President Donald Trump Has Gotten More Accomplished In One Day Than Biden Ever Got Accomplished In Four Years

Trump missed TWO deadlines

That's two broken promises in two days.

Remember I said the economy is great except for uneducated blue collar people who don't own homes or have 401K's?

Joe Biden leaves the presidency with what appears to be a sterling economic record.

Inflation and its onerous burden on households, particularly those at the lower end of the income spectrum, dwarfed all the other good that happened on Biden’s watch.

Inflation that started on Trump's watch.

hiring proceeding at a solid clip, gross domestic product on the rise and consumers still spending at a strong pace.

Even with the pace of inflation slowing markedly from its mid-2022 peak, consumers, investors and business owners continually cite it as their most pressing issue.

“Biden inherited an economy that was flat on its back because of the pandemic, and he’s bequeathing an economy that’s flying high,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics. “Having said that, there are blemishes in the minds of many Americans ... They feel ripped off.”

These Americans are the uneducated blue collar workers that Trump fooled into thinking he'd raise their wages and lower prices

So even with an unemployment rate down dramatically from when he took office, even with growth at 3%, and even with an economy that is the envy of the rest of the world, the Biden economic story is one that has an unhappy ending as Donald Trump prepares to head back to the White House on Monday.

From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

The country’s current “inflationary spiral” can also be traced back to COVID-19, Maher said, describing the trillions of dollars the government issued throughout the pandemic. This, he noted, should not be pinned on President Joe Biden, but his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

“We’re going to bring back Trump?” he asked. “The guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check? Talk about not learning anything.”

Republicans on USMB. You are not smarter than Christie, Ron D and Maher. And they weren't lying to you. Trump is.
Please note the civility and patriotism that Biden showed trump when he was welcomed into the WH. Now compare that to the whiny old man that refused to accept defeat in 2020. And you call Dem authoritarian? trump is showing his imperialistic side as he threaten allies and tries to change the name of bodies of water.
you scared jimmy?....
Start with insulin.
I'd have the check the list for the rest.
But insulin was a biggie. First for medicare patients, then for everyone.
i was getting insulin that cost me 35 dollars long before biden or trump....and if it only covers people on medicare part d then for others its not so great is it?...
Gas prices were roughly the same at the beginning of the Biden Administration as they are now.

I don''t know why you Trump clowns make such ridiculous claims.
That’s because they spiked after Biden put the clamps on future oil leases one week into office.
The price was $1.79 in West Alton, MO on Jan 20, 2021. By the next month, the price was already over $3. The price remained about double on average for the next four years.
i was getting insulin that cost me 35 dollars long before biden or trump....and if it only covers people on medicare part d then for others its not so great is it?...
Examples of insulin costs

Lantus: Uninsured or cash paying patients pay $35 per 30-day supply.
Eli Lilly: Eli Lilly insulins are capped at $35 per month for people with commercial insurance.

As of January 1, 2023, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) caps out-of-pocket insulin costs for Medicare Part D enrollees at $35 per month.
That’s because they spiked after Biden put the clamps on future oil leases one week into office.
The price was $1.79 in West Alton, MO on Jan 20, 2021. By the next month, the price was already over $3. The price remained about double on average for the next four years.
That price was also after the COVID shutdown. The price was low because nobody was driving. In fact there was a month where the futures price of a barrel of oil, had the oil producer paying people to take away the oil.

All the reserves were full from the excess supply caused by reduced demand.

So when Biden opened up the economy after vaccinating people at a record rate, the demand spiked, and continued.
Did you not do well under Biden?

From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

You must not have stocks or own a home.
What pleases me is America rejected those stories. Say hello to your president.
In other words, A Democrat will come in one day and fix everything he screws up.
Democrats and Republicans have caused this present situation - Trump is simply a self-centered demagogue and a human scumbag. Like so many politicians. Simply living off the plight of Americans and it's disgruntled population.

The American culture since the forming of the USA has always been a vibrant and extreme capitalistic and conservative society - that simply adheres to the principle the strong win and the weak lose. On the other hand this has also caused another solely American type of culture that shows itself when it comes to solidarity towards people that have run into problems - not having been under their control. E.g. due to sickness or a natural disaster. This being in a stark contrast to Lefty/Libs, simply demanding the government to take care.

The Democrats have simply ignored this American culture - imposing Lefty/Lib policies, that have never been shared by the majority of the American people - and Lefty/Libs have been systematically blackmailing the respective administrations via mass demonstrations - that in the end always turned into violent riots - or actions that intentionally disrupted the economy - aka this vibrant and extreme capitalistic society.

