Marc Kasowitz Summarizes The Truth


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
As many of us did, we watched, read, digested, and were amazed by the Comey hearings.
Far more amazing were the jaundiced headlines from the media.

President Trump's lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, presented the truth that came out of the Comey testimony....

1. "Contrary to numerous false press accounts leading up to today's hearing, Mr. Comey has now finally confirmed publicly what he repeatedly told President Trump privately: That is , that the President was not under investigation as part of any probe into Russian interference.

2. ...Comey,... admitted that there is no evidence that a single vote changed as a result of any Russian interference.
[This was always what was meant to be implied by using the term 'hacking' and the bogus '...hacked the election.']

3. ....Comey's testimony also makes clear that the President never sought to impede the investigation into attempted Russian interference in the 2016 election and in fact, according to Mr. Comey, the President told Mr. Comey quote "it would be good to find out" closed quote in that investigation if there was quote "some satellite associates of his who did something wrong," closed quote.

President Trump, did not exclude anyone from that statement.

4.....he [the President] did say to Mr. Comey, quote "General Flynn is a good guy, he has been through a lot" quote and also quote "asked how General Flynn is doing" closed quote Admiral Rogers testified that the President never quote "directed [him] to do anything .... illegal, immoral, unethical or inappropriate" closed quote and never never quote "pressured [him] to do so" closed quote. Director Coates said the same thing.
The President likewise never pressured Mr. Comey."
Read What Trump's Attorney Said After Comey's Testimony

Those are the key points that came out of yesterday's hearings.

More to follow.
I also thought the fact thay Comey leaked his prepared speech a day before he was to be interrogated in the Congressional Hearings. Why? Why didn't he just read them to the committee as it has been done in the past?

The hearing was supposed to focus on the Russian interference in our 2016 election. That is not where Comey Comey wanted it to be. He wanted the entire group of Democratic Senators to throw their list of questions they had prepared out and focus on Trumps behavior during their meetings. Simple revenge.

So that is how it went. As Political Chic pointed out, the facts did come out. And it demonstrated just how weak of an individual Comey had become in the presence of authority and politicians. He claims he was stunned by Trumps questions, thought ("but he may be wrong") that Trump wanted investigations ended and threatened his job. He was confused and muddled in thought.

If this is indeed how he felt, he should have taken this up with the DOJ immediately. Instead he prepared for his testimony against the president. Poor choice.
Those meetings in their conclusion demonstrated how ineffective of Director of the FBI has become.
I also thought the fact thay Comey leaked his prepared speech a day before he was to be interrogated in the Congressional Hearings. Why?

To stop the Trump team from invoking Executive Privilege at the last moment, to shut down the testimony.

So, we learned Trump committed Obstruction of Justice felonies, among other crimes. And we learned the peepee dossier was being actively investigated. Things don't look good for the Trump team. It's not the sexual deviancy in that dossier which is the real problem for Trump, it's everything else in it. After all, Trump's base, being mostly composed of sexual deviants, is going to think that golden showers are kind of tame.
Mr. Kasowitz continues:

5. "... the Office of the President is entitled to expect loyalty from those who are serving the administration, and from before this President took office to this day, it is overwhelmingly clear that there have been and continue to be those in government who are actively attempting to undermine this administration with selective and illegal leaks of classified information and privileged communications.

Mr. Comey has now admitted that he is one of these leakers."
Read What Trump's Attorney Said After Comey's Testimony

Recall how the Deep State sent Scooter Libby to prison for a bogus 'leak'?

"...Comey admitted that he unilaterally and surreptitiously made unauthorized disclosures to the press of privileged communications with the President."

"Libby Receives 30 Months in Prison in C.I.A. Leak Case"
Libby Receives 30 Months in Prison in C.I.A. Leak Case

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

I also thought the fact thay Comey leaked his prepared speech a day before he was to be interrogated in the Congressional Hearings. Why?

To stop the Trump team from invoking Executive Privilege at the last moment, to shut down the testimony.

So, we learned Trump committed Obstruction of Justice felonies, among other crimes. And we learned the peepee dossier was being actively investigated. Things don't look good for the Trump team. It's not the sexual deviancy in that dossier which is the real problem for Trump, it's everything else in it. After all, Trump's base, being mostly composed of sexual deviants, is going to think that golden showers are kind of tame.

Stop lying.....

...of course, then you'd be mute.
I also thought the fact thay Comey leaked his prepared speech a day before he was to be interrogated in the Congressional Hearings. Why?

To stop the Trump team from invoking Executive Privilege at the last moment, to shut down the testimony.

