Presidential Debates....only 3

Given the time frame, four is all the networks will carry. I'll watch the debates and CNN analysis.
Romney's performance in the three or four hundred debates of the primary season was pathetic. Since then he has wounded himself with so many flip flops, lies, gaffs and secrets that I don't see how he can survive even one.

Of course we don't really have debates. We have selective answering sessions. 'A question is asked and then the politician makes a speech on the subject of his choosing. The moderators don't seem to notice.

Has anyone ever learned anything from a presidential debate?
What sucks is that they don't have but 2 parties, and now they spend their time trying to not sound exactly the same. I wana see like 4 people up there, I doubt Republicans or Dems could win elections if they had to share a stage with other parties.

They have shared the the stage multiple times over the years. Third parties don't seem to work in America. We seem to feel that a vote for a third party candidate is wasted. Honesty would force you to admit this is true. A vote for your first choice who cannot win, is a vote taken from your second choice who has a chance of winning.

Over the years should a third party gain traction the two major parties simply co opt their popular positions.

I think there may be a solution. It is called "ranked choice" or "instant run off" voting. Here you get to vote for your candidates in order of preference.

There are those who say this is too cumbersome but in the few cities where it has been adopted it is no problem. The problem is getting the two parties to accept the system.
Reagan and carter only faced off once, the other debate they were supposed to have didn't happen, carter would not debate with Anderson on the stage, so he didn't come.
I can not wait to see them.
Hasn't it always been 3 debates?

The League of Women Voters used to run the debates. They acted as a go-between and you could have as many debates as the major parties agreed to. In 1996, I think, the D's and R's got together and decided they wanted to turn them into a co-hosted infomercial so they came up with this lame "Commission on Presidential Debates".

We should have a Constitution that mandates a minimum of 6. Three topics. In debate 1, 3, and 5, the debates are moderated. In 2, 4, 6, the same topics are discussed but in a format to where participants question one another about their statements in 1, 3 and 5.
.. and only one for the VP candidates..

I really think this sucks, I believe the American people deserve to know more on the views of these candidates...

A full test of their mettal before the American people..

(Personally, I believe Obama is to much of a coward to submit to the test and Democrats/liberal media will provide Obama with excuses)


2012 Presidential Debate Schedule

The dates and venues have been announced for the 2012 Presidential debates between President Obama and Mitt Romney. The date for the Vice Presidential debate has also been announced.

2012 Presidential Debate Schedule « 2012 Election Central

Romney won't know what hit him, Obama has very successfully debated some of the best, many times over.

If you were smart, that was rhetorical, you'd be trying to lower the bar for robot Romney, not raise it.
This say four though -.-

But I agree, 3-4 debates is...just a bad idea. With PACS and money buying influence I consider the debates to really be the only thing that matters in a campaign. Record is important too, but saying "Obama's record is bad, therefore we shouldn't vote for him" WILL unleash an unprecedented wave of congressional inaction.

I somewhat want Romney to win for that reason, to let the Cons get a taste of their own medicine, so to speak. (we'll see how good Romney's record is when dems filibuster every piece of legislation he tries to pass)
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It seems on both sides that they don't want us to know what the plan really is. At least I don't know now. We need more debates, got the keep those speech writers employeed by Obama now don't we.
It seems on both sides that they don't want us to know what the plan really is. At least I don't know now. We need more debates, got the keep those speech writers employeed by Obama now don't we.

I pay attention to politics on a daily basis. I am probably the only person living who has actually read Romney's "59 point economic plan". There is nothing there. It is simply warmed over Bush.

Now he has selected Paul Ryan as his running mate. Ryan is famous for his proposed budget. A real red meat conservative budget that screws everyone but the rich and corporations,

First thing Romney says is that he is not running on the Ryan budget. In whole? In part or not at all? Mitt will not say.

