Press Plays The Victim Card After Body-Slamming Republican Wins

Blaming this on Trump is a bit much, especially considering the massive hate and rage the left have shown and not just spoken about but acted out on. This has happened in so-called rallies and protests which are really excused to destroy things.

It's a partisan environment in which both sides are quite far apart. It's a battle it seems, between individual liberty, small government and capitalism versus socialism, big government and intervention. Thus, all sides of the political aisle have steep differences.

In the end, the candidate was wrong to go overboard like this and assault a man. This in itself is inexcusable, blaming Trump for the reaction is disingenuous and in many cases politically motivated.

As an aside, listening to the audio which is disturbing, I wonder what the candidate meant when he stated " the last guy who came in here did the same thing". Was he referring to a phone placed too close to his face in an effort to illicit a response? Or was it the line of questioning? Neither should end in violence, but they are different circumstances.
So two weeks ago conservatives were beside themselves when people resorted to physical violence at Berkeley but now think it just fine for a political candidate.

You have to marvel at how far the Republican party has fallen. There is no bottom either, they crawl under the barrel and then start digging to reach the sewer. This is a party and cohort of people that have no compass at all anymore. They have given up on morals and truth and instead cling to lies and situational morality. Where they decide what is moral based on a situation. If you are old enough to have watched this evolution of conservatives it is stunning. They are hollow people now. There is no foundation.
I marvel at how you leftists play the victim.....even when you're the aggressor.
I'm 60 years old. I know what the tactic is. It's a bullying tactic. I had it pulled on me at times in school. Some kid screams at me for weeks, spitting on me and calling me every name in the book. Then he makes the mistake of putting his hands on me and I beat him to a pulp. They he runs crying to the principle about how I beat him up.
This is what it's like for us. We're fed up with you lying cocksuckers. We refrain from violence for so long. The moment we react to it you SOBs claim WE'RE the assholes that are prone to violence.
I think what is happening is you bastards have awoken a sleeping giant and don't even know it.
My suggestion is that you STFU and start acting like decent Americans.

I won't hold my breath waiting on you doing this however.

People shouldn't run for office if they can not be asked hard questions..

It seems that after 8 years of slamming Obama ,the same rightwing people are calling victim, so it does go both ways..

I used to volunteer almost everyday at my son's school for lunch break, sorry that happened to you..
I was on those kids that were bullies, and they knew I was watching them.
Kids should not have to fend for themselves against bullies..

But in the interview the guy was just asking hard questions, it seems..
Yep....he was reported to have been a real friendly guy. Never without a smile on his face.
And I agree. We shouldn't be allowed to be critical of the president.
Blaming this on Trump is a bit much, especially considering the massive hate and rage the left have shown and not just spoken about but acted out on. This has happened in so-called rallies and protests which are really excused to destroy things.

It's a partisan environment in which both sides are quite far apart. It's a battle it seems, between individual liberty, small government and capitalism versus socialism, big government and intervention. Thus, all sides of the political aisle have steep differences.

In the end, the candidate was wrong to go overboard like this and assault a man. This in itself is inexcusable, blaming Trump for the reaction is disingenuous and in many cases politically motivated.

As an aside, listening to the audio which is disturbing, I wonder what the candidate meant when he stated " the last guy who came in here did the same thing". Was he referring to a phone placed too close to his face in an effort to illicit a response? Or was it the line of questioning? Neither should end in violence, but they are different circumstances.

Trump is a punk. Punks beget punks.
So two weeks ago conservatives were beside themselves when people resorted to physical violence at Berkeley but now think it just fine for a political candidate.

In both examples given The Left instigated the violence.
Oh? Exactly what did that reporter do to instigate violence against him?

Burst into a private interview, shoved a mic into the candidate's face and began shouting questions. I'd have broken his arm.

"Gosh Officer, I thought his recorder was a knife, so I reacted."

I'd have politely asked him to leave
So two weeks ago conservatives were beside themselves when people resorted to physical violence at Berkeley but now think it just fine for a political candidate.

