President Obama, the Great Uniter


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Lets see..

1st there was the interview where he said he would destroy coal and gas sales and drive them out of business.

Then we had his little tirade about how people that disagree with him cling to religion and guns.

The ever going attempt to paint anyone that disagrees with him as a racist.

His claim that returning vets were all suspected terrorists.

His claim that Republicans are the enemy.

His claim that Fox News is dangerous.

His refusal to mention the creator in the documents that formed this country.

His attack on the middle class.

His attack on business.

His desire to raise taxes during a recession.

I can probably go on.
Driving Insurance companies out of business so the only thing left is for the government to step in and take over health care.Which was the plan from the beginning.
You're forgetting that just last week he called the voters "stupid" for not just charging out to vote Democrat.
You people would HATE anyone who did not have the R after their names.

You can not be united with anything but the failed republican ideas you refuse to accept as the cause of the vast majority of the problems you cheered the creation of during the Bush years.
Sure, if you tell me what interview or speech or statement you're referring to; it'll be very simple to settle the question one way or the other. You said it happened "just last week" so I assume you have a specific incident in mind. What is it?
Sure, if you tell me what interview or speech or statement you're referring to; it'll be very simple to settle the question one way or the other. You said it happened "just last week" so I assume you have a specific incident in mind. What is it?

Never assume.
Either post proof he did not say that or STFU.
He certainly does seem bent on not only painting his oppenents in Congress as the enemy, but average Americans as well. Even worse, he encourages pitting Americans against Americans. He appears to revel in it during his recent campaign rallies. I know it's what gets his base whipped up, but it's so not any sort of positive change that many expected from him when he promised no more politics as usual.
You people would HATE anyone who did not have the R after their names.

You can not be united with anything but the failed republican ideas you refuse to accept as the cause of the vast majority of the problems you cheered the creation of during the Bush years.

So, we take this to mean you whole heartedly support obie wan's devisive actions and statements?
Never assume.
Either post proof he did not say that or STFU.

How could I post proof he didn't say something? That makes no sense. If you want to use quotation marks you should be able to produce a quote when asked.

Pony up or learn to use quotation marks properly.

Hey, this is the new standard of proof. I didn't make it. The Obama Administration made it.
Hey I dont have proof so I'll just say "Obama said" and it shall be dumbasses and idiots
Sure, if you tell me what interview or speech or statement you're referring to; it'll be very simple to settle the question one way or the other. You said it happened "just last week" so I assume you have a specific incident in mind. What is it?

Never assume.
Either post proof he did not say that or STFU.

As soon as you post proof that you didn't diddle that 3 yr old Down's syndrome boy.
I had thought that President Obama was supposed to be a uniter. That not only would he unite us as a country, but our foreign policy would not only unite our allies, but would make our enemies far less hostile and more friendly.

It seems that the Republican party is more united that it was two years ago. United against President Obama. Not the kind of uniter that I had heard about. This is to be expect to a certain degree, but what really concerns me is that I am seeing this same situation overseas as well. I do not see our allies as being more united WITH us. What is even worse, I see our enemies as being far more united against us as well. This is not as apparent today as it will be within the next few years.
for some reason since jan of 08, I have still been getting in the mail..ON A MONTHLY BASIS none the less this statement from some bank demanding money from me for the home that I live in.....

i thought that was going to stop
Hey I dont have proof so I'll just say "Obama said" and it shall be dumbasses and idiots

Works for this administration. They just make shit up and run with it. Or did you miss the whole Fox news is bad for the Country, Americans are to stupid to know who to vote for and of course the ludicrous claim that the money spent by a certain group was from foreign sources with absolutely no evidence to back it up, so weak in fact even the Liberal press has hounded the Admin for making the false claim.
I'm hoping that in another two years when this assclown Obama is voted out of office that he will disappear and never be heard of again.
I'm hoping that in another two years when this assclown Obama is voted out of office that he will disappear and never be heard of again.

one can only hope.

hopefully pelosi and reid go out of existence with him in the very near future

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