Pro-'Defund The Police' Defends Hypocrisy Of Personal Security Detail: It's important For ME Not To Die - You? Not So Much


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Critics blast ‘Defund the Police’ Dem's defense of her own private security

Critics blast ‘Defund the Police’ Dem's defense of her own private security

Cori Bush defends calling to defund the police while having private security: 'You would rather me die?'

'I have private security because my body is worth being on this planet right now'

- 'YOU? Not so much.... I care about ME and don't give a damn about any of you....' Bush says in not so many words.

Bush has no need for the police because she has paid a private security firm $70,000 to protect her...and she doesn't care if you need the police or not or if you can afford to hire your own security team or not. It's not her concern. she could literally not give a damn.

Bush slept outside the Capitol this week to protest the end of the first eviction moratorium that was put in place because of the coronavirus pandemic. The representative was once homeless herself ... but she had a $70,000 security detail protecting her.

According to Bush, if you oppose her hypocrisy, if you have a problem with her paying $70,000 for a security detail, if you would deny her protecting...while she is trying to take yours away, 'you' want to see her die. Her wanting to take your security away, however, does not mean the same thing, that she wants to see YOU die. It is, after all, all about HER.

She goes on to attempt to claim she is a 'victim', that white supremacists and racists threats are trying to stop her from 'Defunding the police' and threatening her life.

"I have private security because my body is worth being on this planet right now," she added, claiming "a white supremacist, racist narrative" is trying to stifle her.

Bush believes she is an elitist member of the Marxist Democrats who believe their lives are more important than ours, that they need protection but that the average citizen does not because their lives are not worth as much as hers.

Good Lord, the arrogance and hypocrisy of this woman. She is a perfect example of the mentally deranged, criminal Leftist extremists that have created and continue to defend the Democrat-created '2 Americas, 2 sets of rules', one for the peasants, one for 'me' rule.

Critics blast ‘Defund the Police’ Dem's defense of her own private security's defense of her own private security

Critics blast ‘Defund the Police’ Dem's defense of her own private security

Cori Bush defends calling to defund the police while having private security: 'You would rather me die?'

'I have private security because my body is worth being on this planet right now'

- 'YOU? Not so much.... I care about ME and don't give a damn about any of you....' Bush says in not so many words.

Bush has no need for the police because she has paid a private security firm $70,000 to protect her...and she doesn't care if you need the police or not or if you can afford to hire your own security team or not. It's not her concern. she could literally not give a damn.

Bush slept outside the Capitol this week to protest the end of the first eviction moratorium that was put in place because of the coronavirus pandemic. The representative was once homeless herself ... but she had a $70,000 security detail protecting her.

According to Bush, if you oppose her hypocrisy, if you have a problem with her paying $70,000 for a security detail, if you would deny her protecting...while she is trying to take yours away, 'you' want to see her die. Her wanting to take your security away, however, does not mean the same thing, that she wants to see YOU die. It is, after all, all about HER.

She goes on to attempt to claim she is a 'victim', that white supremacists and racists threats are trying to stop her from 'Defunding the police' and threatening her life.

"I have private security because my body is worth being on this planet right now," she added, claiming "a white supremacist, racist narrative" is trying to stifle her.

Bush believes she is an elitist member of the Marxist Democrats who believe their lives are more important than ours, that they need protection but that the average citizen does not because their lives are not worth as much as hers.

Good Lord, the arrogance and hypocrisy of this woman. She is a perfect example of the mentally deranged, criminal Leftist extremists that have created and continue to defend the Democrat-created '2 Americas, 2 sets of rules', one for the peasants, one for 'me' rule.

These are the kind of assholes that minorities elect. Hell, look at Chicago that is 2/3rds Black & Hispanic!!
Critics blast ‘Defund the Police’ Dem's defense of her own private security's defense of her own private security

Critics blast ‘Defund the Police’ Dem's defense of her own private security

Cori Bush defends calling to defund the police while having private security: 'You would rather me die?'

'I have private security because my body is worth being on this planet right now'

- 'YOU? Not so much.... I care about ME and don't give a damn about any of you....' Bush says in not so many words.

