Precious Little Snowflakes


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
Hillary supporters on the 2A.

The kid from Campus Reform should have asked a follow up question about what they propose should be done about the people who refused to go along with repealing the 2A. That would have been interesting to listen to.

Hillary Clinton supporters = too stupid to live. Every last one of them
Snowflakes on the right think a Clinton presidency means an attempt to repeal the 2d.
Hillary supporters on the 2A.

The kid from Campus Reform should have asked a follow up question about what they propose should be done about the people who refused to go along with repealing the 2A. That would have been interesting to listen to.


Not an IQ in the whole group, not a single free thought, no grasp of why it's there.

public edjimuhkatshun at it's best.
Yup. Dumber than a box of rocks. In fact, that box of rocks is smarter than any one of those people.
Yup. Dumber than a box of rocks. In fact, that box of rocks is smarter than any one of those people.

Sadly, they'd be the first to tell you how smart they are and how stupid you are. Plenty of those types here on USMB.
The little con snowflakes wail and flail.

The 2A is safe from Hillary and from the far right.
Hillary supporters on the 2A.

The kid from Campus Reform should have asked a follow up question about what they propose should be done about the people who refused to go along with repealing the 2A. That would have been interesting to listen to.

Future generations are retarded, just like in Orwell's book. Their so fucking gullible and clueless The federal government will have no problem running all over these fucking fools and turning them into slaves… LOL
Then we are safe, because the youth and young adults abhor Communist Trump.
That's higher education? Lol
The real world is going to kick their little PC snowflake asses…
My,my, so you pick some really dumb kids to say they represent a whole generation. And I can pick a few of your rightwingnut retards to represent all of you 'Conservatives'.

Now, I go to school with those kids, and most are far more informed and level headed than you 'Conservatives'. Many are holding to part time jobs and taking 2/3 rds load. Not that most of you would have any idea what that means in terms of work load.

On the whole, I find this upcoming generation to be good people. Of course, it has the same amount of fruitloops as the prior generations, and most of those will be 'Conservatives'. LOL
2nd Amendment. Will still be there for many generations. Citizen owned assault rifles? Probably have the same limitations that are presently on the Thompson .45. And it will not even affect most gun owners, of which I am one.

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