Press Plays The Victim Card After Body-Slamming Republican Wins

That same LAW that Obama and his lacky's broke at every turn? The US was almost fundamentally transformed into a 3rd world nation, but We the People decided not to allow you libfucks to ruin it completely. And We also don't want Commies like you here anymore. Just like with the Congressman, the tide is started to turn and if you are still here(Cuba and Canada are open) you aren't going to like it.
I'm not going anywhere. The only option you have, fuckface, is to learn how to deal with me.
That same LAW that Obama and his lacky's broke at every turn? The US was almost fundamentally transformed into a 3rd world nation, but We the People decided not to allow you libfucks to ruin it completely. And We also don't want Commies like you here anymore. Just like with the Congressman, the tide is started to turn and if you are still here(Cuba and Canada are open) you aren't going to like it.
I'm not going anywhere. The only option you have, fuckface, is to learn how to deal with me.
We have dealt with your kind before, we are going to again. Commies/Fascists/Socialists/Marxists/Liberals/Progressives are going to end up like every other one who faced the United States of America.
That same LAW that Obama and his lacky's broke at every turn? The US was almost fundamentally transformed into a 3rd world nation, but We the People decided not to allow you libfucks to ruin it completely. And We also don't want Commies like you here anymore. Just like with the Congressman, the tide is started to turn and if you are still here(Cuba and Canada are open) you aren't going to like it.
I'm not going anywhere. The only option you have, fuckface, is to learn how to deal with me.
We have dealt with your kind before, we are going to again. Commies/Fascists/Socialists/Marxists/Liberals/Progressives are going to end up like every other one who faced the United States of America.
Oh? How do they end up?
That same LAW that Obama and his lacky's broke at every turn? The US was almost fundamentally transformed into a 3rd world nation, but We the People decided not to allow you libfucks to ruin it completely. And We also don't want Commies like you here anymore. Just like with the Congressman, the tide is started to turn and if you are still here(Cuba and Canada are open) you aren't going to like it.
I'm not going anywhere. The only option you have, fuckface, is to learn how to deal with me.
We have dealt with your kind before, we are going to again. Commies/Fascists/Socialists/Marxists/Liberals/Progressives are going to end up like every other one who faced the United States of America.
Oh? How do they end up?
Go study history and find out. It isn't my job to educate your sorry ass.
That same LAW that Obama and his lacky's broke at every turn? The US was almost fundamentally transformed into a 3rd world nation, but We the People decided not to allow you libfucks to ruin it completely. And We also don't want Commies like you here anymore. Just like with the Congressman, the tide is started to turn and if you are still here(Cuba and Canada are open) you aren't going to like it.
I'm not going anywhere. The only option you have, fuckface, is to learn how to deal with me.
We have dealt with your kind before, we are going to again. Commies/Fascists/Socialists/Marxists/Liberals/Progressives are going to end up like every other one who faced the United States of America.
Oh? How do they end up?
Go study history and find out. It isn't my job to educate your sorry ass.
If you can't say, I have no reason to look.
We have dealt with your kind before, we are going to again. Commies/Fascists/Socialists/Marxists/Liberals/Progressives are going to end up like every other one who faced the United States of America.
Lets make this perfectly clear, you have nothing to do with the United States of America. You don't talk like an American. You don't embrace American values. You don't obey the Supreme Law of this Land. Americans believe in diversity. Americans believe it is okay to disagree with others. Americans don't believe in assaulting others because you don't like what they said.

Grow up, asshole!
We have dealt with your kind before, we are going to again. Commies/Fascists/Socialists/Marxists/Liberals/Progressives are going to end up like every other one who faced the United States of America.
Lets make this perfectly clear, you have nothing to do with the United States of America. You don't talk like an American. You don't embrace American values. You don't obey the Supreme Law of this Land. Americans believe in diversity. Americans believe it is okay to disagree with others. Americans don't believe in assaulting others because you don't like what they said.

Grow up, asshole!
Americans believe in diversity. Americans believe it is okay to disagree with others. Americans don't believe in assaulting others because you don't like what they said.
Please explain what happened at UC Berkley when the liberals there disagreed with who was going to use FREEDOM of SPEECH there. See video below. You are a lying ****.
US of American values are not turning this country communist.
US of American values isn't FORCINGE immoral values upon US and demanding that we accept it.
US of American values isn't taking money from hard working individuals and giving it to shithead like you just so you can smoke dope and get an EBT card.

Diversity = Diverse - to be separated. Marxism -
Marxism is a form of socioeconomic analysis that analyses class relations and societal conflict
Community = Unity - to be united. United States of America . Melting Pot -
The image of the United States as a melting pot was popularized by the 1908 play The Melting Pot. The melting pot is a metaphor for a heterogeneous society becoming more homogeneous, the different elements "melting together" into a harmonious whole with a common culture.
Melting pot - Wikipedia

You on the other hand are just a goosestepping, liberal kool aid drinking, mind numbed, low information, useful idiot, who has no idea who the enemy of the "United States of America" is but just follow like the rest of the liberal sheeple.


Please explain what happened at UC Berkley when the liberals there disagreed with who was going to use FREEDOM of SPEECH there. See video below. You are a lying ****.
US of American values are not turning this country communist.
US of American values isn't FORCINGE immoral values upon US and demanding that we accept it.
US of American values isn't taking money from hard working individuals and giving it to shithead like you just so you can smoke dope and get an EBT card.

Diversity = Diverse - to be separated. Marxism -
Marxism is a form of socioeconomic analysis that analyses class relations and societal conflict
Community = Unity - to be united. United States of America . Melting Pot -
The image of the United States as a melting pot was popularized by the 1908 play The Melting Pot. The melting pot is a metaphor for a heterogeneous society becoming more homogeneous, the different elements "melting together" into a harmonious whole with a common culture.
Melting pot - Wikipedia

You on the other hand are just a goosestepping, liberal kool aid drinking, mind numbed, low information, useful idiot, who has no idea who the enemy of the "United States of America" is but just follow like the rest of the liberal sheeple.


Home school did you no favors.

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