosses, and the abortion industry that targets women, minorities, and the handicapped for mass murder.
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And the list of fake or out-of-context Sanger quotes pops up. Pro-lifers are kind of predictable and boring in their dishonest propaganda. But the cult told them to repeat the lies, and they don't dare contradict the cult.
Was Sanger a eugenicist? Yes or no?

So, according to TBird's kook conspiracy theory,
Has the black community been decimated by abortion? Yes or no?

The current figure is about 17 million African American unborn babies killed by abortion.
Why is it junk science? Because it didn't correct for the fact that high-risk women have abortions more often.
Evidence for this statement?

This study considered pre-pregnancy psychological state: Abortion and Clinical Depression Linked in Major Study

quote: Another important aspect of this study, said Reardon, is that is one of only a few studies to use any pre-pregnancy psychological score as a control variable.

Another study: Abortion Four Times Deadlier Than Childbirth

quote: As in the STAKES sample, birth was associated with a significantly lower risk of suicide attempts. The South Glamorgan researchers concluded that their data did not support the view that suicide after an abortion was predicated on prior poor mental health, at least as measured by prior suicide attempts. Instead, “the increased risk of suicide after an induced abortion may therefore be a consequence of the procedure itself.”

They believe God has given them special dispensation to lie for the cause, hence nothing they say can be trusted.
What is your cause? Serving elite racists, media bosses, and the abortion industry that targets women, minorities, and the handicapped for mass murder.
still posting out of date rubbish, here is the latest British Medical Journal report.
Abortion does not cause mental health problems, says large review | BMJ
The pro-abortion death cult hates not only women and minorities but the handicapped as well.

Extermination of the "unfit": Abortion Of Disabled Babies Increasing at Alarming Rate

Babies in UK Can be Aborted At 40 Weeks for Cleft Lip, Commission Wants It Stopped
what a load of old bollocks, in 10 years 27 foetus have been aborted because of cleft lips and palates plus other defects that would cause serious handicaps. Only one foetus out of the 27 was aborted after 24weeks, the case was reviewed by the crown prosecution service and they found both doctors had acted ethically and within the law. The Chief Exec of the Cleft lip and Palate Association a lobby group for suffers accepted the findings.

Give me proof of one 40 week abortion carried out in the UK illegally
what a load of old bollocks, in 10 years 27 foetus have been aborted because of cleft lips and palates plus other defects that would cause serious handicaps. Only one foetus out of the 27 was aborted after 24weeks,
Please provide evidence.

You seem to have gotten your info from this article. But it looks like the facts sloshed around in your tiny brain for some time and eventually came out as crap.

quote: The Department of Health statistics, which go back almost a decade, were released after a six-year legal battle. They reveal that between 2002 and 2010 there were 17,983 terminations on the grounds that there was a “substantial risk” that the babies would be “seriously handicapped” — known as Ground E abortions. Of these, 1,189 were aborted after 24 weeks, after which there must be such a serious risk for an abortion to be legal if the mother is not in danger. Last year 147 foetuses were aborted after 24 weeks, a rise of 29 per cent since 2002.
As well as the babies with cleft lips and palates, another 27 were aborted because of “congenital malformations of the ear, eye, face or neck”, which can include problems such as having glaucoma or being born with an ear missing. Of those, one was aborted after 24 weeks, in 2003.

I.P.Freely's lie: "in 10 years 27 foetus have been aborted because of cleft lips and palates plus other defects that would cause serious handicaps. Only one foetus out of the 27 was aborted after 24weeks,"

reality: "They reveal that between 2002 and 2010 there were 17,983 terminations on the grounds that there was a “substantial risk” that the babies would be “seriously handicapped” — known as Ground E abortions. Of these, 1,189 were aborted after 24 weeks, "

More facts to confuse and frighten you:

quote: According to the Department of Health, in 2012 there were 2,692 abortions carried out under “Ground E of the Abortion Act 1967.” This was a 17 percent increase over the previous year; 160 of these abortions took place after 24 weeks.


Cleft lip abortions '10 times as common as reported'
More than 10 times as many abortions take place for cleft lip than are recorded in Department of Health statistics, according to European researchers.

Give me proof of one 40 week abortion carried out in the UK illegally
Not surprising you failed to understand the article. The article said "doctors can also approve an abortion up to 40 weeks". If you think that's false provide evidence.

Maybe if I linked to articles with smaller words and lots of pictures? Let's start HERE.
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She was born at just 24 weeks and three days:

I.P.Freely thinks lying in the cause of mass murder of 24 week old unborn babies is the right thing to do.
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what a load of old bollocks, in 10 years 27 foetus have been aborted because of cleft lips and palates plus other defects that would cause serious handicaps. Only one foetus out of the 27 was aborted after 24weeks,
Please provide evidence.

You seem to have gotten your info from this article. But it looks like the facts sloshed around in your tiny brain for some time and eventually came out as crap.

quote: The Department of Health statistics, which go back almost a decade, were released after a six-year legal battle. They reveal that between 2002 and 2010 there were 17,983 terminations on the grounds that there was a “substantial risk” that the babies would be “seriously handicapped” — known as Ground E abortions. Of these, 1,189 were aborted after 24 weeks, after which there must be such a serious risk for an abortion to be legal if the mother is not in danger. Last year 147 foetuses were aborted after 24 weeks, a rise of 29 per cent since 2002.
As well as the babies with cleft lips and palates, another 27 were aborted because of “congenital malformations of the ear, eye, face or neck”, which can include problems such as having glaucoma or being born with an ear missing. Of those, one was aborted after 24 weeks, in 2003.

I.P.Freely's lie: "in 10 years 27 foetus have been aborted because of cleft lips and palates plus other defects that would cause serious handicaps. Only one foetus out of the 27 was aborted after 24weeks,"

reality: "They reveal that between 2002 and 2010 there were 17,983 terminations on the grounds that there was a “substantial risk” that the babies would be “seriously handicapped” — known as Ground E abortions. Of these, 1,189 were aborted after 24 weeks, "

More facts to confuse and frighten you:

quote: According to the Department of Health, in 2012 there were 2,692 abortions carried out under “Ground E of the Abortion Act 1967.” This was a 17 percent increase over the previous year; 160 of these abortions took place after 24 weeks.


Cleft lip abortions '10 times as common as reported'
More than 10 times as many abortions take place for cleft lip than are recorded in Department of Health statistics, according to European researchers.

Give me proof of one 40 week abortion carried out in the UK illegally
Not surprising you failed to understand the article. The article said "doctors can also approve an abortion up to 40 weeks". If you think that's false provide evidence.

Maybe if I linked to articles with smaller words and lots of pictures? Let's start HERE.
more absolute bollocks read this and educate yourself dreck BBC NEWS | Health | Q&A: Late abortions

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