President Joe Biden Is A Threat To National Security


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Biden HIMSELF has proven he is a direct THREAT to our National Security:

Biden's family has been exposed as having been involved in financial scandals and campaigns for decades, to include Extortion, Influence Peddling, Russian Money Laundering, and taking approx 1 BILLION dollars from the CCP, meaning Joe Biden was compromised before he ever began running for President.

The fact was exposed that during his election campaign Joe Biden took MILLIONS of dollars from the US' enemies Russia and the CCP.

President Biden is mentally unfit to carry out the duties and responsibilities as President.

President Biden himself has declared on numerous occasions that her is not in control, is not making his own decisions as President, that he is given orders on when to take press conferences, that he is told which reporters he can call on and which ones he can not, that is ir told which questions / topics he is allowed to answer / talk about and which ones he is not, and he has 'handlers' who monitor his speaking events and who cut his microphone off if he goes off script.
- Neither Congress nor the American people know who those handlers are.
- Congress, Americans, & our allies have no clue who is really in charge - Americans & allies losing confidence in Biden & wonder who is in charge - our enemies are already moving to take advantage of the confusion and weakness (Russia, China, Taliban...)

Almost immediately upon becoming President, Biden:
- Surrendered our energy Independence
- Supported our enemy's strengthening its choke-hold on NATO's / Western Europe's energy dependence
- Surrendered both our National Border security and National security by ending every on-going Immigration policy and replacing it with an Open Border Policy
-- Surrendered control of the border to Cartels and Coyotes, according to Biden's Immigration Czar
- Has intentionally lied to Congress and the American people by claiming there is no crisis on the southern border, jeopardizing National Security
- Created a humanitarian crisis on the border
- Continues to illegally traffic illegal liens / children all over the US
- Has created the largest drug trafficking event in US history
- Has created the largest human / child / sex trafficking event in US history
- Has created the largest COVID-19 Super-Spreader event ever
- Has vilified/demonized unvaccinated Americans, calling them killers, while exempting Congress, Illegals entering the US/he is trafficking all over the US, Democrat Governors / Mayors & Hollywood elites
- Put thousands of Americans out of work
- Sent more troops into Syria (and later declared the US has no troops in Syria)
- Completely f*ed up the Afghanistan withdrawal
-- Got 13 military members needlessly killed
-- Lied to Americans & allies, betrayed them, left Americans behind in Afghanistan
-- UK Parliament coted President Biden 'In Contempt of Parliament'
-- UK vowed NOT to work w/US militarily again w/US as long as Biden remains President
-- US Credibility damaged, President Biden's credibility DESTROYED - he has none.
- Did NOTHING in response to Russia hacking of US energy and food distribution
-- Gave Putin a list of 18 critical infrastructure and ASKED him not to attack THOSE 18 'targets'
-- Displayed weakness to the entire world.

Biden promised to be a UNITER & everything he is doing divides the nation.

Domestic Policies failing
- Border crisis
- Violence ravaging cities
- Un-Constitutional Mask / Vaccine Mandates / Vaccine Passports
-- Democrat Party Politicians constantly breaking President's / their own edicts
-- Biden exempted Politicians / Democrats / Illegals / Hollywood elites
-- BLM protesting Racist Vaccine Passports intended to keep blacks 'out of places'
- Economy
- Energy

Foreign Policy
- Failed Afghanistan withdrawal
- Lost trust of Allies
- Lost assistance / cooperation from allies
- Australia-US Sub deal causes ally Fr to withdraw Ambassador - more strain with allies
- Sect of State Blinken removes statement that US will stand with people of Hong Kong
-- Sign of further weakness
-- Many wonder more if Biden has been compromised by CCP

As many predicted of the obviously dementia-suffering, scandal-plagued former VP, Biden and his Presidency thus far are a disaster.

President Biden HIMSELF has proven he is a direct THREAT to our National Security:

Biden's family has been exposed as having been involved in financial scandals and campaigns for decades, to include Extortion, Influence Peddling, Russian Money Laundering, and taking approx 1 BILLION dollars from the CCP, meaning Joe Biden was compromised before he ever began running for President.