Bush has no need for the police because she has paid a private security firm $70,000 to protect her...and she doesn't care if you need the police or not or if you can afford to hire your own security team or not. It's not her concern. she could literally not give a damn.

Bush slept outside the Capitol this week to protest the end of the first eviction moratorium that was put in place because of the coronavirus pandemic. The representative was once homeless herself ... but she had a $70,000 security detail protecting her.

According to Bush, if you oppose her hypocrisy, if you have a problem with her paying $70,000 for a security detail, if you would deny her protecting...while she is trying to take yours away, 'you' want to see her die. Her wanting to take your security away, however, does not mean the same thing, that she wants to see YOU die. It is, after all, all about HER.

She goes on to attempt to claim she is a 'victim', that white supremacists and racists threats are trying to stop her from 'Defunding the police' and threatening her life.

"I have private security because my body is worth being on this planet right now," she added, claiming "a white supremacist, racist narrative" is trying to stifle her.

Bush believes she is an elitist member of the Marxist Democrats who believe their lives are more important than ours, that they need protection but that the average citizen does not because their lives are not worth as much as hers.

Good Lord, the arrogance and hypocrisy of this woman. She is a perfect example of the mentally deranged, criminal Leftist extremists that have created and continue to defend the Democrat-created '2 Americas, 2 sets of rules', one for the peasants, one for 'me' rule.

This stupid bitch was also out making veiled threats about the Minn. couple who held guns as BLM tore through their neighborhood. Take away the security, if she gets shot or killed. Oh well---she is no better than anyone else.
Critics blast ‘Defund the Police’ Dem's defense of her own private security's defense of her own private security

Critics blast ‘Defund the Police’ Dem's defense of her own private security

Cori Bush defends calling to defund the police while having private security: 'You would rather me die?'

'I have private security because my body is worth being on this planet right now'

- 'YOU? Not so much.... I care about ME and don't give a damn about any of you....' Bush says in not so many words.

Bush has no need for the police because she has paid a private security firm $70,000 to protect her...and she doesn't care if you need the police or not or if you can afford to hire your own security team or not. It's not her concern. she could literally not give a damn.

Bush slept outside the Capitol this week to protest the end of the first eviction moratorium that was put in place because of the coronavirus pandemic. The representative was once homeless herself ... but she had a $70,000 security detail protecting her.

According to Bush, if you oppose her hypocrisy, if you have a problem with her paying $70,000 for a security detail, if you would deny her protecting...while she is trying to take yours away, 'you' want to see her die. Her wanting to take your security away, however, does not mean the same thing, that she wants to see YOU die. It is, after all, all about HER.

She goes on to attempt to claim she is a 'victim', that white supremacists and racists threats are trying to stop her from 'Defunding the police' and threatening her life.

"I have private security because my body is worth being on this planet right now," she added, claiming "a white supremacist, racist narrative" is trying to stifle her.

Bush believes she is an elitist member of the Marxist Democrats who believe their lives are more important than ours, that they need protection but that the average citizen does not because their lives are not worth as much as hers.

Good Lord, the arrogance and hypocrisy of this woman. She is a perfect example of the mentally deranged, criminal Leftist extremists that have created and continue to defend the Democrat-created '2 Americas, 2 sets of rules', one for the peasants, one for 'me' rule.

That’s the way socialists always operate. The 1% live like royalty while the 99% live in squalor.
...the video of her proves she is an:
..white people who vote for blacks get this crap....they only care about their RACE--their people...not whites, not the community
..when you vote for people like this, your community starts turning into a shithole
...another ugly one
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...the video of her proves she is an:
..white people who vote for blacks get this crap....they only care about their RACE--their people...not whites, not the community
..when you vote for people like this, your community starts turning into a shithole
...another ugly one
The white people who live a life in insulated areas feel magnanimous in their gesture of inclusion to right the wrongs. Of course much of the wrongs have been corrected. If they were cruising and getting the most expensive cabins, they would tip extra to prove how we live in a kumbaya world. None will give up their gotten gains though as they force others to be denied for their Progressive agendas.

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