President Trump Converts to Orthodox Judaism


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
" Dec 13, 2017 · 3 min read "

Trump’s decision comes after days of consulting with his D.C. area rabbi — Rabbi Gary Busey.

President Trump announced that he will follow in his beautiful daughter’s footsteps and convert to Orthodox Judaism. This is an unprecedented move for a President, but he is convinced this will help ease any harsh and negative feelings toward him since the Charlottesville attack and his plethora of blunders when it comes to race relations and anti-Semitism. Timed perfectly for Hanukkah and the holiday season, Trump’s decision comes after days of consulting with his D.C. area rabbi — Rabbi Gary Busey.

President Trump is committed to only eating kosher food even though it means giving up his late-night fast food treats like McDonald’s and taco bowl from the Trump Grill. But he is very much looking forward to gefilte fish and traditional potato stew, chulent. It is unclear whether Melania and Baron will convert as well, but President Trump is encouraging them to join him. Even if that means Melania will have to wear long skirts and wigs.

“I love the Jewish people,” Trump said in a statement. “Last year I enjoyed a great Hanukah with the latkes and the dreidels at my amazing Mar-a-Lago, and I figured why not wear a yarmulke and just convert. I intend on making religion great again, too. Believe me.”

Things that make you go HHHHMMMMMM
NOTHING will ever change Donald J Trump.
He'll continue eating crap and not attending church. ;)

One doesn't convert to Judaism, let alone Orthodox Judaism, days after one consultation with a Rabbi.
Actually the OP is quite clever because of all the misinformation that is directed president Trumps way by not just the media but many political pundits and so called experts not to mention Hollywood types. If Donald did really convert to judiasm just think how all those guys would spin it in negative ways like they are doing with everything else.... As for Gary Bussey never really liked him as an actor and he made a scary drag queen in that movie on the boat with Stephen Seagal...

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