So, we learned Trump committed Obstruction of Justice felonies, among other crimes. And we learned the peepee dossier was being actively investigated. Things don't look good for the Trump team. It's not the sexual deviancy in that dossier which is the real problem for Trump, it's everything else in it. After all, Trump's base, being mostly composed of sexual deviants, is going to think that golden showers are kind of tame.
You are way out there, DUde. Comey leaked those notes to change the focus of the hearings. He didn't want to ask questions about the Russion Interference or Trumps ties to Russia, he wanted revenge for being fired. Instead, he came out as a very weak Director who "didn't know what to do" when he perceived he was being told what to do regarding Trump's comments that Flynn "was a good guy". and that Trump hoped it would would be over soon. He said he didn't know what to say, he was stunned andwhen he "felt" he was being threatened with his job, he did nothing.

He never told the president that was inappropriate or go to the DOJ with his concerns as required protocol. So we learned that Trump was/is not a target of the Russian Investigation, he looked forward to the results of the Russian investigation so he could find out if any of his associates were involved.
As many of us did, we watched, read, digested, and were amazed by the Comey hearings.
Far more amazing were the jaundiced headlines from the media.

President Trump's lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, presented the truth that came out of the Comey testimony....

1. "Contrary to numerous false press accounts leading up to today's hearing, Mr. Comey has now finally confirmed publicly what he repeatedly told President Trump privately: That is , that the President was not under investigation as part of any probe into Russian interference.

2. ...Comey,... admitted that there is no evidence that a single vote changed as a result of any Russian interference.
[This was always what was meant to be implied by using the term 'hacking' and the bogus '...hacked the election.']

3. ....Comey's testimony also makes clear that the President never sought to impede the investigation into attempted Russian interference in the 2016 election and in fact, according to Mr. Comey, the President told Mr. Comey quote "it would be good to find out" closed quote in that investigation if there was quote "some satellite associates of his who did something wrong," closed quote.

President Trump, did not exclude anyone from that statement.

4.....he [the President] did say to Mr. Comey, quote "General Flynn is a good guy, he has been through a lot" quote and also quote "asked how General Flynn is doing" closed quote Admiral Rogers testified that the President never quote "directed [him] to do anything .... illegal, immoral, unethical or inappropriate" closed quote and never never quote "pressured [him] to do so" closed quote. Director Coates said the same thing.
The President likewise never pressured Mr. Comey."
Read What Trump's Attorney Said After Comey's Testimony

Those are the key points that came out of yesterday's hearings.

More to follow.
Comey lied AGAIN.
And Under OATH.

He also admitted he leaked privileged information.
Wonder how many times he engaged in leaking?

He also admitted to allowing Loretta Lynch talk him in to Obstruction of Justice and minimizing an FBI investigation.

It is a crime to NOT TO REPORT THIS. So he just admitted to that crime. This is what happens to corrupt weasels if you have them testify enough times.

He also admitted to doing NOTHING about Lynch's meeting with CLINTON despite his thinking it was highly unethical, illegal and compromised an ongoing investigation.

Comey did nothing about Investigating all the leaking of Classified Intel, because HE WAS THE LEAKER!
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As many of us did, we watched, read, digested, and were amazed by the Comey hearings.
Far more amazing were the jaundiced headlines from the media.

President Trump's lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, presented the truth that came out of the Comey testimony....

1. "Contrary to numerous false press accounts leading up to today's hearing, Mr. Comey has now finally confirmed publicly what he repeatedly told President Trump privately: That is , that the President was not under investigation as part of any probe into Russian interference.

2. ...Comey,... admitted that there is no evidence that a single vote changed as a result of any Russian interference.
[This was always what was meant to be implied by using the term 'hacking' and the bogus '...hacked the election.']

3. ....Comey's testimony also makes clear that the President never sought to impede the investigation into attempted Russian interference in the 2016 election and in fact, according to Mr. Comey, the President told Mr. Comey quote "it would be good to find out" closed quote in that investigation if there was quote "some satellite associates of his who did something wrong," closed quote.

President Trump, did not exclude anyone from that statement.

4.....he [the President] did say to Mr. Comey, quote "General Flynn is a good guy, he has been through a lot" quote and also quote "asked how General Flynn is doing" closed quote Admiral Rogers testified that the President never quote "directed [him] to do anything .... illegal, immoral, unethical or inappropriate" closed quote and never never quote "pressured [him] to do so" closed quote. Director Coates said the same thing.
The President likewise never pressured Mr. Comey."
Read What Trump's Attorney Said After Comey's Testimony

Those are the key points that came out of yesterday's hearings.

More to follow.
This scumbag lawyer also defended the sexual harasser OReilly and other perv's along with the serial sex offender Trump. Yeah a real swell honest guy.

And here is a fool who rushed in to prove my claim.
You just do not like the Head lines because they tell the Truth about the Orange Horror you worship like Muslim on Ramadan

Actually, what I 'do not like' are liars and fools...e.g., you.