So once again there seems to be no substance to Romney's action. Simply a ploy to motivate the right wing base. There is nothing in it for them except the hope Mitt would die in office.

This has already been expressed in rightwing world.
It seems on both sides that they don't want us to know what the plan really is. At least I don't know now. We need more debates, got the keep those speech writers employeed by Obama now don't we.

I pay attention to politics on a daily basis. I am probably the only person living who has actually read Romney's "59 point economic plan". There is nothing there. It is simply warmed over Bush.

Now he has selected Paul Ryan as his running mate. Ryan is famous for his proposed budget. A real red meat conservative budget that screws everyone but the rich and corporations,

First thing Romney says is that he is not running on the Ryan budget. In whole? In part or not at all? Mitt will not say.

So once again there seems to be no substance to Romney's action. Simply a ploy to motivate the right wing base. There is nothing in it for them except the hope Mitt would die in office.

This has already been expressed in rightwing world.

What is your problem with him not saying while you support a side that has no intention of a plan period>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
It is true that Presidential debates don't inform us much. I am about as much of a politics watcher as anybody could be, and I rarely remember what any canidate says in a Presidential debate. They aren't debates but Q & A's. Depending on who is hosting the debate, the Q & A is generally constructed not to educate or improve what we know of the candidate's positions, but are more often structured to trip up candidates and perhaps to make one of them look good.

That is one thing I really came to appreciate about Newt Gingrich in the GOP candidate debates. He was having none of the 'gotcha' questions and pinned their ears back. I liked that a lot.
Actually one (1) debate between Mitt and Barry would be enough. Mitt will expose that Commie/failure full-blown in the first 30 minutes.
Are you concerned by the fact that Newt and all other major party candidates depend on the richest 1% of US voters to fund their campaigns?

Why would that be a matter of concern? It's not like the homeless drug addicts sleeping in alleys are funding anything. It is a perfectly good thing that there are rich people who are willing to pony up to support my views. I can't afford it. They can.
Are you concerned by the fact that Newt and all other major party candidates depend on the richest 1% of US voters to fund their campaigns?

Why would that be a matter of concern? It's not like the homeless drug addicts sleeping in alleys are funding anything. It is a perfectly good thing that there are rich people who are willing to pony up to support my views. I can't afford it. They can.
So you don't see how candidates funded by the richest 1% of voters would support the repeal of Glass-Steagall, for example?

"The Banking Act of 1933 (Pub.L. 73-66, 48 Stat. 162, enacted June 16, 1933) was a law that established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in the United States and imposed banking reforms, several of which were intended to control speculation."

Are you arguing in favor of more tax-free financial speculation?
It's always been three

Three works. Don't want that Mass Debates we saw in the Republican primaries
Are you concerned by the fact that Newt and all other major party candidates depend on the richest 1% of US voters to fund their campaigns?

Not at all. Those who provide most of the funding to run the country certainly should have the biggest voice in who collects and spends the funding. When we have a more equitable system to spread the burden, then we have more moral standing to require others to have a bigger voice:

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Here's the ratios in 2009:

Percentiles Ranked by AGI
Top 1% 36.73%
Top 5% 58.66%
Top 10% 70.47%
Top 25% 87.30%
Top 50% 97.75%
Bottom 50% 2.25%

It is a given that the numbers for 2010 and 2011 will be little different.
.. and only one for the VP candidates..

I really think this sucks, I believe the American people deserve to know more on the views of these candidates...

A full test of their mettal before the American people..

(Personally, I believe Obama is to much of a coward to submit to the test and Democrats/liberal media will provide Obama with excuses)


2012 Presidential Debate Schedule

The dates and venues have been announced for the 2012 Presidential debates between President Obama and Mitt Romney. The date for the Vice Presidential debate has also been announced.

2012 Presidential Debate Schedule « 2012 Election Central

Yeah... People wanted to know so much about Obama when they pulled the lever for him in 2008 didn't they?:lol:

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