POTUS Biden, his position on the border?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
So yeah, Biden was never his own guy, he's just a politician right, America rejected transparency in preference for words, so Xiden was appointed.

Here's a story of a POTUS who tells his people one thing and secretly does the opposite. Fuck I don't get it, according to Xiden the only thing Trump did right was a vaccine was built on his watch.

In January, international human rights groups pummeled the government of Guatemala for its use of batons, tear gas, and troops to break up a migrant caravan that had swelled to some 9,000 people mainly on incoming President Joe Biden's promises that all who wished to cross the U.S. border would find a warm embrace inside the United States.

That January 2021 caravan (which CIS covered extensively) seemed timed to reach the U.S. border right around inauguration day, which would have forced a policy choice to either reward the caravanners with mass-entry that would spawn many more behind it, or use tear gas and batons on women and children on television, like in November 2018 on the California border. Thanks to the Guatemalans choosing to exercise the latter option at their own border (and a Mexican military prepared to do so if the Guatemalans failed), the new Biden administration was spared the politically awkward optics of either alternative.

But now, yet another caravan reportedly is gathering, its participants no doubt determined to test if – this time – Guatemala and Mexico will let them through or be willing to again take the political heat that comes when federal police beat migrants in front of television cameras.

On Friday, February 12, Alejandra Mean, a spokeswoman for the Guatemalan Migration Institute, told reporters of a "possible entry of a massive group of people" from Honduras and El Salvador this coming week.

Central American nations and Mexico have long allowed their territories to be used as migrant transit superhighways to the U.S. border. It has been customary to allow immigrants through, so long as they kept going to the next country north, something like the hot-potato game, to eventually become an American problem and not linger to become a domestic one.

That was the circumstance until President Donald Trump threatened them all with debilitating trade sanctions and loss of foreign aid unless they stopped the caravans by any means necessary. Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico all complied, including Mexico's notable deployment of some 10,000 troops on its border with Guatemala, which remains in place and has forcibly stopped every caravan since. In fact, all of the caravans since early 2019 met unruly ends, resulting in forced deportations aboard buses long before they got anywhere near the U.S. southern border. (
I.e. assholes, "Mexico paid for "the wall").

But with Trump now out of office and that lever of force now in Biden's hands, the question becomes how the new president intends to incentivize those governments to continue that status quo and prevent a mass rush on the southern border under his watch.

An answer is now in hand, and we can make an informed guess as to what likely will happen with the next caravan, thanks to solid new reporting by Reuters journalists Laura Gottesdiener, Frank Jack Daniel, and Ted Hesson.

Biden Administration Privately Demanded Guatemala and Mexico Block Caravans

According to their February 12 report based on six U.S. and Mexican sources "with knowledge of diplomatic discussions", the Biden administration has been privately "encouraging" Mexico and Guatemala to keep up their border enforcement against northward migration just as they did under Donald Trump.

Why is it leftists no longer even try to defend their own, yet refuse to change? Seems to me they've come to terms that they're deviants.

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