"Contrary to numerous false press accounts leading up to today's hearing, Mr. Comey has now finally confirmed publicly what he repeatedly told President Trump privately: That is , that the President was not under investigation as part of any probe into Russian interference. The President - Mr. Comey, he also admitted that there is no evidence that a single vote changed as a result of any Russian interference."
Marc Kasowitz

To make your visit here profitable, you should look up the word 'contrary,' as it applies to everything you believe (I almost said 'think.')
As many of us did, we watched, read, digested, and were amazed by the Comey hearings.
Far more amazing were the jaundiced headlines from the media.

President Trump's lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, presented the truth that came out of the Comey testimony....

1. "Contrary to numerous false press accounts leading up to today's hearing, Mr. Comey has now finally confirmed publicly what he repeatedly told President Trump privately: That is , that the President was not under investigation as part of any probe into Russian interference.

2. ...Comey,... admitted that there is no evidence that a single vote changed as a result of any Russian interference.
[This was always what was meant to be implied by using the term 'hacking' and the bogus '...hacked the election.']

3. ....Comey's testimony also makes clear that the President never sought to impede the investigation into attempted Russian interference in the 2016 election and in fact, according to Mr. Comey, the President told Mr. Comey quote "it would be good to find out" closed quote in that investigation if there was quote "some satellite associates of his who did something wrong," closed quote.

President Trump, did not exclude anyone from that statement.

4.....he [the President] did say to Mr. Comey, quote "General Flynn is a good guy, he has been through a lot" quote and also quote "asked how General Flynn is doing" closed quote Admiral Rogers testified that the President never quote "directed [him] to do anything .... illegal, immoral, unethical or inappropriate" closed quote and never never quote "pressured [him] to do so" closed quote. Director Coates said the same thing.
The President likewise never pressured Mr. Comey."
Read What Trump's Attorney Said After Comey's Testimony

Those are the key points that came out of yesterday's hearings.

More to follow.
This scumbag lawyer also defended the sexual harasser OReilly and other perv's along with the serial sex offender Trump. Yeah a real swell honest guy.

Who taught you that vulgarity is the equivalent of dispute?

No one ever loved you enough to teach you how to behave as an adult?

And here is a fool who rushed in to prove my claim.
You just do not like the Head lines because they tell the Truth about the Orange Horror you worship like Muslim on Ramadan

Actually, what I 'do not like' are liars and fools...e.g., you.

"Contrary to numerous false press accounts leading up to today's hearing, Mr. Comey has now finally confirmed publicly what he repeatedly told President Trump privately: That is , that the President was not under investigation as part of any probe into Russian interference. The President - Mr. Comey, he also admitted that there is no evidence that a single vote changed as a result of any Russian interference."
Marc Kasowitz
Marc Kasowitz is a Trump DEFENSE ATTORNEY who would be saying if he represented him , that Bill Cosby is a chaste Saint....

And here is a fool who rushed in to prove my claim.
You just do not like the Head lines because they tell the Truth about the Orange Horror you worship like Muslim on Ramadan

Actually, what I 'do not like' are liars and fools...e.g., you.

"Contrary to numerous false press accounts leading up to today's hearing, Mr. Comey has now finally confirmed publicly what he repeatedly told President Trump privately: That is , that the President was not under investigation as part of any probe into Russian interference. The President - Mr. Comey, he also admitted that there is no evidence that a single vote changed as a result of any Russian interference."
Marc Kasowitz
Marc Kasowitz is a Trump DEFENSE ATTORNEY who would be saying if he represented him , that Bill Cosby is a chaste Saint....

Mr. Kasowitz is your opposite: everything he said is the truth.
Kasowitz catches Comey is a hugggggge lie:

"Although Mr. Comey testified he only leaked the memos in response to a tweet, the public record reveals that the New York Times was quoting from these memos the day before the referenced tweet, which belies Mr. Comey's excuse for this unauthorized disclosure of privileged information and appears to entirely retaliatory.

We will leave it to the appropriate authorities to determine whether these leaks should be investigated along with all the others that are being investigated."
Read What Trump's Attorney Said After Comey's Testimony

Let's see what Comey's pal, Mueller, does with this fact.
Mr. Kasowitz is your opposite: everything he said is the truth.

So, will he be disbarred over his vile behavior here?

Maybe. He's got an ethics complaint against him coming. And it's a slam-dunk one. Judges, no matter what their politics, take a dim view of the sleaze the Trump team is pulling.
Mr. Kasowitz is your opposite: everything he said is the truth.

So, will he be disbarred over his vile behavior here?

Maybe. He's got an ethics complaint against him coming. And it's a slam-dunk one. Judges, no matter what their politics, take a dim view of the sleaze the Trump team is pulling.

Soooo....when there is no such charge presented....will you admit to being a low-life lying Liberal?

Of course....either way, it will have no effect on your reputation or lack of same.

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