You have to marvel at how far the Republican party has fallen. There is no bottom either, they crawl under the barrel and then start digging to reach the sewer. This is a party and cohort of people that have no compass at all anymore. They have given up on morals and truth and instead cling to lies and situational morality. Where they decide what is moral based on a situation. If you are old enough to have watched this evolution of conservatives it is stunning. They are hollow people now. There is no foundation.
I marvel at how you leftists play the victim.....even when you're the aggressor.
I'm 60 years old. I know what the tactic is. It's a bullying tactic. I had it pulled on me at times in school. Some kid screams at me for weeks, spitting on me and calling me every name in the book. Then he makes the mistake of putting his hands on me and I beat him to a pulp. They he runs crying to the principle about how I beat him up.
This is what it's like for us. We're fed up with you lying cocksuckers. We refrain from violence for so long. The moment we react to it you SOBs claim WE'RE the assholes that are prone to violence.
I think what is happening is you bastards have awoken a sleeping giant and don't even know it.
My suggestion is that you STFU and start acting like decent Americans.

I won't hold my breath waiting on you doing this however.

People shouldn't run for office if they can not be asked hard questions..

It seems that after 8 years of slamming Obama ,the same rightwing people are calling victim, so it does go both ways..

I used to volunteer almost everyday at my son's school for lunch break, sorry that happened to you..
I was on those kids that were bullies, and they knew I was watching them.
Kids should not have to fend for themselves against bullies..

But in the interview the guy was just asking hard questions, it seems..

Gianforte had voted for the GOP healthcare bill
He was being asked why

That is not a hard question
So two weeks ago conservatives were beside themselves when people resorted to physical violence at Berkeley but now think it just fine for a political candidate.

In both examples given The Left instigated the violence.
Oh? Exactly what did that reporter do to instigate violence against him?

Burst into a private interview, shoved a mic into the candidate's face and began shouting questions. I'd have broken his arm.

"Gosh Officer, I thought his recorder was a knife, so I reacted."

I'd have politely asked him to leave

We know how effective that was.
Blaming this on Trump is a bit much, especially considering the massive hate and rage the left have shown and not just spoken about but acted out on. This has happened in so-called rallies and protests which are really excused to destroy things.

It's a partisan environment in which both sides are quite far apart. It's a battle it seems, between individual liberty, small government and capitalism versus socialism, big government and intervention. Thus, all sides of the political aisle have steep differences.

In the end, the candidate was wrong to go overboard like this and assault a man. This in itself is inexcusable, blaming Trump for the reaction is disingenuous and in many cases politically motivated.

As an aside, listening to the audio which is disturbing, I wonder what the candidate meant when he stated " the last guy who came in here did the same thing". Was he referring to a phone placed too close to his face in an effort to illicit a response? Or was it the line of questioning? Neither should end in violence, but they are different circumstances.

Trump is a punk. Punks beget punks.
As opposed to Obama and his Antifa friends.
The Pinheads in the media claim that Trump caused that Montana candidate to body-slam that journalist.
They had very little to say about the violence at Berkeley and all of the Blacks going around parts of the country beating people up. They feel that when a journalist got aggressive and got assaulted by a guy who lost his cool, this is all Trump's fault.

No, America is pissed off about the despicable comments that leaders like F**k Schumer and Crazy Auntie Maxine Waters, screaming for impeachment before the man even took office.

We're pissed off because of the we can't watch the news without throwing a brick thru our televisions.

What does this say about the people in that state they would vote for this guy? They get what they deserve.
Don Lemon calls us "Fake People......Horrible People".

It's people like Don Lemon that all of us real people are angry. Fake Newsmen Like Don Lemon Piss Us Off...........and we refuse to watch him lie about us 5 days a week.
Fuck that niggerfaggot.

The Pinheads in the media claim that Trump caused that Montana candidate to body-slam that journalist.
They had very little to say about the violence at Berkeley and all of the Blacks going around parts of the country beating people up. They feel that when a journalist got aggressive and got assaulted by a guy who lost his cool, this is all Trump's fault.

No, America is pissed off about the despicable comments that leaders like F**k Schumer and Crazy Auntie Maxine Waters, screaming for impeachment before the man even took office.

We're pissed off because of the we can't watch the news without throwing a brick thru our televisions.

What does this say about the people in that state they would vote for this guy? They get what they deserve.

I means that people are starting to wake up....
The Pinheads in the media claim that Trump caused that Montana candidate to body-slam that journalist.
They had very little to say about the violence at Berkeley and all of the Blacks going around parts of the country beating people up. They feel that when a journalist got aggressive and got assaulted by a guy who lost his cool, this is all Trump's fault.

