President Donald Trump Has Gotten More Accomplished In One Day Than Biden Ever Got Accomplished In Four Years

Biden got a lot done quickly. He created major economic destruction in his first week and piled onto that within two months.
You hurt the cause for trump supporters the fact you still promote the fantasy thst oswald shot jfk when rfk jr is correct the cia killed him,you are as much a fake trump supporter as political chic is who only voted fir trump only cause the name Republican was attached to it,unlike true trump supporters who would still have voted for him even if he was a dem.
And even before he got sworn into office. I would ask the liberals for comment but I know that it's pointless to. Most of them have run off now anyways.
Hey April,
How's trump doing?

Is your 401K or Personal Investment Account improving? LOOLL

Fuck no, you receive NO ADDITIONAL benefit, because you are a freeloader......and trump will soon take AWAY your freebies.

Do IT trump.
I don't need to tell you anything for once as all you'll have to do is watch how the cost of living drastically improves and shopping at the grocery store and for gasoline is going to become much easier. Your life will improve and you don't even know it yet.

sealybobo was on the suicide hotline watch dame as wanker and Billo_Really so sure trump would not come back,they are paid shills for the Dems who hate America,they will be mad when trump dies thst.

He indeed has already accomplished more than in one day than Biden did in four years. :yes_text12:

Your wasting your breath on people like smellybozos and billo Reilly lying trolls who hate America.
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Again, I don't feel like I have to answer you this time. I'm just going to let Trump's actions speak for themselves. Besides, you democrats haven't given us any answers for any of our questions for four years and now it's my turn because frankly I'm exhausted talking about the past.
:TH_WAY~113: :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:The understatement of the century,they do this when they are backed up against the wall with nowhere to run when proven wrong.:scared1:
Keep whining cupcake. Your woke, inflationary, pro-war, secretive, lying, illegal-over-American ideology was smacked down completely.

Intelligence demands to not have voted Democrat.
Unless you hate America as he obviously does.he can’t deal with reality thst rfk jr is correct thst the democrat party is not what it used to be,that jfk and rfk are rolling over in their graves whst their party has become. :abgg2q.jpg:
Gas prices were roughly the same at the beginning of the Biden Administration as they are now.

I don''t know why you Trump clowns make such ridiculous claims.
TimFitz you just proved for us why biden was a traiter,of course they were the same st the BEGINNING of Biden’s term in office because he inherited whst trump did,the gas prices git lower this year sense it was an election year,most his term,they skyrocketed. :rofl: You clowns cripple your arguments.:abgg2q.jpg:
Smellybozo gets owned as always. :abgg2q.jpg:

Afghan refugees and active duty military dependents. What a guy that Trump is.

Yep, he racking them up. Healthcare cuts.
What a nut,using the corporate controlled media as a source,talk about desperation,comedy gold. :rofl:
Trump has done jack shit but tear up old agreements and erase old orders.

Which did an awful lot.

:TH_WAY~113: :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:The understatement of the century,they do this when they are backed up against the wall with nowhere to run when proven wrong.:scared1:

Figuratively speaking I just poisoned them with their own medicine. Notice that they didn't have any snappy comebacks when I pointed out the fact that the left never answered our questions for four years? Well, payback's a bitch ain't it? 😁
RoadRunner and LA RAM FAN....You guys DO realize he just backed another mRNA vaccine through an AI project announced today, and this comes days after a friendly meeting with Kill Gates discussing more vaccines? And that's just one aspect of this Stargate project, which sure as hell looks like a step in the direction of technocracy and transhumanism. I mean, I know you guys are going to hate me for this, but all of you all need to wake up. :slap:

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RoadRunner and LA....You guys DO realize he just backed another mRNA vaccine through an AI project announced today, and this comes days after a friendly meeting with Kill Gates discussing more vaccines? And that's just one aspect of this Stargate project, which sure as hell looks like a step in the direction of technocracy and transhumanism. I mean, I know you guys are going to hate me for this, but all of you all need to wake up. :slap:

I can't comment because I missed this briefing earlier and I haven't had a chance to catch up on it yet. I was just getting ready to but it sounds like Trump is making a mistake with this one.

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