The Republicans never did anything seriously against these matters - but simply made sure that the upper-middle & upper-class still made their $$ out of whatever situation.

This brings us to the era Obama - a black president, an issue that this conservative US society simply couldn't take anymore in conjunction with all these other IMPOSED laws - that only made Lefty/Libs (a minority) happy, but no one else.

All a capitalistic, self-centered, human scumbag and demagogue had to do - was to simply pick up these resentments harbored since more then 40 years and finally brought to a boiling-point (that black president) - then simply blaming the Democrats for everything, denouncing Republicans as RINO's and presenting himself as the Savior of the nation, however foremost to supporters of his newly shaped/formed Cult - MAGA.

And just as Lefty/Libs they came to the conclusion that only violence and blackmailing the establishment will help to change things.
And all this, simply becasue ALL these politicians failed miserably.

Somehow sounds all too familiar in regards to an Austrian in the 20'ies to 30'ies - who found loads of disgruntled people in Germany

Just my 2 cents. in view of a far more complex situation.
What do you mean the country did terrible. Did Elon do terrible? Nope. Did Bezos? Nope. Did you or I? Nope. So who did terrible?

I know the answer I want to see if you know.
The ultra rich did the best under Obama. Everyone forgets that.
What pleases me is America rejected those stories. Say hello to your president.
I told Hollie nothing Trump has done so far affects me. Does anything he has done so far affected you?

If he cuts my social security or if Oz raises my out of pocket for medicare, I'll let you know. If he slows up the economy. If unemployment goes up. The stock market crashes. If the gap between the rich and poor grows.

All the shit that happened under Bush and you defended him. Then it happened under Obama and you bashed him for it. Because you are political hacks. Your opinions change depending on who's in the White House. When we are running the show you even sided with Putin over Democrats.
Examples of insulin costs

Lantus: Uninsured or cash paying patients pay $35 per 30-day supply.
Eli Lilly: Eli Lilly insulins are capped at $35 per month for people with commercial insurance.

As of January 1, 2023, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) caps out-of-pocket insulin costs for Medicare Part D enrollees at $35 per month.
like i said if you aint on medicare and you aint on part D it dont mean much...
Keep whining cupcake. Your woke, inflationary, pro-war, secretive, lying, illegal-over-American ideology was smacked down completely.

Intelligence demands to not have voted Democrat.

That’s because they spiked after Biden put the clamps on future oil leases one week into office.
The price was $1.79 in West Alton, MO on Jan 20, 2021. By the next month, the price was already over $3. The price remained about double on average for the next four years.

Leasing real estate has nothing to do with oil production. Big oil is awash in leased Federal land. For the most part, the only thing they do with it is depreciated the estimated reserves against their taxes.

Nor does the oil industry need federal land to produce oil.

If you though any of this through for a minute, you'd realized all this oil industry BS that circulates in right wing trash media is fake.

Remember, these are the same guys who knew their product caused global warming 40 years ago, and constructed an eleborate public relations scheme to tell the public the opposite.

$3 a gallon prices were the norm throughout the Trump Administration. They collapsed during the Covid shutdown and gradually increased thereafter.
I told Hollie nothing Trump has done so far affects me. Does anything he has done so far affected you?

If he cuts my social security or if Oz raises my out of pocket for medicare, I'll let you know. If he slows up the economy. If unemployment goes up. The stock market crashes. If the gap between the rich and poor grows.

All the shit that happened under Bush and you defended him. Then it happened under Obama and you bashed him for it. Because you are political hacks. Your opinions change depending on who's in the White House. When we are running the show you even sided with Putin over Democrats.
Not this quick. Trump will not tamper with social security or Medicare. I am not jealous of those you call rich. A reason for this is they pay the most to the feds. They don't deserve to be crapped on. For the income they get, their enterprises hire people, pay benefits and the incomes the workers get are taxed.

As to Bush, my defense was to correct false stories told about him. As doing his job, just as a citizen I saw little done by Bush that was wrong. As to Obama, I don't recall attacking him. My assessment is he served a brief time as a Senator. This means he had knowledge of government operations but he also was human and able to perform with flaws.

I have never sided with Putin.
no you have to take part D...many dont want it....
I have reported that after Biden took action, the cost of my drug Trulicity tripled in price. Recently the cost fell to nothing at all.

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