No, America is pissed off about the despicable comments that leaders like F**k Schumer and Crazy Auntie Maxine Waters, screaming for impeachment before the man even took office.

We're pissed off because of the we can't watch the news without throwing a brick thru our televisions.

What does this say about the people in that state they would vote for this guy? They get what they deserve.

It says they're happy to see annoying people get slapped around. You will see more such incidents until such behavior stops.
The Pinheads in the media claim that Trump caused that Montana candidate to body-slam that journalist.
They had very little to say about the violence at Berkeley and all of the Blacks going around parts of the country beating people up. They feel that when a journalist got aggressive and got assaulted by a guy who lost his cool, this is all Trump's fault.

No, America is pissed off about the despicable comments that leaders like F**k Schumer and Crazy Auntie Maxine Waters, screaming for impeachment before the man even took office.

We're pissed off because of the we can't watch the news without throwing a brick thru our televisions.

What does this say about the people in that state they would vote for this guy? They get what they deserve.

Actually I think it's quite rational if they believe he is going to be better for their beliefs and/or personal life objectives. People vote out of self interest all the time, one can easily see why they would overlook a single incident compared to a lengthy campaign against another who's policies run counter to their own beliefs.
From here on out, if the GOP wants to win elections they MUST kick the arse of the media.

We now demand it.
So two weeks ago conservatives were beside themselves when people resorted to physical violence at Berkeley but now think it just fine for a political candidate.

You have to marvel at how far the Republican party has fallen. There is no bottom either, they crawl under the barrel and then start digging to reach the sewer. This is a party and cohort of people that have no compass at all anymore. They have given up on morals and truth and instead cling to lies and situational morality. Where they decide what is moral based on a situation. If you are old enough to have watched this evolution of conservatives it is stunning. They are hollow people now. There is no foundation.

/---- Snicker.
I say if the press is giving Hillary debate questions before a debate, this beating was long overdue.
The Pinheads in the media claim that Trump caused that Montana candidate to body-slam that journalist.
They had very little to say about the violence at Berkeley and all of the Blacks going around parts of the country beating people up. They feel that when a journalist got aggressive and got assaulted by a guy who lost his cool, this is all Trump's fault.

No, America is pissed off about the despicable comments that leaders like F**k Schumer and Crazy Auntie Maxine Waters, screaming for impeachment before the man even took office.

We're pissed off because of the we can't watch the news without throwing a brick thru our televisions.

What does this say about the people in that state they would vote for this guy? They get what they deserve.

Actually I think it's quite rational if they believe he is going to be better for their beliefs and/or personal life objectives. People vote out of self interest all the time, one can easily see why they would overlook a singular incident compared to a lengthy campaign against another who's policies run counter to their own beliefs.

It's why so many brainwashed millennials, criminals, illegals, terrorists, anarchists, pedophiles, transsexuals, Muslim rapists, and lesbians vote Democrat.
Democrats are with them. They fight for a crashing economy. They fight for overcrowding. They fight for the fleecing of wealth concentrations in America. They believe our children should all meet their Michael Jacksons and becomes Culkinized. They believe that all 100 million budding Islamic terrorists want is jobs and warm hugs dripping with sympathy.
This whole thing shows how far the Republicans have sunk

They celebrate a physical attack on a reporter and Gianforte probably got more votes for being "tough on the media"

The reporter was asking questions about the Republican healthcare plan. He was not making personal attacks, he was not attacking the mans family, he did not physically assault him


And that is why he was thrown to the ground and punched by a candidate for Congress
Didn't hear much out of you libtards when innocent women were being beaten by the libpukes at UC Berkley, but now when a Republican defends himself from a "reporter(libtard)" now you are up in arms. Please, please, please, come to my neck of the woods, start some shit here, and watch how quickly you learn the 50 cent solution. You libs seek violence, you will get it, and your pansy ass snowflakes aren't going to like it.

So two weeks ago conservatives were beside themselves when people resorted to physical violence at Berkeley but now think it just fine for a political candidate.

In both examples given The Left instigated the violence.
Oh? Exactly what did that reporter do to instigate violence against him?

Burst into a private interview, shoved a mic into the candidate's face and began shouting questions. I'd have broken his arm.

"Gosh Officer, I thought his recorder was a knife, so I reacted." :laugh:
That you have to lie about what happened reveals the reporter did nothing at all to instigate violence against him.

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