Presidential Disaster Typically Courted In Times Of High Confidence

But Trump's response to and attempts to divert it turned the focus on him and his associates and made sure it stayed there in the public eye and the cyber communitee obsessed with either knee jerk defense of all things Trump or knee jerk attack of all things Trump ignoring the most important issue and centerpoint of the investigation.

"A man you can bait with a tweet". Most glaring fatal character flaw.

Many of us always knew this. Still amazed that some can't see it.
I would like to point out too that Bills have been past this week while everyone is busy with Trump... This is why they are backing him..he is a good distraction.

Republicans slash Dodd-Frank Act amid Comey testimony excitement

*ALWAYS* a wise idea when there's a dog-and-pony on stage to look around to see who's trying to do what, while everybody's attention is elsewhere.

The CFMA was done in the dead of night while the country was all fixated on Bush v. Gore.
And the usual deflections, ignoring the substance of the OP - Obama Obama Obama, followed by a helping of knee jerk Trump protectionism :lol:
The campaign was during Obama's term but that isn't relevant when we discuss potential foreign involvement? How does that work?

And that has what to do with the current scandal other than to deflect away from it? Are you unable to speak about what is going on NOW? :dunno:

The point of the OP was how Trump himself was the agent of his current misfortunes and the similarities to the Nixon, Reagan and Clinton administration's scandals and arrogance.
The so called Russian involvement happened during Obama's term, that's how it relates. How is it possible you don't know that? What scandal? When the left is unhappy we are supposed to embrace it as a scandal. In reality it's just noise because that's all they know how to do, try to make the other guy look worse.

So you can't actually discuss the current scandal that played out in Comey's testimony?
There's no scandal and there's no reasoning with a party hack.
How about showing us some long awaited evidence? Your insistence that Trump got in the way with no evidence of that either is a poor substitute.

What's funny is this: Comey says (on multiple occassions including his most recent testimony) that the Russians have conducted hacking and interference. You say he's lying? Yet when he says that the Trump himself is not a target of investigation at this time - you applaud the truth and Trump is vincidated.

This isn't a cafeteria where you can select Comey's statements ala carte.
I'm not a leftist so accusations against enemies isn't good enough for me. He said she said doesn't cut it. Let us know when you stumble across a fact! What Comey thinks, feels or divines from tea leaves isn't a fact.
How about showing us some long awaited evidence? Your insistence that Trump got in the way with no evidence of that either is a poor substitute.

What's funny is this: Comey says (on multiple occassions including his most recent testimony) that the Russians have conducted hacking and interference. You say he's lying? Yet when he says that the Trump himself is not a target of investigation at this time - you applaud the truth and Trump is vincidated.

This isn't a cafeteria where you can select Comey's statements ala carte.

Not only that but trump's CAMPAIGN was being investigated. That's how much of this was discovered and now, trump is being investigated.

Bizarre that the right keeps asking for evidence when, if fact, it's piled high. Every time we turn around, we learn of more - is there even one of trump's staff, insiders, children (and trump himself) who has not been found to be guilty of lying about their connections to Russia?

And yes, from what I've seen, every bit of this mess is because trump is a drama queen, always has to be the center of attention, always with the childish tweeting and whining.

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Let the investigation play out.

Did hackers help Wikileaks obtain damaging emails against the DNC and Clinton Campaign Staff?


Do I believe Trump was foolish enough to work with the Hackers or any of his staffers?

As for Trump I do not believe he was that stupid but as for allowing his staff that will fall on a sword, well maybe.

Remember that the RNC was also hacked but nothing was leaked.

I think trump is not all that bright but it's looking like he tries to keep a couple of layers between the crimes and himself. His ego gets in the way though. Even so, he cannot separate himself from what his people have done.

The biggest thing he can't make go away are his own lies and the lies of his sleazy sons. Can't wait to hear them under oath because all three will lie again.


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I would like to point out too that Bills have been past this week while everyone is busy with Trump... This is why they are backing him..he is a good distraction.

Republicans slash Dodd-Frank Act amid Comey testimony excitement

They see him as a gift. They'll finally get taxes slashed for themselves and the rest of the 1%, and working class taxes sky high. They exempted themselves from losing ObamaCares but will finish destroying it for the rest of us.

And yep, along with Dodd-Frank, they're voting to destroy the Consumer Protection Act. They already made it legal for financial planners and investors to lie to the consumer. Also moving through congress now is a bill to allow poison to be dumped in our water.

There's more - what they're doing to our military and veterans, for example but the RWs are busy lying about Obama and pretending trump is working for their benefit"

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