The fact was exposed that during his election campaign Joe Biden took MILLIONS of dollars from the US' enemies Russia and the CCP.

President Biden is mentally unfit to carry out the duties and responsibilities as President.

President Biden himself has declared on numerous occasions that her is not in control, is not making his own decisions as President, that he is given orders on when to take press conferences, that he is told which reporters he can call on and which ones he can not, that is ir told which questions / topics he is allowed to answer / talk about and which ones he is not, and he has 'handlers' who monitor his speaking events and who cut his microphone off if he goes off script.
- Neither Congress nor the American people know who those handlers are.
- Congress, Americans, & our allies have no clue who is really in charge - Americans & allies losing confidence in Biden & wonder who is in charge - our enemies are already moving to take advantage of the confusion and weakness (Russia, China, Taliban...)

Almost immediately upon becoming President, Biden:
- Surrendered our energy Independence
- Supported our enemy's strengthening its choke-hold on NATO's / Western Europe's energy dependence
- Surrendered both our National Border security and National security by ending every on-going Immigration policy and replacing it with an Open Border Policy
-- Surrendered control of the border to Cartels and Coyotes, according to Biden's Immigration Czar
- Has intentionally lied to Congress and the American people by claiming there is no crisis on the southern border, jeopardizing National Security
- Created a humanitarian crisis on the border
- Continues to illegally traffic illegal liens / children all over the US
- Has created the largest drug trafficking event in US history
- Has created the largest human / child / sex trafficking event in US history
- Has created the largest COVID-19 Super-Spreader event ever
- Has vilified/demonized unvaccinated Americans, calling them killers, while exempting Congress, Illegals entering the US/he is trafficking all over the US, Democrat Governors / Mayors & Hollywood elites
- Put thousands of Americans out of work
- Sent more troops into Syria (and later declared the US has no troops in Syria)
- Completely f*ed up the Afghanistan withdrawal
-- Got 13 military members needlessly killed
-- Lied to Americans & allies, betrayed them, left Americans behind in Afghanistan
-- UK Parliament coted President Biden 'In Contempt of Parliament'
-- UK vowed NOT to work w/US militarily again w/US as long as Biden remains President
-- US Credibility damaged, President Biden's credibility DESTROYED - he has none.
- Did NOTHING in response to Russia hacking of US energy and food distribution
-- Gave Putin a list of 18 critical infrastructure and ASKED him not to attack THOSE 18 'targets'
-- Displayed weakness to the entire world.

Biden promised to be a UNITER & everything he is doing divides the nation.

Domestic Policies failing
- Border crisis
- Violence ravaging cities
- Un-Constitutional Mask / Vaccine Mandates / Vaccine Passports
-- Democrat Party Politicians constantly breaking President's / their own edicts
-- Biden exempted Politicians / Democrats / Illegals / Hollywood elites
-- BLM protesting Racist Vaccine Passports intended to keep blacks 'out of places'
- Economy
- Energy

Foreign Policy
- Failed Afghanistan withdrawal
- Lost trust of Allies
- Lost assistance / cooperation from allies
- Australia-US Sub deal causes ally Fr to withdraw Ambassador - more strain with allies
- Sect of State Blinken removes statement that US will stand with people of Hong Kong
-- Sign of further weakness
-- Many wonder more if Biden has been compromised by CCP

As many predicted of the obviously dementia-suffering, scandal-plagued former VP, Biden and his Presidency thus far are a disaster.

Time for Milley to step in and take charge.
President Biden HIMSELF has proven he is a direct THREAT to our National Security:

Biden's family has been exposed as having been involved in financial scandals and campaigns for decades, to include Extortion, Influence Peddling, Russian Money Laundering, and taking approx 1 BILLION dollars from the CCP, meaning Joe Biden was compromised before he ever began running for President.

The fact was exposed that during his election campaign Joe Biden took MILLIONS of dollars from the US' enemies Russia and the CCP.

