ALERT: We need your help to STAND UP to "anti-war mom" Cindy Sheehan and her radical left-wing friends, who are all coming to Washington, D.C. for four days of "hate-America" rallies, speeches, concerts and marches.
Sheehan, whose son Casey supported the mission he was fighting for in Iraq where he was killed by terrorists, is being endorsed in this rally & march by far-left groups like, Code Pink, International A.N.S.W.E.R., United for Peace & Justice, Communist Party USA, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy & Socialism, Impeach Bush Now, Lambda Rising Gay Bookstore, Not In Our Name, Socialist Action, D.C. Anti-War Network, Young Communist League CSU Stanislaus, and many other radical organizations.
This motley crowd of "hate-America" leftists are intent on encouraging the terrorists, endangering our men and women in uniform, and lowering troop morale - and now they're coming to our nation's capital to spread their vile message!
We MUST NOT let Cindy Sheehan and the radical left succeed in their vision to see America LOSE the War on Terror!
Sheehan has called President Bush a "lying b__tard," "filth spewer," "evil maniac," "f__king hypocrite," "fuehrer" and the world's "biggest terrorist" who is committing "blatant genocide" and "waging a nuclear war" in Iraq. Last week, she even blamed President Bush for Hurricane Katrina.
When we traveled to Crawford, Texas, to confront Cindy Sheehan, we met with many of the local folks who helped rally the pro-troops forces against Sheehan and her radical friends last month. Young and old, men and women, these folks have HAD IT with the constant berating of President Bush and our troops' mission in the War on Terror, and they've DEFINITELY had it with all of the biased media coverage of Sheehan's motley crew here and around the country.
We've ALL had it. And that's why we're NOT going to just sit around and take it anymore. We're going to Washington, D.C. to make our voices - the voices of the no-longer Silent Majority - heard LOUD and CLEAR above the shrill voices of the radical anti-American leftists.
We plan to have dozens of speakers giving voice to grassroots America, including Congressmen, Senators, leaders of conservative and Christian organizations, and many veterans, plus parents and relatives of troops that are serving in Iraq... and of heroes that gave their all there, so that we could remain free.
And, of course, we plan to bring in The Right Brothers, one of the greatest patriotic, conservative, "no holding back" bands in America today, to inspire us with songs that'll make us laugh, make us cry, and make us proud of who we are and what makes this country so great.
We MUST NOT let the Left's "anti-war" rally go unchallenged. The mainstream media would like nothing better than to give our side - the side of the majority of Americans - little or no coverage. So we MUST make sure our pro-troops rally is a HUGE event, so they CAN'T ignore us!
TAKE ACTION: We're teaming up with other conservative organizations, from Protest Warrior to Free Republic, to put on a GREAT event. We need patriotic Americans from coast to coast to come to the "Support The Troops AND Their Mission" pro-America rally!
The weekend will begin with a pro-troops counter-demonstration on Friday evening at Walter Reed military hospital, where the forces of the Left will be gathering in a disgusting display of shameful rhetoric, right in the faces of our brave troops that have been wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. WE will be there to THANK them for their service!
Then on Saturday, we'll be lining the streets as the "anti-war" protesters march past us with their "Bush Is Hitler" signs and their "peaceful" shouts and hand gestures -- WE will be holding signs in their faces, proclaiming the TRUTH about the War On Terror and the HEROES that are fighting to protect the freedoms that Americans hold so dear.
On Sunday, September 25th, on the mall right in front of the Capitol Dome, thousands of patriots will be gathering to TAKE A STAND against the "hate-America" weekend. We'll be making OUR voices heard for a change - and we'll make it CLEAR that "WE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!"
And finally, on Monday, we'll all be heading over with the military families to lobby the Congressmen and Senators on Capitol Hill -- at the same time that the leftists like Cindy Sheehan are going to the same offices. We will NOT let their voices be the only ones heard by our legislators!
If you can't come that weekend, we still need your help! This rally - and the events around it, including counter-protests on Friday and Saturday, and Congressional lobbying on Monday - is costing us literally TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS.
We simply cannot afford that, unless YOU help. Please make your best contribution TODAY - this pro-America rally is happening quickly and we need every person reading this to rise up on behalf of our troops. Their cause is just - and they deserve our thanks.
PLEASE, come to D.C. on September 25th if you can - and please, give your best donation today to make this an event that NO ONE will be able to forget.
We think it's worth it. We think AMERICA is worth it.
What do you think?
Please click through below to make your best donation TODAY, to show these radical leftists -- and the rest of America -- that we're FED UP with their hate-filled nonsense, and that the MAJORITY of this country SUPPORTS our President and our troops:
If you prefer to contribute by check, please mail to:
Dept. Code 5
PO Box 20275
Washington, DC 20041-2275
NOTE: Please help us to counter the front-page ravings of Cindy Sheehan, and to put on this HUGE pro-Troops, pro-America rally on Sept. 24th -- make your best contribution TODAY:
Be sure to forward this message to EVERYONE on your e-mail list who wants to help FIGHT BACK against these radical "hate-America" groups. Thank you!
William Greene, President
Just in case anyone here is in the area that weekend....