Pride and Prejudice

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Do you know the reason for pride? Do you know the reason for being prejudice? Scriptural teaching tells us that pride originated with Lucifer. The division of races was a result of trying to unite to build the tower of Babel which was motivated again by rebellion and pride. Once again we see man acting with prejudice towards his fellow man in the name of what? Pride. It always goes back to pride and rebellion. So with that in mind, ask yourselves the question - Are you prejudice against any race of people? I'm not speaking about being against what someone is doing / their actions but rather, the color of their skin. Their ethnicity.

Did you know there is very little difference in make up between racial characteristics? That scientists have found that that if one were to take any two people from anywhere in the world, the basic genetic differences between these two people would typically be around 0.2% - even if they came from the same people group? But these so called "racial" characteristics that many think are a major difference (skin color, shape of eyes, etc) account for only 6% of the 0.2% variation, which amounts to a mere 0.012% difference genetically.

In other words, the so called "racial differences" are absolutely trivial. Overall there is more variation within a group that there is "between" one group and another.

The ABC (USA) news science page stated, "What the facts show is that there are differences among us, but they stem from culture, not race." -end quote -

The reason many people think the differences are major is because they've been brought up in a culture that has taught them to see things differently.

There is only 1 race. The human race. Scripture defines people by tribe or nation - where they originated from - not by the color of their skin.

With that said, pride and prejudice stem from the same source and to this day bring forth the same results. Division, hatred, misunderstandings, dissensions, arrogance, pride, murder, wrath and every other work of the flesh.

There can be no grounds for pride when claiming racial differences / superiority (a fallacy) because first of all you had no part in being born black, red, yellow or white. You had no part in where you were born upon the earth. You had no part whatsoever in any such decisions concerning the creation of "you" and with that said - there is no place for pride.

Furthermore, if you needed a transplant - you could receive an organ from a donor of any person in the world ( no matter the tribe or nationality) that was compatible whereas your body might reject your own family members' organ as a donor. Think about that for a moment and ask yourselves this morning if perhaps you have fallen for the lie of racism not realizing that we are all the sons and daughters of Adam and we are all part of the same race.

The human race.

thanks for reading
I am reminded this morning of a neighbor of mine whose father was in the KKK many decades ago. He was steeped in the sin of being prejudice against those of another color. The son was sent to war in WWII and while on the battlefield he was seriously injured. His life was in grave danger. One of his fellow soldiers - a black man - came to his rescue and literally carried him off the battlefield and into safety zone. He saved this man's life. It was a very humbling moment for my neighbor to realize that without the help of that man he would have died. Lesson to the story? You decide.

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