President Biden is mentally unfit to carry out the duties and responsibilities as President.

President Biden himself has declared on numerous occasions that her is not in control, is not making his own decisions as President, that he is given orders on when to take press conferences, that he is told which reporters he can call on and which ones he can not, that is ir told which questions / topics he is allowed to answer / talk about and which ones he is not, and he has 'handlers' who monitor his speaking events and who cut his microphone off if he goes off script.
- Neither Congress nor the American people know who those handlers are.
- Congress, Americans, & our allies have no clue who is really in charge - Americans & allies losing confidence in Biden & wonder who is in charge - our enemies are already moving to take advantage of the confusion and weakness (Russia, China, Taliban...)

Almost immediately upon becoming President, Biden:
- Surrendered our energy Independence
- Supported our enemy's strengthening its choke-hold on NATO's / Western Europe's energy dependence
- Surrendered both our National Border security and National security by ending every on-going Immigration policy and replacing it with an Open Border Policy
-- Surrendered control of the border to Cartels and Coyotes, according to Biden's Immigration Czar
- Has intentionally lied to Congress and the American people by claiming there is no crisis on the southern border, jeopardizing National Security
- Created a humanitarian crisis on the border
- Continues to illegally traffic illegal liens / children all over the US
- Has created the largest drug trafficking event in US history
- Has created the largest human / child / sex trafficking event in US history
- Has created the largest COVID-19 Super-Spreader event ever
- Has vilified/demonized unvaccinated Americans, calling them killers, while exempting Congress, Illegals entering the US/he is trafficking all over the US, Democrat Governors / Mayors & Hollywood elites
- Put thousands of Americans out of work
- Sent more troops into Syria (and later declared the US has no troops in Syria)
- Completely f*ed up the Afghanistan withdrawal
-- Got 13 military members needlessly killed
-- Lied to Americans & allies, betrayed them, left Americans behind in Afghanistan
-- UK Parliament coted President Biden 'In Contempt of Parliament'
-- UK vowed NOT to work w/US militarily again w/US as long as Biden remains President
-- US Credibility damaged, President Biden's credibility DESTROYED - he has none.
- Did NOTHING in response to Russia hacking of US energy and food distribution
-- Gave Putin a list of 18 critical infrastructure and ASKED him not to attack THOSE 18 'targets'
-- Displayed weakness to the entire world.

Biden promised to be a UNITER & everything he is doing divides the nation.

Domestic Policies failing
- Border crisis
- Violence ravaging cities
- Un-Constitutional Mask / Vaccine Mandates / Vaccine Passports
-- Democrat Party Politicians constantly breaking President's / their own edicts
-- Biden exempted Politicians / Democrats / Illegals / Hollywood elites
-- BLM protesting Racist Vaccine Passports intended to keep blacks 'out of places'
- Economy
- Energy

Foreign Policy
- Failed Afghanistan withdrawal
- Lost trust of Allies
- Lost assistance / cooperation from allies
- Australia-US Sub deal causes ally Fr to withdraw Ambassador - more strain with allies
- Sect of State Blinken removes statement that US will stand with people of Hong Kong
-- Sign of further weakness
-- Many wonder more if Biden has been compromised by CCP

As many predicted of the obviously dementia-suffering, scandal-plagued former VP, Biden and his Presidency thus far are a disaster.


Thanks for the post.. Your an obvious Russian plant and if you don't like Biden we must be doing something right...

Good luck Comrade...

Thanks for the post.. Your an obvious Russian plant and if you don't like Biden we must be doing something right...
Biden took millions from both the CCP and Russia. If you already knew this on top of the disaster he has been so far as President, and you still want him as President / still defend him then YOU are probably the one who is the Russian plant. Only one of our enemies would want this dementia-ravaged, compromised, weak President who is doing more harm than good to the US.
easyt65 Exactly what I've been saying. It is more than incompetence and his sputtering brain. Every decision he has made damages America. That cannot be a coincidence. He is absolutely a danger to national security and the enemy of American citizens.
Sure last week Harris was making all the desisions and the week before it was the deep state…

can ye make up your mind…
Claims of influence-peddling are common in DC and Trumpybears children have also been accused of conflicts of interest in lucrative business deals overseas. They, too, deny wrongdoing.
President Biden HIMSELF has proven he is a direct THREAT to our National Security:

Biden's family has been exposed as having been involved in financial scandals and campaigns for decades, to include Extortion, Influence Peddling, Russian Money Laundering, and taking approx 1 BILLION dollars from the CCP, meaning Joe Biden was compromised before he ever began running for President.

The fact was exposed that during his election campaign Joe Biden took MILLIONS of dollars from the US' enemies Russia and the CCP.

President Biden is mentally unfit to carry out the duties and responsibilities as President.

President Biden himself has declared on numerous occasions that her is not in control, is not making his own decisions as President, that he is given orders on when to take press conferences, that he is told which reporters he can call on and which ones he can not, that is ir told which questions / topics he is allowed to answer / talk about and which ones he is not, and he has 'handlers' who monitor his speaking events and who cut his microphone off if he goes off script.
- Neither Congress nor the American people know who those handlers are.
- Congress, Americans, & our allies have no clue who is really in charge - Americans & allies losing confidence in Biden & wonder who is in charge - our enemies are already moving to take advantage of the confusion and weakness (Russia, China, Taliban...)

Almost immediately upon becoming President, Biden:
- Surrendered our energy Independence
- Supported our enemy's strengthening its choke-hold on NATO's / Western Europe's energy dependence
- Surrendered both our National Border security and National security by ending every on-going Immigration policy and replacing it with an Open Border Policy
-- Surrendered control of the border to Cartels and Coyotes, according to Biden's Immigration Czar
- Has intentionally lied to Congress and the American people by claiming there is no crisis on the southern border, jeopardizing National Security
- Created a humanitarian crisis on the border
- Continues to illegally traffic illegal liens / children all over the US
- Has created the largest drug trafficking event in US history
- Has created the largest human / child / sex trafficking event in US history
- Has created the largest COVID-19 Super-Spreader event ever
- Has vilified/demonized unvaccinated Americans, calling them killers, while exempting Congress, Illegals entering the US/he is trafficking all over the US, Democrat Governors / Mayors & Hollywood elites
- Put thousands of Americans out of work
- Sent more troops into Syria (and later declared the US has no troops in Syria)
- Completely f*ed up the Afghanistan withdrawal
-- Got 13 military members needlessly killed
-- Lied to Americans & allies, betrayed them, left Americans behind in Afghanistan
-- UK Parliament coted President Biden 'In Contempt of Parliament'
-- UK vowed NOT to work w/US militarily again w/US as long as Biden remains President
-- US Credibility damaged, President Biden's credibility DESTROYED - he has none.
- Did NOTHING in response to Russia hacking of US energy and food distribution
-- Gave Putin a list of 18 critical infrastructure and ASKED him not to attack THOSE 18 'targets'
-- Displayed weakness to the entire world.

Biden promised to be a UNITER & everything he is doing divides the nation.

Domestic Policies failing
- Border crisis
- Violence ravaging cities
- Un-Constitutional Mask / Vaccine Mandates / Vaccine Passports
-- Democrat Party Politicians constantly breaking President's / their own edicts
-- Biden exempted Politicians / Democrats / Illegals / Hollywood elites
-- BLM protesting Racist Vaccine Passports intended to keep blacks 'out of places'
- Economy
- Energy

Foreign Policy
- Failed Afghanistan withdrawal
- Lost trust of Allies
- Lost assistance / cooperation from allies
- Australia-US Sub deal causes ally Fr to withdraw Ambassador - more strain with allies
- Sect of State Blinken removes statement that US will stand with people of Hong Kong
-- Sign of further weakness
-- Many wonder more if Biden has been compromised by CCP

As many predicted of the obviously dementia-suffering, scandal-plagued former VP, Biden and his Presidency thus far are a disaster.

He is also a threat to the diaper industry and causing diaper shortages Joe is so full of shit!

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